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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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People keep complaining about add-ons being game breakers but I'm not sure I follow this logic at all. If there were add-ons that completely automated gameplay or really did play the game for you I have not only not found them nor seen a reference to a name, I would like to see the evidence for myself so please names.


That being said, add-ons imo LEVEL the playing field. I love playing WoW for the simple fact of community involvement and add-on support. I love Auctioneer and EpicMusicPlayer. Without Auctioneer people with a background in Economics and Accounting would have a HUGE advantage and dominate the market more so then they already do. EpicMusicPlayer gives me an in-game music player for on-the-fly switching of my playlist without the interruption of my gameplay. I don't see DBM as a huge game breaker either. AtlasLoot along with Armory provides players with info and locations to upgraded equipment, who drops it, and the drop rate. Simple add-ons like these won't break the game. If BW wants to handle these things on their own that's fine by me. Eve already has it's own playlist editor and market analyzer (which still requires a BS in accounting) but they both work "as intended." BW can release a limited api like Rift does. I don't use macros so I have no opinion about those anyway but I really feel the nay-sayers should not be saying "No don't" but more "We don't feel this should be implemented so we won't be using it."

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Bottom line is, if BW wants to attract as many people to this game as they can then they need to consider what they can do to make the game more accessible to more people. A simple add-on that measures your dps can help you make changes to your rotation so you can maximize your damage output plus it’s also nice to see your dps go up when you level so it’s also a visual indicator for you to see yourself getting more powerful as you level. Add-ons also help get people to experience parts of the game that they would otherwise not get to experience, like playing the auction house and crafting for profit. BW must have realized by now that adding add-ons to this game can only grow the population so why haven’t they? My guess is one of two things either they are already working on it but haven’t announced anything because it’s still too early or there are some development hurdles in the current core design that are preventing them from creating an addon api.
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People abused macros to no end in swg.Folks would do it again in this game.PvP would be reduced to an automated system .Nevermind the bots it would attract.


Customized ui - no thank you unless it was implemented by Bioware/EA.

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I personally don't like addons.. But here are some pros and cons that I can see.


  • It can take away the orginal fundamental design making it more automative than enjoyable.

  • People would rely more on addon's for their guide than their own intuition or common sense.

  • Leads teams or guilds to rely more on "the better DPS" than helping their fellow guild mate. thus leaving the guild mate who's left out feeling down in the dumps cuz no one will help that person for not having the right gear.

  • It can lead to extortion and munipulation of the game.

  • It adds on to the memory consumption on your computer.




  • It can help with rotations, leading to higher dps in OPs, PVP, PVE Qsting Pending on the mods. (Can be done in-game by devs)

  • It could help with GTN marketing giving someone an advantage on how to play the pricing game. (extortion)

  • It could help with a better design over the UI (munipulation of the game)




Anything that an addon can do can always be added into the game by the devs in order to compensate or accomodate the players by adjusting how their game relays information.


Such as:


Deadly Boss Mods: This could be done by in-game notifications by how the boss relays it's attacks. Giving players a chance to pop cool downs when needed. (I personally think they do a good job already)


DPS Calculator; Better or Improved Combat log; This can also be accommodated by adding in a function to tell a player their intentional rotations for an Advanced Class. This can be highlighted rotations done by the Cool-Down Notification system.


Example would be: An Assassin Tank's Rotation could look like: Stealth, Maul, Discharge, Overload, Shock, Thrash, Saber Strike x3, Force Lightning, Discharge, Shock, Thrash.


Cooldowns being popped at each time they're up. ie: Recklessness, Electrocute, and Crushing Darkness.

but most likely Crushing Darkness will not be used as it takes to long to cast.


However with these abilities. The Devs could make it so that each time you pop your Discharge, you get a free Instant-Cast Crushing Darkness, or each time you pop Overload, it causes High Threat (only while having Dark Charge applied) making the next Force Lightning cost no force. Each time one of these abilities are triggered it could be highlighted in an outlined flashing sense to give the player indication it's time to hit that ability. (aka Power Auras)


This would of course change the current rotation I outlined above. If that was the case then you could do a rotation such as:


Steath, Maul, Overload, Force Lightning, Shock, Thrash, Discharge, Crushing Darkness, Saber Strike x3, Overload, Force Lightning, Shock, Thrash, Discharge, repeat.


If the Devs would make in-game changes to slightly adjust how Advance Classes worked then Addon's such as Dps Calculators wouldn't be needed. Because then it would be as intended through original design and not by Mathimatical Wizards who only want to crunch numbers.


I understand wanting to be the best, and wanting to get the best. But It can be done by design and not by outside changes. That's just my personal oppinion, and it may be a good idea here, I think it is.. but it's up to the Devs to make that decision. We as a community can only make suggestions.. But it's not just upto Bioware now. It's also upto EA since they partnered up.

