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Voidstar Fixed Civil War Still Broke...Getting Tired Of Favortism


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Sure sure...guess video proof and people actually seeing it all the time isn't enough.


Keep trying to divert attention away from it.


Who's diverting. I am republic and I am telling you. You are making hyperbole, because it's obvious you never go after the east node. The video is just showing a group ignoring the east node instead of capping it themselves. Go ahead lets see a vid of Imps capping say, the west node, it won't happen with the instant tick. It's the east node. Reps can take it to and get the boosted damage. You are just showing your ignorance, because our team has been constantly taking that node, getting the instant damage tick +5 and even if the Imps cap a single node they are still at a 15 point deficit by the time they get one turret swung around.


Instead of making up bullarcky actually go try this, and instead of pretending you do, actually go do it, because like any rep team will tell you that node is an instant +5 tick before a single other gun will swing.

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You are right, I was reading it wrong...not enough coffee yet.


See the Dev's response on reddit:


"I think this has to do with the way it ticks damage. It can happen the other way as well; I think it only checks to see what turrets are controlled (and thus, if it should tick damage) every X seconds. So if you cap right after a check, it will be a few seconds before another tick. It is weird behavior, to be sure, but it doesn't always favor the Empire. It is just the damage ticks being weird, I think, for whatever reason."


The ticks are also off-set between the turrets to prevent the possibility of a tie ever happening.


This is wrong. Video proves it. Republic turret caps first - doesn't deal damage until later, often AFTER Sith one does, which also SHOOTS TWICE.


Oh, i read it. Since the two turrets are equidistant from where you land, though, i ignored it because its completely crap.


Ok, you're just a troll. Got it.

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Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.



Yet the Civil War tickets still gives the Empire an advantage with tickets counting against Republic faster. It's not a small difference either it's a 35 ticket difference.


I love how they fix the Republics advantage RIGHT AWAY but the Empire gets to keep theirs.



Tired of your crap BW...I really am...


Yeah, for all those Civil Wars we lose by 5-10 points.




It would be nice if they fixed it, but I've never once been impacted by this, as 90% of the games I play are determined by <150

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It should be noted that while the Voidstar bug granted an automatic win to the Republic, the Civil War bug can easily be countered by good teamwork by the Republic which makes it substantially less game-breaking.


Not defending it, mind you. Bugs are bugs and should be fixed.


I'm just rationalizing the order of addressing using the perspective of a game developer, and not a "they hate my faction" reactionary.


My main point is that it doesn't happen in favor of the Republic anytime I have ever seen it. But it has consistently happened every time the Empire has captured the turret first.


Someone had said at one point the turret was already pointed at the Republic ship and that's why it fired faster because it didn't have the rotate time. I haven't confirmed it so I can't say that's true or not.

Edited by oblongship
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In Bioware's defense, Civil War only gives Empire 1 tick ahead if both is captured at the same time. I believe this is to prevent any sort of ties in the warzone.


If you look at huttball, last person hold the ball wins the game in an event of a tie. I still have no idea how Void Star works but i believe there is one implemented for tie breakers. Now, there has to be one also for Civil War in some sort of event that neither side capture the middle point but have the 2 side captured respectively.


Republic just got the short end of the stick. I re-rolled Republic to help out and try to elevate the server population, but noticed alot of problems that favor Empire. This is one of them.


I am more concerned about fixing the Warzone "bug" where one side have 10+people to start with, and sometimes one side starts with only 6, while other have 10. Republic player got the short end of the stick on this too. Due to Empire just simply have more population, thus leading to more players queing for PvP.


Hope the Devs will look into these problems and come up with a fix.

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It doesn't from my experience. I have also never seen a game with closer then 50 difference so is a couple seconds faster tick time really meaningful?



I have lost 5 - 0 yes by 5 pts QQ lol they must have got that faster gun dang it. Man people trying to prove something that can't be proven at all with a video has me LMAO. Wow so many real bugs and problems in game and having peeps crying over this is a /facepalm fo sure.


Please fix IILUM what a cluster that is.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Again if Reps take the east turret they get the bonus tick. We have to travel a bit further to get the east turret, but Reps are still capable of getting it before the Empire can cap it.


Wrong...if Republic captures it, we do not get the "bonus tick"

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Again trying to divert attention from an obvious issue.


Got to love it when video proof isn't enough for people. Silly Empire cries hard over voidstar yet denies Civil War with video proof.


..right, but when video proof shows up of it going both ways, you cling to "its lag", "its fake", "you're lying".


It isn't truth. It's you, trying to find an excuse for why you got rolled in Alderaan. Let me guess: you guys flood the mid at the start of the game?


If the answer is yes...


PEBKAC issue.

Edited by Noctournys
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In Bioware's defense, Civil War only gives Empire 1 tick ahead if both is captured at the same time. I believe this is to prevent any sort of ties in the warzone.


If you look at huttball, last person hold the ball wins the game in an event of a tie. I still have no idea how Void Star works but i believe there is one implemented for tie breakers. Now, there has to be one also for Civil War in some sort of event that neither side capture the middle point but have the 2 side captured respectively.


Republic just got the short end of the stick. I re-rolled Republic to help out and try to elevate the server population, but noticed alot of problems that favor Empire. This is one of them.


I am more concerned about fixing the Warzone "bug" where one side have 10+people to start with, and sometimes one side starts with only 6, while other have 10. Republic player got the short end of the stick on this too. Due to Empire just simply have more population, thus leading to more players queing for PvP.


Hope the Devs will look into these problems and come up with a fix.


Um, actually, this issue happens to both factions and is pretty easy to reproduce. It happens when someone gets the queue and then doesn't take it immediately - when the count gets down to 10 or 15 seconds, the game sometimes fills their slot even though they still have a few seconds to hit accept - and then they hit it and you get extra people in the game.


