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Bag system killing my enjoyment


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I'm probably one of the few people that enjoyed PvP in Rift, I actually really liked it (hated the PvE content though).


It took a ridiculous amount of time to get to rank 8 and have all the valor needed to obtain all the gear. I would rather have it take two months and be able to pick and choose what I want than grind my arse off and continue to get shafted.


Not a fan of how PvP works in this game in general. I still play it every now and again, but I just have no desire to grind it. The bag system is simply terrible. I had 3 weeks of grinding bags from both Ilum and WF and I got 3 pieces. Guildy dinged level 50 opened 4 bags saved up with commendations from leveling and got 3 pieces, one of which was legs.


To know in the back of your mind that someone who dinged 50 a week ago can have more gear than you obtained in a month is just FUBAR period. MMO's are time sinks, and a player who puts in the effort simply expects to be rewarded appropriately and have that competitive advantage.


I'll still PvP here and there, but it's just not my focus in this game.

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What makes you think you should get full T2 easily at rank 34?


Do people just want a bag of full purplz once they reach 50?


Because it is easier to get it with high valor rank? Dont be a fool and defend this retarded system! Gear should NEVER be fully randomized! And to have it being possible to be duplicates is just..well retarded!


Bioware/Mythic can possibly not have even thought this through Alittle, any semi-intelligent person could have told them it would be a fail!


And when farming gear is the only thing to do endgame, well no wonder massive amounts of PvP:ers are just quitting the game never to look back.

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I'm not a huge fan of random generated stuff either. I don't mind having a grind, even a ridiculously long grind (I came from Final Fantasy 11) and I don't want things handed to me on a silver platter, I just would like to see some sort of change set in place where every fifth or tenth bag you get at least one item. I was 0/25 on bags. I was convinced it was because I didn't finish the storyline quests, so I went back and finished them. Then the next two bags in a row, I got a implant and a set of gloves. I was like ok, it's not that bad I was right! Then a guildy was like I'm not done with the main story quest and I have four champ items. Theory debunked. Since those two bags I've gone 0/12 since. I will be super depressed when I start getting the same item that I already have... when I actually get an item. I wouldn't mind if they put in a system where it was like every 1000 merc commendations, you trade in for one token of your choice or something like that so you could at least decide what you'd get from your work.
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Valor 58. Been level 50 for about 2.5 weeks, and I have every piece except the gloves, which I bought Centurion gloves.


You have hot streaks, and then you have dry streaks.


Then there are streaks in your underwear, that's what this RNG system is.

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The system is terrible, and it doesn't get any better. If you don't like it, there is a way out, unfortunately. :(


I have a better idea though. Remove Mercenary Commendations, Champion bags, and Battlemaster bags. Up the cap on Warzone Commendations. All players can purchase Centurion gear with Warzone Commendations. Once players reach Valor 50, they can purchase Champion gear with Warzone Commendations. Once players reach Valor 60, they can purchase Battlemaster gear with Warzone Commendations. The cost of gear will scale with tier and type of item.



Oh hey, I just came up with that as I typed this post. And it's already a far better system than what Bioware has come up with in the 5 years of development of this game. GG.

Edited by Sevvy
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Valor lvl 29 here, so far I'm 3 for 23 for champion bags. I thought my luck was the worst when I compared to my friend who is already 8 for 30, but it seems my luck is far from the worst with some of you guys with 2 items in 40 something attempt...


IMO, I enjoy the RNG element of the champion bags, as it is fun to suddenly get a brand new champion item. WHat I dont like is the consolation prize, ie the centurion commendation... Am I the only one who finds it idiotic to have T1 commendations, OR a T2 item? Is it normal that in one lucky bag I can get a T2 main hand weapon, whereas I will need 26 unlucky bag to get the same weapon, but in T1 instead of T2???


People are talking about hard grinding as a better option because at least they can plan ahead and see the progress accordingly. In order to keep the RNG in, here is what I would propose:


Centurion (T1): Gear buyable with the mercenary commendations (as long as they are only obtainable by 3:1 conversion)


Champion (T2): You get an unlucky bag, you get 1 CHAMPION commendation. You get a lucky bag, you get one token of a random piece. If you already have that piece, you can trade the token for 2 CHAMPION commendations


BM (T3): Bioware creates a Battlemaster commendation, so you can grind this if you are unlucky in your Battlemaster bags. You can buy BM gear either by using the commendation (with jacked up prices, like maybe 50-60 per set item for major slots, and 30-35 for minor slots) or with the BM token that are already implanted in the game.


This way, you can get lucky and get an appropriate tier item in one bag, but if you are not lucky, at least the commendations you get can be used to buy a piece of the same tier...


That system would make me happy!

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While I have been extremely lucky, I also think there needs to be a good balance struck between RNG & not having full T2/T3 set within a few weeks.


I ran a total of 5 WZs before I dinged 50 as I was more interested in the story line and getting to 50 than I was worried about having PVP gear.


I dinged 50 three weeks ago, and starting the week after that (so two weeks ago), I have done all of my weekly/daily quests, as well as bought champ bags.


I lost where I wrote down the total amount of bags I have opened, but I can guess within an error of about a +/- 5 margin that I have opened 58 bags so far. From those bags I have received:


Pants x 1, Headpiece x 1, Relic x 1, Belt x 1, Offhand x 1 (traded in for a lightasber, since i didn't get one yet), Earpiece x 2, Bracers x 2, and Mainhand x 3, which means I am getting gear at a 20% rate, and if I only count unique pieces, I am getting it at an 11% rate.


