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Random freezes and crashes after todays patch


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Really Bioware, really?


Todays patch has screwed up what was a rocksolid client that didnt crash or freeze or nothing.

Now its almost unplayable, I just dont get why companies wont spend money on QA to make sure they dont release patches that are borking the main purpose of the client, ie playing the game.


I guess some of that voiceover budget should have gone towards a proper QA department, huh?

Edited by Propanelgen
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I have the freezing issue as well since today, also made a thread about it. I always like playing this game but this new feature really sucks the will to play right out of me for some reason. Guess we'll have to wait atleast a week before anything can be done.
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I started crashing with the Saturday patch, didn't start till Sunday though. I crash when I right click on the companion circle (this happens very often after going down a moving platform, use saber toss (JK Guard or Sith Jugg), Queue for War Zones.


Up until this weekend game ran great, now it's just pissing me off.

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