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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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God I hope BW never allows Mods. I played WoW, and let me say that Deadly Boss mods made fights so much easier then they should have been it was pathetic. People just need to learn to actually pay attention to what's going on around them..


Tell you what, if they ever do introduce mods, don't use them, or to play with anyone else who does. Set up a guild of like-minded people and ban the use of mods within your guild. Problem solved.

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IF this game "badly needs mods and macros" then why not just program all of your fights with AI scripting "mods" and just go catch a baseball game or do something entirely different in another room .... because, you know, you already programmed all the macros to do all of your fights and conversations and gearing and chats for you and stuff .... just LET THE COMPUTER play your character for you and you do not even need to enjoy the game AT ALL ...


in other words, UNINSTALL THE GAME.... ugggh

"macros" ... uggh.... Silly people.... SMH


I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.

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Tell you what, if they ever do introduce mods, don't use them, or to play with anyone else who does. Set up a guild of like-minded people and ban the use of mods within your guild. Problem solved.


There are NEVER going to be "mods" to this game because mods introduce CODE EXPLOITS and it is bad enough that this game gets hacked by exploiters and gold farmers as it is.


NONE of what the OP wants will EVER HAPPEN.

Take it to the bank and stop being silly.

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I've been healing 8-man operations lately and will estimate that I switch targets about once every 4 seconds (a lot more during combat, a lot less out of combat). This amounts to over 2500 unnecessary clicks in a 3-hour raid.


I've been healing in MMOs for years and now that I'm getting a little older, my fingers actually hurt after one of these sessions. I have to click a mouse for my job and notice the next day if I do a lot of swtor healing the night before.


I try not to worry or think about the effect all my MMO playing might have on the long-term health of my fingers, but cutting out 2500+ clicks a night can only help.


if you used your keybindings instead of mouse clicks you would not even need to have written that post (albeit 3 years ago)

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if you used your keybindings instead of mouse clicks you would not even need to have written that post (albeit 3 years ago)


I'm not sure what the OP thinks mods could do to reduce the number of clicks he performs, unless he wants a mod that gives you a window that tells you which toon to heal and then gives you a keybind to drop the best heal on it. Clearly that's not in keeping with the spirit of the game.


That said, if he heals the way I do, he clicks on a bar in his raid frames with his right hand and then presses the button on his keyboard to fire off the desired heal. If that's the case, I think his estimate of the number of mouse clicks may be a little low. Some rough numbers I just made up that I don't think are too wild:


Tank takes 50 heals per boss fight. DPS takes 20. Healers take 10. 2 tanks, 4 DPS, 2 healers in an 8-player group, so about 200 heals per boss fight (assuming that the number of times you click on someone without healing them is about the same as the number of times you heal the same person two heals in a row). Assume that you have about 10 trash fights per boss but throw a tenth of the heals, that's about another 200 heals, so about 400 heals per boss, including clearing to them. 5 bosses in a night, 2000 heals and about as many mouse clicks - you can do the maths for more bosses (I can't remember the average number of bosses per operation) or more players if you want.


I reiterate that I just made those numbers up, but they don't seem particularly bad based on my history of healing.


About the only way to reduce the number of clicks, assuming you heal like I do, is to allow mouseover targetting - you'd never have to click on a player at all if you didn't want to. This could be done without macros, but would be better with them so that you could choose which specific abilities you wanted to use it with. As others have pointed out, developers have full control over what they allow in their macro systems, so once you've implemented the system, it would be relatively simple to enable only a limited set of approved functions. Limit that set enough and I'd guess that you eliminate the possibility of game-breaking mods.


What I'd really like to see is quality-of-life mods: one-screen cargo bays with automatic sorting and categorising, for example. Even the most rabid of the "mods will break the game for everyone and only losers who can't play want to use them" party can't argue that QoL improvements are bad for the game. On the contrary, anything that reduces player frustration can only help a game.

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