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Republic view of a sith sorcerers


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That is a graphic glitch. It's not doing any damage. I've seen this with other class abilities. Like blaster bolts hitting someone from across the map in Huttball. Or really crazy, at the respawn point in the ship on the Civil War map. They aren't doing any damage, but you can also still hear the ability going off. I've had this glitch happen to my Sorceror a few times. Where the stream keeps going even as the enemy is in their respawn, going from the middle of the Huttball arena.


This is 1 of my fav graphic bug's randomly seeing streams of lightning across the whole map.

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I do have a sith sorcerer btw. It's only lvl 15 and after doing pvp i never want to play it again. I have a lvl 50 dps vanguard main and a lvl 38 dps sentinel alt. The worst thing to see when you get out onto the pvp battlefield to me is a sith sorcerer. I believe it is way too over powered between the insta-lightning that deals about 4k damage per second and the fact that they can stun you and keep you stunned for a long time. All the while just to add a little icing on the top is the fact that they heal as fast as you can hit. Nowadays everytime i go to pvp i have to quit right away after the first game because ill see on averafe 5-6 sorcerers on the opposing team everytime i play. I don't know if the developers unknowingly made the mistake of having an almost impossible class to beat or if i seem to not be able to play right at all. If you agree or would like to talk about another class you think is way to overpowered in the game feel free to post.


Stopped reading here: I believe it is way too over powered between the insta-lightning that deals about 4k damage per second


Just another terribad creating false claims.

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Sorcs aren't OP, they're just stupid easy for anyone to play. You can roll your face over the keyboard and put up 250k in a warzone. You see a lot of them in the 1-49 bracket for this reason. Most of these people are in for a shock when they get to the big kid's bracket.
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For anyone who says its not OP, I beg to differ when 99% of my matches look like this:






Class population is correlated with warzone participation. Class population is not directly correlated with class performance. Warzone participation is not directly correlated with class performance.

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For anyone who says its not OP, I beg to differ when 99% of my matches look like this:






Those two examples are terrible.


1 is sorted by healing with sorcs being top healers where no other healers were present. Irrelevant.


The second is sorted by dmg but the top dmg done was like 18k and top medal count was 1. I don't even know how that is possible.


The only legitimate example you could be making is that there are a lot of sorcs in some WZ's and we've already established that proportion does not equal OP.


There are terrible examples. I could post lots of screenshots of scoreboards to skew any ignorant opinion I wanted to. It means nothing.

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All and all a sith soc has to be on his toes and have some element of luck of be left alone to be effective. When we are singled out we have to result to running, because we are not a great 1 on 1 class unless the other guy does not know how to play.


Hahaha what a joke. Sorc is one of the best one on one classes. In addition to excellent sustained dps you have a high number of cc's/sprint/super shield....and ffs healing.


Talk to the good sorc and they all admit the class is a bit too much.

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ITT sorcs try to defend thier OPness.


Wishfull thinking if you dont think a "fix" is not on the way.


K, so we do 4k dps right now? Fix us to have 3k dps- that's a 25% nerf in your eyes, which would be huge... of course, everyone who actually knows 1 thing about sorcs knows 3k dps would be a huge buff, but, hey, I'm all for more of you clueless folks making these nerf threads without even bothering to check what the class does... not that you know how to play your own class.

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Those two examples are terrible.


1 is sorted by healing with sorcs being top healers where no other healers were present. Irrelevant.


The second is sorted by dmg but the top dmg done was like 18k and top medal count was 1. I don't even know how that is possible.


The only legitimate example you could be making is that there are a lot of sorcs in some WZ's and we've already established that proportion does not equal OP.


There are terrible examples. I could post lots of screenshots of scoreboards to skew any ignorant opinion I wanted to. It means nothing.


Wow you completely missed the point rofl, the sorting in my pics dont matter, those were just random.


If you are THAT stupid to not realize what I was showing (even after someone else spotted it) then ... idk what to say, good luck mate.

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2) Our bubble is not "OP" and absorbs about 3k damage. l2p



Seriously people. Sorc's are a strong class and there are plenty of things for you to point out that might seem a little out of balance, but as long as you spread rumors and lie's no one can take you seriously.


Maybe you should learn to play your own class. From previous threads sorc's have confirmed the bubble can absorb up to 5k with a 17-20 sec cd.

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Class population is correlated with warzone participation. Class population is not directly correlated with class performance. Warzone participation is not directly correlated with class performance.


But it is

- "Ohh that class is OP!"

- "Damn i keep dying by that class, i might as well play it"


> Everyone rolls the OP Class


Happens on EVERY mmo.

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Wow you completely missed the point rofl, the sorting in my pics dont matter, those were just random.


If you are THAT stupid to not realize what I was showing (even after someone else spotted it) then ... idk what to say, good luck mate.


