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Adrenal mats are horrible


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It might be wrong, but I developed a habit of recalculating credits to gold in a 1000:1 ratio, i.e. 1k credits equal roughly one WoW-Gold. This impression stems from the reward values, not the player market, ofc.


When you look at the operation expenses from such an angle, I think that the pricing of SWTOR consumables are quite reasonable.


It's not a bad approach to take at all. What many people don't seem to account for is the fact that the currency unit in SWTOR never changes. In WoW (for example) you start out earning copper, then silver, then gold (with 100 of each unit equaling 1 of the next higher unit). In SWTOR, it's like you are earning copper the whole time, which is why the numbers are so large.


If you spend 100g in repairs and consumables, that's 1,000,000 copper. That helps put large credit numbers in perspective.


Anyway, back to the topic - the materials cost/output of consumables, particularly adrenals, which are always prototype quality at least, could use some adjusting. Either fewer mats, or more items created should do the trick.

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Remove all adrenals from the game.


Problem solved.





To satisfy the complainers because they can't have what bio-crafters can? Then all they need to do is get the same profession. It's really simple, make an added character and make them for all your other guys.

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Blue level adrenal / stim (consumed on use) - 100% effect/efficiency

Purple level adrenal / stim (re-usable Biochem only) - 80% effect / efficiency

Green level adrenal / stim (consumed on use) - 80% effect / efficiency

Purple level adrenal stim (re-usable anyone can use) - 60% effect / efficiency


This would create a market for the blue level consumables (actual consumables) when you need the absolute best effect and reduce the benefit gap that biochem users now enjoy (and I am one of them).

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Correction: remove purple adrenals, purple medpacks, and purple stims from the game, problem solved.


OR, allow everyone to take biochem as a second crafting profession, problem solved.


I think the first sentence there can be shortened to "remove biochem".

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Have you guys raided at all in any other games? I've raided in half a dozen other games, and they all require significant money to do it. It's a money sink. What else are you going to spend your credits on? I'm sitting at 4M and i'm not even a heavy crafter or anything. You get 1-200K an hr just doing the daily.


My problem with the current Biochem is you're making 1 stim or 1 adrenal at a time. And each takes like 30mins. That's ridiculous.


Maybe it could be a little cheaper, but the costs isn't that abnormal from any other game. Like i said, what else are you going to spend the credits on?


You don't HAVE to use those. If you're a casual raider, then you're a casual raider, you can do your raids without consumables. But hardcore raiders are hardcore players, they're going to go out and earn that credit for that little 'extra' during the raid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i realy dont understent why you think the biochem have unfair system.

open your eyes.


you need about 200k/raid for consumables. when the same time after 2-4 raid evry boss is dead. that means you need max 800k for week raids.

The daily quests offers you 150k/day. its about 1000k per week.


If for any reason you do more than 4 raids/week or more than 3-4 hours raid per day You are Hardcore player. And hardcore a hardcore players is not those who just do a lot of hours raid/week. Hardcore players is a pack of thinks you do. and one fo them is to spend a lot of time on farming cash for your consumables. - repairs.


The only difirence i can find is SWTOR is a new game and the most of the players have only 1 char. But in other games who is online more time the most of the players have more than 1 char. and they have gathering proffesions on the alts to farm they own materials and sell to make cash. So the prices here will go down in the future.


And the last think is in other MMO you will see tons of BOTS who destroy the economy.

But here you cant do just daily like in other mmo.

Even if you go and farm with your main your matterials and then sell them you will make a lot of cash.


Cybertech have bombs and other good thinks for PVP and in some situaton for PVE.

So if you dont like it just remove it you chose wrong proffesion.


The other proffesions offers you near End game gear. and other thinks you can sell for a lot of cash.


So if you are crying becouse you chose non biochem and you spend cash for consumables but you dont like to do dailys or farm. i have to say you dint chose wrong proffesions but you chose wrong game. This is RPG. not Mortal Combat or any other action game.

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