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Datacrons quests - one of the worst ideas ever


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It's amazing to me the things people will find to complain about.


No, this isn't Quake. It's not any other MMO, either. It has these things that sometimes you have to jump to get to. Big deal. If you're not good at jumping, consider it a challenge. If you don't like it, skip it.


If there's something you don't enjoy about the game, skip it. Or suck it up and do it anyway. A lot of people do enjoy the datacrons, and that's all that matters. Campaigning to have it taken away from those people is just selfish and, ultimately, pointless.

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Campaigning to have it taken away from those people is just selfish and, ultimately, pointless.


The OP isn't stating to take them away but implement them in a more thoughtful manner besides what they consider to be unthoughful. They're looking for puzzles, monsters to beat, etc. to get to a datacron.

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The OP isn't stating to take them away but implement them in a more thoughtful manner besides what they consider to be unthoughful. They're looking for puzzles, monsters to beat, etc. to get to a datacron.


Calling for a nerf is still dishonest. No, but, if, maybe about it.


Please feel free to spine it as you wish... I was able to do them so.




. 2 have grappling issue and they'll get fixed; (And the are still do-able in the current condition);

. 1 is just a question of patience and aim, calling for a nerf because YOU are not willing to take the time to get them is lame.

Edited by IPaq
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Datacrons are one of the best ideas ever.


A game that actually REWARDS you for exploring their game world, with hidden chests and small but permanent stat boosts?


What a great idea!


And your jumping skills don't really have to be THAT great to get the datacrons...


But regardless, I do think it's one of the best ideas ever in a MMORPG, and while it's a very small part of the gameplay, I do think every single other MMORPG should take note...

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If you can't time a jump correctly then maybe video games are a little out of the range of your hand-eye coordination skills. Try chess?


Hey don't diss cheese.


I know of some blue cheese being sentient enough to get those datacrons.

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If you can't time a jump correctly then maybe video games are a little out of the range of your hand-eye coordination skills. Try chess?


This is presumably supposed to be an RPG, not a flinch game. If I had wanted to play a stupid platformer, I'd have bought super mario. At least it presumably has decent controls.

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Dear players,


I write this message to you, yet I also hope someone from the "amazing" Bioware/EA staff will get the idea.


I did 1/3 of the datacrons quests although I had to say I gave up a few.

To get datacrons you have to be a Quake player. From Bioware and from a MMORPG in general, I expect smart quests.


I have never played Quake. I am getting to them just fine.


I understand if you have to guess a riddle, to travel till the end of the map, to fight hard tactical fights (kind of old wow Nax) and so on.

What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why I have to be proficient in virtual Olympic jumping to get those datacrons. I did not buy Quake but SWTOR.


Datacrons fit within the lore as a take off on holocrons. Holocrons are typically in hard to get to places. Thus, the way the implemented datacrons is perfectly reasonable within SW:TOR. Either way, SW:TOR has this in the game; therefore, whether Quake has similar challenges is irrelevant. Yes, you bought SW:TOR, and SW:TOR has this in it. Therefore, you bought this.


Not to mention that the game does NOT contain any of the force jump abilities we are used in movies and previous sw games.


The first time I did the datacrons for the balloon ride on Tat, I got the upper datacron on the sandcrawler but missed the platform for the lower one. My son brought out his Guardian, and force pushed me to the lower platform. The night before last, knowing that you could miss, I went along on the balloon ride to the sandcrawler with a friend who had not gotten them, and the balloon ride glitched, leaving us on the sand within a stone's throw of the sandcrawler. So we launched my Shadow up to the top of the sandcrawler with a Smuggler's pushback skill (but Force Wave or Force Push would have also worked), then I Force Pulled everyone else up. When a couple of people missed the lower platform, I pulled them back up so they could try again. One guy was particularly grateful for this because, apparently, this was the third time he was trying to get there and the third time the ride glitched on him.


No, Force Leap cannot be used for something like this unless someone is already there. Unless you give every class that ability, it would be unbalanced. However, your suggestion that Force (or other) skills are of no use is simply wrong.


This situation, combined with a lot of bugs (already mentioned here and elsewhere on the web) and the "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy, make me think how much I want to continue this game (which I waited since the announcement).


I haven't reached a decision yet, but I hope that the "smart" datacrons quests writers to be given the Nobel prise for their IQ.




Every game has bugs. Get used to the fact that you will never play a bug free game. Get over it.


Either way, the challenges work just fine. Your problem is simply that you just want the reward without having to work for it. So what if the challenge is different than "go kill this, then kill the boss, then loot his corpse or some box he was guarding"? People complain that this game is just like [the game that shall not be named], then complain with they offer some different challenges.