The pics are irrelevant and I can grab any two screenshots or doctor them to show any skewed perspective I want.


I don't care if there are a lot of sorc's, that does not mean they're OP. There's a lot of people who light the idea of shooting lightning out of their hands and having "MORE POWAAA" from the lore and movies. It's only logical most are going to gravitate to that class and obviously most are going to roll sith to immerse in the 'dark side'.


Nothing to see here.


You sir are retarded.

Edited by jblazen
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Hahaha what a joke. Sorc is one of the best one on one classes. In addition to excellent sustained dps you have a high number of cc's/sprint/super shield....and ffs healing.


Talk to the good sorc and they all admit the class is a bit too much.


Talk to a good anything and they'll know their own class is great in their hands... of course, you wouldn't know any good anythings in your fail spectrum where you consider 3k absorption a 'super shield'.

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Hahaha what a joke. Sorc is one of the best one on one classes. In addition to excellent sustained dps you have a high number of cc's/sprint/super shield....and ffs healing.


Talk to the good sorc and they all admit the class is a bit too much.

I have been trying to use that 31/31/31 spec, but the game just won't let me use that many talent points :(

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But it is

- "Ohh that class is OP!"

- "Damn i keep dying by that class, i might as well play it"


> Everyone rolls the OP Class


Happens on EVERY mmo.


What actually happens is this:


Someone who is awful dies really fast to a class.

That awful player goes on the forums and says "X is OP, NERF!".

Other people remember also dying to X and chime in "Yeah, I was also killed by X".

More people call for nerfs because they now believe a class to be OP because they see a lot of people whining about it on the forums.

As more people call for nerfs because their confirmation bias affects their memory as well as the fact that they now pay more attention to losses to X, more people will roll X because they actually believe it to be OP.

As more people roll X more people with confirmation bias will be killed by X which leads to more people calling for nerfs, more people rerolling, and more confirmation bias.


The class isn't OP. There are more of them now because people THINK it is OP thanks to the confirmation bias of the people calling for nerfs.


Thankfully, Bioware has real data that isn't contaminated with anecdotal "evidence" and will deal out nerfs as necessary. If Sorcerers were OP then they would have been hit with the nerfs today since people have been complaining about them for just as long as the Operatives.

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All I know is in huttball, when I go up on the air jets, a sorcerer can cast force lightning the whole time I'm in the air and when I fall I go from 12k health to 3-4k. All from one ability + any dots they put on me.


When I 1v1 a sorc, I usually win but that's never the case. Their boyfriend always comes to help. And of course, the boytoy is also a sorcerer. Win.

Edited by Therowin
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Sorcerers make open PvP unplayable for melees.
















Not a single attack was made that day.


Leading off with your gap closer is a sign of a bad player.

Also, your resolve bar should be full after the second stun making you immune.

You also didn't mention using your stun breaker, so that was fail on your part.

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I do have a sith sorcerer btw. It's only lvl 15 and after doing pvp i never want to play it again. I have a lvl 50 dps vanguard main and a lvl 38 dps sentinel alt. The worst thing to see when you get out onto the pvp battlefield to me is a sith sorcerer. I believe it is way too over powered between the insta-lightning that deals about 4k damage per second and the fact that they can stun you and keep you stunned for a long time. All the while just to add a little icing on the top is the fact that they heal as fast as you can hit. Nowadays everytime i go to pvp i have to quit right away after the first game because ill see on averafe 5-6 sorcerers on the opposing team everytime i play. I don't know if the developers unknowingly made the mistake of having an almost impossible class to beat or if i seem to not be able to play right at all. If you agree or would like to talk about another class you think is way to overpowered in the game feel free to post.


4k damage per sec - check

heal faster than damage output while doing 4k per sec - check

stuns that keep you stunned the whole match - check


You sir are possibly the dumbest person that has ever posted on the forums. That's like being the dumbest person in Walmart in Arkansas. congratulations. Or nice troll, either way.

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All I know is in huttball, when I go up on the air jets, a sorcerer can cast force lightning the whole time I'm in the air and when I fall I go from 12k health to 3-4k. All from one ability + any dots they put on me.


When I 1v1 a sorc, I usually win but that's never the case. Their boyfriend always comes to help. And of course, the boytoy is also a sorcerer. Win.


LOL made up statistics FTW


1. We can continue force lightning on you only if you stay within the 30 yd range. This is the same with all range classes, not just sorc's. Most of the time, when someone hits the jets, they range us and we have to move on to someone else or follow.


2. You go from 12k to 3-4k in the 2 seconds you're up in the air? ROFL.... Not even worth refuting, too retarded.


3. You mention you can 1v1 a sorc but can't win when a friend comes to assist them. This is true for all classes, this is not a sorc issue. 1v2 you should lose regardless of class. Stay with your team like they did and this won't happen. This is a L2P issue.


So much L2P, not enough time...

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