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    Synergy Event Volenteer
  1. A guildie of mine noticed that the first heal tick of Kolto probe no longer happens when cast, but a bit later. With the funy effect that if you refresh your Kolto Probe before its first heal tick it skips the heal tick from the first stack. This occurs for instance when you wish to get 2 stacks on a tank. Try it by spaming the Kolto Probe ability on a single person, and see how he/she does not get any heals at all till you stop spamming. I did not read anything about this in the current patch notes. So I'm not sure if this was an intended change. Note: It didn't noticably impact our healing on a hardmode Dread Palice Operation
  2. Two recent examples of effects that are not or barely visible under Phasewalk: Dread Pool (Dread palace HM - Dread Master Bestia) Inferno (Dread palace - Dread Master Tyrans)
  3. My 8 man ops healers, heal for 4500hps, thats 9000hps x 5% = 450hps that my Phasewalk heals. Add to that the 2% extra incoming healing the talent gives. I would not call that worthless for a tank. I'd like to use it as often as possible, hence the request to change the graphics.
  4. I agree. In some boss fights I'm forbidden by the healers to use my phasewalk because it hides deadly red circles from boss mechanics. Either put it at the bottem or change it to a circle outline instead of a 'disk'.
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