Ive done it on accident (was tabbed out) and seen it happen against me, on both factions.

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Um, actually, this issue happens to both factions and is pretty easy to reproduce. It happens when someone gets the queue and then doesn't take it immediately - when the count gets down to 10 or 15 seconds, the game sometimes fills their slot even though they still have a few seconds to hit accept - and then they hit it and you get extra people in the game.


Ive done it on accident (was tabbed out) and seen it happen against me, on both factions.


That might explain how one side have 8+ players, but it does not account for why the game starts with only 5-6 players, usually republic side, but with a full team for the other side, Empire. I played both factions to 50 and i never encountered or rarely for the Empire side.

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So what I get from reading this thread is:


- When the empire takes the turret that is a few paces closer to them than the republic, it ticks faster for 5 points.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, because I can't watch the video (I'm at work), but you're trying to compare this to republic getting out of their spawn and getting a minute head start?


Don't get me wrong, the issue should be fixed but is it really worth this much Q.Q? 5 points? I'm rank 40 and the game has only ever been decided by 5 points once (and the republic won that one).

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That might explain how one side have 8+ players, but it does not account for why the game starts with only 5-6 players, usually republic side, but with a full team for the other side, Empire. I played both factions to 50 and i never encountered or rarely for the Empire side.


People sitting in the queue not taking it, pretty much.


Ive done it to my team as well. They started the game with 7, and when i requeued after it elapsed, i immediately got into their game.

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That might explain how one side have 8+ players, but it does not account for why the game starts with only 5-6 players, usually republic side, but with a full team for the other side, Empire. I played both factions to 50 and i never encountered or rarely for the Empire side.

LOL just because you have not noticed the Empire side being short since you can not see their raid frames does not mean it has not happened.

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That might explain how one side have 8+ players, but it does not account for why the game starts with only 5-6 players, usually republic side, but with a full team for the other side, Empire. I played both factions to 50 and i never encountered or rarely for the Empire side.


Yea it does. Seriously are people just ignoring facts? If 8 people queue up for Warzone, and the queue pops, 4 people enter, but 4 people are afk. That means the warzone started, it can't force people to push the enter now button. On my server back in Vanilla WoW, use to have Hordies who actually had afk bots that would fill our queue and would end up causing us to be short people on Alliance. Not saying Imps are doing it here, you can't fix people who enter a queue and never push a button, and I know there are plenty of people who enter the queue, enter the warzone then leave for no reason or get kicked or whatever.


So that's not an issue of a warzone starting short. It's an issue of people just being inconsiderate.

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Yes, you do. Quit posting misinformation. It's obvious you are just one of those who don't even PvP you just jump on false bandwagons.


*sigh* Again it's not misinformation. It is fact. I have NEVER seen it tick instantly for Republic but I have ALWAYS seen it tick right away for Empire.


Please stop trying to fill this thread with your lies.

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Yeah I am not paying attention to the Empire kiddies trying to troll the thread, but yeah it's very annoying to see a bug in republics favor busted right away but NOOOOOOO leave the Empires bug in and un-addressed.


An exploit, not a bug. and you smoke to much weed if you think that the tick is faster from one faction to the other.


So basically your whole premise is just BS and pointless. foffdb

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So what I get from reading this thread is:


- When the empire takes the turret that is a few paces closer to them than the republic, it ticks faster for 5 points.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, because I can't watch the video (I'm at work), but you're trying to compare this to republic getting out of their spawn and getting a minute head start?


Don't get me wrong, the issue should be fixed but is it really worth this much Q.Q? 5 points? I'm rank 40 and the game has only ever been decided by 5 points once (and the republic won that one).


A minute head start? You know, I don't care for the oblong person trying to make up misinformation about something but you really aren't helping your faction either by stating misinformation either.

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It should be noted that while the Voidstar bug granted an automatic win to the Republic, the Civil War bug can easily be countered by good teamwork by the Republic which makes it substantially less game-breaking.


Not defending it, mind you. Bugs are bugs and should be fixed.


I'm just rationalizing the order of addressing using the perspective of a game developer, and not a "they hate my faction" reactionary.


The voidstar bug wasn't an instant win. My sith alts counter it constantly by just running up to the door and AOE'ing it.

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Yea it does. Seriously are people just ignoring facts? If 8 people queue up for Warzone, and the queue pops, 4 people enter, but 4 people are afk. That means the warzone started, it can't force people to push the enter now button. On my server back in Vanilla WoW, use to have Hordies who actually had afk bots that would fill our queue and would end up causing us to be short people on Alliance. Not saying Imps are doing it here, you can't fix people who enter a queue and never push a button, and I know there are plenty of people who enter the queue, enter the warzone then leave for no reason or get kicked or whatever.


So that's not an issue of a warzone starting short. It's an issue of people just being inconsiderate.


Ok, yes i get that how you get 8+ people in one single warzone. I get it. Clearly you made your point there. Maybe you should read the whole post before getting on the band-wagon.


What i was stating afterwards is how the warzone starts, alot of times, with only 5-6 players on the republic side. If your stating other players can take the que before the timer runs out. It does not explain how the game would start with only 5-6 players on the republic side while empire side have a full 8 players.


Edit: Clearly you are saying thats the reason to get 8+players on one team. Then because that reason, before the game starts it would and should fill the rest of the player on the 5 man team.

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That might explain how one side have 8+ players, but it does not account for why the game starts with only 5-6 players, usually republic side, but with a full team for the other side, Empire. I played both factions to 50 and i never encountered or rarely for the Empire side.


Now I know you guys are paranoid. This happened literally 25% of the time I played games last night as empire.

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