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No /roll function?

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This imho is biggest fail in any MMO lauch up to date. And the fact that it is not even in next patch notes is staggering. It will literally take 10 min of development time and testing given that whole /XXX emote system is already implemented. Add a new emote that instead of returning a constant sting returns random. I mean to me as a developer it is just .... hell i don't know words for this fail.
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Loot is assigned to players in normal operations.. dont see the issues here, no ninja looters in this game, although i think Hard mode operations have the roll function, i like the loot system, since some of the players are huge loot whores its kinda nice to see loot already assigned to some players who actualy need gear... get over it
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Loot is assigned to players in normal operations.. dont see the issues here, no ninja looters in this game, although i think Hard mode operations have the roll function, i like the loot system, since some of the players are huge loot whores its kinda nice to see loot already assigned to some players who actualy need gear... get over it


You are joking right ? There isn't a roll function in the game period (regardless of operation difficulty). As for normal ops loot getting assigned automatically to players that actually need the gear, tell it to our fresh 50's that didn't get anything this reset, while people already in full t2 got to gear up their...companions.


Random number generation functions are elementary programming. The fact that they still haven't implemented this is mind boggling.

Edited by Tristanian
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You are joking right ? There isn't a roll function in the game period (regardless of operation difficulty). As for normal ops loot getting assigned automatically to players that actually need the gear, tell it to our fresh 50's that didn't get anything this reset, while people already in full t2 got to gear up their...companions.


so at no point threw the whole of this game you have not once seen a Greed/Need options???? flashpoints have greed/need only Operations dont have it as far as i know

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so at no point threw the whole of this game you have not once seen a Greed/Need options???? flashpoints have greed/need only Operations dont have it as far as i know


I really don't understand where you are going with this. The whole point of a /random function is for the raid leader (with master looter on) to be able to assign an item to a person that needs it most, when there are multiple candidates around, while at the same time ensuring that everyone gets to see what has been rolled, so no one can dispute the claim when rolling 'behind the scenes'. With the current system in place, assigned items are completely random in normal ops and on hard/nm you are basically forced to sort it out amongst yourselves/raid leader. While that isn't bad in itself, I don't see how implementing a simple random function can be so detrimental to the point that we need to 'get over it'. Seriously.

Edited by Tristanian
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I can understand where you're coming from, but the basic function of seeint the /roll, "hey i hit a 99 woot!...only to be beaten by a 100...:D" is a fun aspect that can be used in a number of scenarios. Not just for loot in a dungeon. Maybe 2 tanks want to run a FP and you only need 1...roll for it! You made a sweet piece of gear and its going to a BH and both need it, roll for it!....


Seriously though coming up with extra uses for including the /roll function is kinda dumb but I'd do it just to campaign for this issue I feel so strongly about.




For those 2 BH situations, Who needs more practice tanking? and Who is this peice of gear a bigger upgrade for?/Who needs it more? should be the first question asked. /roll really isn't needed in either of those 2 cases. Also all things being equal, let the 2 of them decide on who gets what, and if you can craft the gear, whyy would you only make 1 when you have 2 people who need it?

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Seriously we made a random 1-100 generator in my INTRO to programming class. The assignment took me about 15 minutes as an amateur. If your programmers can't figure it out, fire them. Lots of people looking for jobs these days that would probably try harder.


Really you had to make it? Funny I remember it being a command in C.

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"We'd like to avoid having people 'ninja' loot from other people, so we're going to create a system in which the game 'ninjas' loot to whoever it wants automatically!"


Much Love,


The Devs




Obviously I'm being sarcastic, but this is essentially the outcome.

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Careful with the petition thing...too many /signed gets the thread locked sometimes. Forum rules are overly strict IMO. Having said that, I wholeheartedly concur. It is a little hard to get my head around the reality that this was actually left out. Instead of /signed I'll put /boggle
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Dr. Samuel Johnson is right about Olsen Johnson being right.... Even FFXI and WoW had /random or /roll ... Please fix this... I honestly could give a frack about being able to use emotes on my speeder...... PRIORITIES...



Your end-game subscribers BW are the ones who will carry your game on for years... this is something you should take to heart.

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How is there honestly no /roll function? Please tell me this is just a huge oversight by the devs and not something that was intentionally held out of the game. Me and some others formed an op group to down a world boss. We put it on master looter and down said boss, only to come to find out that we can't /roll for loot. HOW DOES THIS GET LEFT OUT?! That's absolutely ridiculous!


There is a /roll function it's called "group loot"


Master looter is a setting intended for raiding/guild dungeons in which a leader (the raid/op leader) typically disburses loot along pre-arranged guidelines.


Sucks for you though bro.

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