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Commando Ammo: 12 is not enough!


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I have been playing a commando for over a week now and over the course of that week I have been having trouble staying alive trying to heal myself and my companion and running out of ammo. I have talked to other people that play commando's and they agree that 12 ammo is way to low for all the abilities we use. Jedi and Sith healers and dps get 100 force or power and they do really well with not running out. So whats the deal?
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Hm, wrong forum methinks. I'd love to have more ammo too though. :) Remember, ammo and force pools are relative to how much the abilities consume - eg, a typical trooper attack uses up 3 ammo, while a jedi attack might use 30 force.



Edit: Bah, I missed the point that this is really a healing spec issue. I don't have enough experience there, so I will bow out of this one. I will say this though: Consulars/Sorcerors get a force pool of 500 to 600 points, which is extremely generous when it comes to just fighting. I have a Sorceror and Shadow, and my Shadow is definitely jealous of that.

Edited by rvhausen
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I rarely run out of ammo on mine.


Its all about resource management. As long as you keep your ammo over half, it regens incredibly fast and you should have little problem keeping up.


Then use reload, and your other ammo talents to get it back up if you have to dip under half in an emergency.

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You're doing it wrong.


Either A) you're not properly specc'd for healing, meaning your heals are inefficient/cost too much ammo.


B) you are undergeared/prepared for the encounter, meaning your companion or yourself die too quickly for efficient heals to land.


C)you are mis-managing the ammo resource.


If C, allow me to present the following review:

Ammo regenerates faster the more you have of it. Just to the right of your ammo count is a series of four arrows, that when you have 80%(ish) or greater ammo, will look like this: >>>>. When you use your ammo, those go down to three >>>, then two >>, then one >, then no arrows. Getting below three arrows is bad, becuase you're then using your powers faster than ammo regenerates. So, use your abilities wisely. Instead of Heal Heal Heal, try Heal, shoot, Heal, shoot, Heal. If an emergency comes up and you ned to heal, heal, heal, then that's when you use Reload to give you a shot of more ammo, keeping you above three arrows.


Too be fair, this is *never* explained in game, you're expected to figure it out on your own.

Edited by foolsama
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Too be fair, this is *never* explained in game, you're expected to figure it out on your own.


Yes it is, it's in the codex under game mechanics. Reads something on the lines of: ammo regenerates faster when you have more of it, so use hammer shot regularly to keep your ammo up.

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