Edited by TheRealPyxx
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The only macro I want is the ability to create text-only macros, and add text onto my abilities.


You'd be surprised how a simple thing like calling targets in PvP can change a random PuG into an relatively well-oiled machine. The target markers currently serve this purpose, but they can be awkward to use, and anyone in your PuG can overwrite them or move them onto other players. I'd rather be able to call out targets in chat.



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The only macro I want is the ability to create text-only macros, and add text onto my abilities.


You'd be surprised how a simple thing like calling targets in PvP can change a random PuG into an relatively well-oiled machine. The target markers currently serve this purpose, but they can be awkward to use, and anyone in your PuG can overwrite them or move them onto other players. I'd rather be able to call out targets in chat.




Well they could change it to where it could be the Ops leader only, and if that was the case then calling targets would be that person's sole responsibility, And if you want to call out targets in chat then this is why they invented Ventrilo, Teamspeak, and Mumble for. As for PUGs then you're stuck with what you got. Deal with it like the rest of us.


Alternatively, You could get a keyboard that has macro buttons on it, ie: Razer Black Widow Stealth Ultimate Gaming Keyboard, and then you can program whatever Text Macros, Mouseovers, or Combat Casting Scripts you wanted. There are always a way around things without actually changing the game internally or externally.


A Side note: PVP is all over the place and being able to call out a target can also misdirect other allies to the wrong spot, therefore losing your tactical advantage and possibly losing the game. Are you willing to do that? (don't reply to that, that was a rhetorical question)

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i just want to be able to put emotes on the hot bar, make it where i could cast instants and another ability on the same square. The trouble i am having is not enough buttons for all the abilities i want to use. I should be able to watch the action and not have to move the mouse around looking for the next ability. i do not want mods in the game because it will turn into wow (where you have to have mods just to survive or raid) but a few key abilities in a macro for the same button push could work?
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I never realized there was so much hate for macros there was. I think people misunderstand what you can actually do with them.


I do understand what macros can do.

I used to macro stuff in SWG and WoW.

And honestly, I do not agree with the use of macros.

Yes, I know it allows for an easier time playing.

However, it also gives advantages to some, that others might not have.

Macros are not necessary for game play.

And I, personally, do not see a need for them.


As for mods: Why not give bioware the idea for the mods you want to see in game, and let them build it into the game itself. Might be a bit more stable, and you wouldn't have to update your mods every time the game has a patch. (Don't believe me, I have had to do that with WoW)

Personally, I think that is a much better solution.

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I do understand what macros can do.

I used to macro stuff in SWG and WoW.

And honestly, I do not agree with the use of macros.

Yes, I know it allows for an easier time playing.

However, it also gives advantages to some, that others might not have.

Macros are not necessary for game play.

And I, personally, do not see a need for them.


As for mods: Why not give bioware the idea for the mods you want to see in game, and let them build it into the game itself. Might be a bit more stable, and you wouldn't have to update your mods every time the game has a patch. (Don't believe me, I have had to do that with WoW)

Personally, I think that is a much better solution.


i am all for not allowing it in game, but at least reduce or merge abilities so we can key bind better !

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The offered GUI customization however remains insufficient imo, it allows from far of the level of modification I'd like to see.




Live with it.


Mods are for bad players.


No mods is a good thing.

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Live with it.


Mods are for bad players.


No mods is a good thing.


lol mods are not for bad players. Some mods, like those that collect damage data or list inventory items are not "just for bad players"

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I do understand what macros can do.

I used to macro stuff in SWG and WoW.

And honestly, I do not agree with the use of macros.

Yes, I know it allows for an easier time playing.

However, it also gives advantages to some, that others might not have.

Macros are not necessary for game play.

And I, personally, do not see a need for them.


As for mods: Why not give bioware the idea for the mods you want to see in game, and let them build it into the game itself. Might be a bit more stable, and you wouldn't have to update your mods every time the game has a patch. (Don't believe me, I have had to do that with WoW)

Personally, I think that is a much better solution.


some uses for macros are


templates for groups


they can be set so we can't use them combat or let us them in combat but limit them .


they have a lot of very uses full uses .


I don't understand how it gives a advantages to some , I never understand how that is poss if its a game aloud thing any one can use it and won't be cheating . all they have to do look it up and learn , it not that hard etc so the term its give a advantages to some has allway in IMO been a bad term .

Edited by tanktest
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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.


mods and macros are nothing but things that lazy/bad gamers want to replace the need for skilled game play. Nothing worse in wow then the over use of addons, it got old very fast after every patch that people complained they needed to wait for some addon to get upgraded so they could play because they were clueless how to play without relying on something that did everything for them.


Honeslty the only thing i would like to see added would be the ability to make you debuffs on your target 10-15% larger then all the others so you could more easily keep tabs on your debuff.

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