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** Unofficial 3rd day EGA wave thread **


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Let this be a lesson for anyone upset over the situation:


"Let the buyer beware."


Also, nothing was ever explicitly promised to anyone. Not one sole was promised one single thing. Bioware could pull the plug on the entire game on the 21st, and nobody has any right to force Bioware to do anything they don't want to do. You will never be privy to many things in this world, and your outrage is sorely misplaced. Upset that you are only getting 4 days of preorder? You all KNEW that it was first come, first serve. If you had any false illusions about what that meant, that's on YOU, not BW. I registered mine on Dec. 3rd, and yes, I'm in. It doesn't do me much good because my only day off work is this coming Saturday. I was expecting to possibly get in on the EGA sometime this weekend, and I was hoping for Saturday. I am thanking BW for allowing me to play their game earlier than I thought I would, because unlike almost all the griping little whiners in here, I assumed the worst, instead of feeling entitled to whatever my brain came up with.


Life is going to hand you a LOT of disappointment folks, this should be the MILDEST form of it that you ever experience in your life. The amount of complete backwards thinking that is coming out of some of you has me seriously pondering there being any future at all for the human race.


Wake up! Get a clue! You may not like it, but it could be worse. There could be NO early access at all. All of you complaining, you probaby want to read through the EULA also, because I'm sure none of you have, and am also fairly positive you never ready any fine print on anything before you purchase anything, including the employee meal you just ate at McDonalds.


So just because life hands us a disappointment we don't have the right to complain about it so that it doesn't happen in the future? Im not going to even bother addressing the rest of your post, im tired of saying the same thing over and over again.


Just one point though, EULAs are basically the weakest form of a contract that exists. Very rarely can a company do something such as you said, pull the plug on SWTOR on the 21st and say that the EULA let them do it. They would be taken to court in a heartbeat and lose millions of dollars.

Edited by Kormarf
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I suppose if you are posting here, it means you not in game... which in turn means you are not only "aren't Jedi" YOU AREN'T ANYTHING!! Ha ha


Spoken like someone with no life outside of an MMO, though it's true that I am not in game. But I am having plenty of fun responding to these stupid posts like this.

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Started falling apart when they announced no extra waves today. The last DCs wont be able to play until tomorrow.


There WERE extra waves, there were 7 waves in total today, the most there has been before is 5.


I think BioWare did a pretty decent job today, they got almost everyone in. The rest will get in tomorrow and still have 4 days access. Not bad for people that were at the back of the queue due to ordering in December.

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And this thread was having such a good run staying positive. Looks like it's starting to fall apart now......shame.


lol, yeah.

Starting to remind me of the SWG Forums... Threads start with good intentions, positive feedback, constructive posts, etc and get hijacked by trolls and drama makers.

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There WERE extra waves, there were 7 waves in total today, the most there has been before is 5.


I think BioWare did a pretty decent job today, they got almost everyone in. The rest will get in tomorrow and still have 4 days access. Not bad for people that were at the back of the queue due to ordering in December.


Too bad I had 12th-15th off of work to play this game... Now I can't play until the game actually comes out.

Edited by Scram_bles
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Will the remaining final wavers be able to all get in on the first wave tomorrow do you think?


I'm curious, because if so I can take the day off - but if not I'd rather not sit around watching my inbox all day only to get the invite around the same time I'd be getting off work anyway.

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Will the remaining final wavers be able to all get in on the first wave tomorrow do you think?


I'm curious, because if so I can take the day off - but if not I'd rather not sit around watching my inbox all day only to get the invite around the same time I'd be getting off work anyway.


Read http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php


He doesn't come right out and say so, but "we couldn't quite get everyone in today" means to me that they'll get everyone else in tomorrow.

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TBH i dont understand why people are getting upset. Everybody who pre-ordered is gettign early access its just lazy people like me left it till the last few weeks. I understand others are annoyed because they ordered back in the summer But at the end of the day people wouldnt hve origionally got on till the 15th at the earliest anyway and looking at what happened last WOW expansion alot of people would have left it till the 16th to log in anyway due to ques and problems. So my view is its 10 days till christmas instead of stressing you can get in go get those last few christmas bit so you will have more time to play and not have to go out shopping and loose time anyway:x :):D
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It's sad to see that posts are getting spammed with stuff that doesn't matter. For the people who try to read what date that get's into the game. It's hard for that people... I was one of them...



Anyway to help all out:



Play access 29/11 2011



Hope I could provide some information for at least a few of you. Good luck all and i'll hope you all get in game soon!

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It's sad to see that posts are getting spammed with stuff that doesn't matter. For the people who try to read what date that get's into the game. It's hard for that people... I was one of them...



Anyway to help all out:



Play access 29/11 2011



Hope I could provide some information for at least a few of you. Good luck all and i'll hope you all get in game soon!


Bioware has allowed everyone in up till December 7th, part of December 7th was left out, and the invites will be starting up again tomorrow, at the usual time. There should only be 1 or 2 waves, 3 at most. There's 8 days left.

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Been the last week for december doesn't mean anything AT ALL. Length of time left has no bearing on how many people pre ordered in that time. And considering all the people that tried to jump in in the last week to try and get EGA, and ALL the people that didn't realize they had to enter in an early access code because they fail at reading and you've go probably closed to as many people as have already been put through. Use your head people.
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