Now I feel fortunate that RNG has favored me in strides, but now that I am seeing a lot of doubles and empty bags in bulk, I can see the frustration.


I don't have anywhere as near of long of an MMO playing history by a longshot as others do (this is my second, AION was my first), so while I don't have a clue as to how PVP equipment rewards worked in other games, I can say after playing the RNG grindfest that AION was (but oddly enough, RNG was far more PVE based than PVP), I can honestly say an RNG system is not rewarding, nor fun. To me it only says one thing; too lazy to write a good system.

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try grinding BM gear , champion token, champion token , champion token champion token

champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token champion token


champion token :eek:


Thanks. Giving this game 2 more weeks.

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guild mate hit 50: 6 bags, 6 different piece of champion gear including weapon.

Friend has been 50 for 2 weeks: Opened 35 bags, weapon and offhand.

GJ Bioware, I think a lot of people were giving this game a chance for the 2nd month but something like this not being addressed makes the game just look bad, especially an MMO with a subscription. You expect time put in to yield rewards, not seeing some fresh 50 get more gear than you in seconds while you've been trying for weeks.

Edited by Anduiin
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The RNG system is definitely not the best as some people can be very unlucky.


However you're still progressing with every bag you open.


If you're < valor rank 60, you should think of it as slowly working towards centurion set with chance of getting champ gear


If you're > valor rank 60, you should think of it as slowly working on completing champ set with chance of getting BM gear.


Duplicates can be annoying but the mods and enhancements can be used to upgrade your centurion pieces. Centurion armor with champ mods is fairly close to Champ armor.


Also if you play any of the pve you can use some of those mods to upgrade your pvp gear. I have lvl 58 mods in some of my champ gear.


I reached rank 60 on my Marauder yesterday (still missing champ relics and offhand). If you compare the difference between Champ and Battlemaster gear, it's not very big which I think is a good thing.


In the end, it's not worth pvping just for gear.

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The RNG system is definitely not the best as some people can be very unlucky.


However you're still progressing with every bag you open.


If you're < valor rank 60, you should think of it as slowly working towards centurion set with chance of getting champ gear


If you're > valor rank 60, you should think of it as slowly working on completing champ set with chance of getting BM gear.


Duplicates can be annoying but the mods and enhancements can be used to upgrade your centurion pieces. Centurion armor with champ mods is fairly close to Champ armor.


Also if you play any of the pve you can use some of those mods to upgrade your pvp gear. I have lvl 58 mods in some of my champ gear.


I reached rank 60 on my Marauder yesterday (still missing champ relics and offhand). If you compare the difference between Champ and Battlemaster gear, it's not very big which I think is a good thing.


In the end, it's not worth pvping just for gear.


So whats left when i have full champ and i still cant get a single token out of a BM bag?

When others who open up less bags have way more pieces....

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tbh i think this might be my last month in SWTOR crappy random bags,terrible lag in ilum,poor population imbalance with no incentive to join rep ,mirror classes that actually aren't mirror in damage for whatever reason.

The list goes on and on,the pvp is so badly done it can actually get voted for worst pvp in a mmorpg.

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You know cent coms are whats in champ bags to get T1 pvp gear


You have a chance to "WIN" champ gear.....


When you get to BM then you roll on BM gear with a chance to win a battle master com that you can buy whatever you want with



YOU ALSO GET CHAMP COMS to buy T2 for the items you didnt get with luck



PS they should nerf champ bags


Edited by RJChief
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The rng does suck, but compaired to how other games have been, how much effort have you really put in? Most of you talk about having multiple peices, yet the game is only like 5 weeks old, and how many of those have you actually been 50 working towards the set? In other games it takes months to fully gear, and even then if your not the op combo for your team you might not even get the chance at access to all the high end gear.



I am over valor rank 60, and I really don't feel like I am being ripped off on my time spent with the gear I have. If you sub valor 50 I can say you haven't really done that much pvp, and looking at it that way why should you have anywhere near a complete set? Just cause your lvl 50? uh huh, ok.

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You know cent coms are whats in champ bags to get T1 pvp gear


You have a chance to "WIN" champ gear.....


When you get to BM then you roll on BM gear with a chance to win a battle master com that you can buy whatever you want with



YOU ALSO GET CHAMP COMS to buy T2 for the items you didnt get with luck



PS they should nerf champ bags



no you have a chance to get BM token with champ tokens no BM pieces at all only chance to get a bm token

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The rng does suck, but compaired to how other games have been, how much effort have you really put in? Most of you talk about having multiple peices, yet the game is only like 5 weeks old, and how many of those have you actually been 50 working towards the set? In other games it takes months to fully gear, and even then if your not the op combo for your team you might not even get the chance at access to all the high end gear.



I am over valor rank 60, and I really don't feel like I am being ripped off on my time spent with the gear I have. If you sub valor 50 I can say you haven't really done that much pvp, and looking at it that way why should you have anywhere near a complete set? Just cause your lvl 50? uh huh, ok.


Are you out of your mind? Are you really saying people should grind for months on end for... pvp gear while others got lucky, some exploited, and a few did it before the illum change?


Haha you can't be serious. :p

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Are you out of your mind? Are you really saying people should grind for months on end for... pvp gear while others got lucky, some exploited, and a few did it before the illum change?


Haha you can't be serious. :p


God forbid you have to play the game for awhile to get gear......

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