And lose the sarcastic quote marks. It does not make you sound "smart" just because you use quotes to comment about something you don't like.

Edited by Sotaudi
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This is presumably supposed to be an RPG, not a flinch game. If I had wanted to play a stupid platformer, I'd have bought super mario. At least it presumably has decent controls.


Then explain what make the people getting them so special?

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Well, I'm amazed how many replies this thread has got in such a short time.


I was and I am frustrated, yet some of you really did not get the point (maybe it was my bad english), therefore I will rephrase it: I do not wish an easy game, nor to take out datacrons, etc.


What I believe is that it would have been more RPG Bioware style to make "smart hard" for getting datacrons. THe jumping crap olimpycs (maybe I'm bad, maybe my keyboard is bad, maybe I have a bit of lagg, maybe etc.) is just... Nintendo style. You dont need brain to do it, no skill (real skill not jumping around stuff), nothing.


Also, as long as datacrons influence the endgame, it is NOT OPTIONAL!



Edited by Moitteva
rude, disrespectful
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Calling for a nerf is still dishonest. No, but, if, maybe about it.


Please feel free to spine it as you wish... I was able to do them so.




. 2 have grappling issue and they'll get fixed; (And the are still do-able in the current condition);

. 1 is just a question of patience and aim, calling for a nerf because YOU are not willing to take the time to get them is lame.


Not sure where the call for the nerf is in the OP for the datacrons but a request, poorly put at that, for something different rather than jumping.

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The first time I did the datacrons for the balloon ride on Tat, I got the upper datacron on the sandcrawler but missed the platform for the lower one. My son brought out his Guardian, and force pushed me to the lower platform. The night before last, knowing that you could miss, I went along on the balloon ride to the sandcrawler with a friend who had not gotten them, and the balloon ride glitched, leaving us on the sand within a stone's throw of the sandcrawler.


1. I suspect that the balloon circuit is actually 1 and 4/5th. If you take the balloon after its first circuit it despawn on ppl. I didn't confirm that yet, but I suspect it;


2. To get to the second datacron, remove your running buff, use / to walk slowly, and stand facing the sandcrawler while using arrow down+jump to slide down the side and not bounce of it.

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Also, as long as datacrons influence the endgame, it is NOT OPTIONAL!


It is optional as you don't require them to be proficient at "endgame"( hate that term ). Someone can have all the datacrons but be flat out crappy at questing, pvp'ing, FPs, etc.

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Well, I'm amazed how many replies this thread has got in such a short time.


I was and I am frustrated, yet some of you really did not get the point (maybe it was my bad english), therefore I will rephrase it: I do not wish an easy game, nor to take out datacrons, etc.


What I believe is that it would have been more RPG Bioware style to make "smart hard" for getting datacrons. THe jumping crap olimpycs (maybe I'm bad, maybe my keyboard is bad, maybe I have a bit of lagg, maybe etc.) is just... Nintendo style. You dont need brain to do it, no skill (real skill not jumping around stuff), nothing.


Also, as long as datacrons influence the endgame, it is NOT OPTIONAL!




Not all the datacrons are like that, some are just finding the path to get to them. Acturally most are. There are a few that involve some good jumping skills but not really that many.


I think the problem is that no matter how they did it you wouldnt be happy unless you just had to walk up to them and click them.

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I think the problem is that no matter how they did it you wouldnt be happy unless you just had to walk up to them and click them.



Your assumption is based on what? The fact I consider excessive jumping a poor playing style?

I am surprised you prefer jumps instead of .... lets say, riddles the type a game like Baldur's Gate 2 had. Riddles with multiple solutions where depending on your answer, you get something or not. Or difficult quests and so on. Instead of this, we have jumping.

I am not sure why I bother explaining this since ... it was self explanatory from the beginning.




p.s. No matter how optional they are, an improvement to main stats is mandatory for .... those who seek challenges in pvp/pve (to avoid the endgame term).

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This is presumably supposed to be an RPG, not a flinch game. If I had wanted to play a stupid platformer, I'd have bought super mario. At least it presumably has decent controls.


Datacrons are a take off on Holocrons. They are objects containing knowledge (in this case, that boost your stats). They fit within the lore. That makes them an RPG element. Holocrons are typically in difficult to reach places, which makes the mechanics of Datacron hunting reasonable. Again, this is perfectly reasonable in an RPG setting.


Either way, people keep saying "this is not a [insert game type here], so this doesn't belong." Well, this is in this game, so, in at least one respect, it is that type of game.


There is an old expression, "'Tis a poor craftsman that blames his tools." People need to quit making assumptions about how the controls should work and start learning how to use the controls as they do work. Once you get the timing, it works just fine.

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