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Why Does Everyone Only Focus on the Negative Parts of tor?


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I'm a Marauder and it feels like I am not in control of my character in PvP


That's a huge point right there. I Don't feel like I control my own character half the time in PVP, at all. It's really disturbing, and I even know how to use resolve properly, if I'm not dead before it's full. I've seen Operatives go right by me (smugglers too), and never attack because my resolve bar WILL fill, and I WILL kill them, they just go after the clothies, which is what they should do.


But still, they don't need to attack me, the sheer amount if KB/CC will do me in just fine.

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It's not that forums are negative so much as forums are confrontational. There are plenty of posts from people that really like the game, and these posts are rapidly attacked by people spouting inflammatory hate toward the game.


I also see people posts about how terrible the game is, and it's immediately full of people telling that person to get out and go to another another game.


I also see people that love the game, but have small suggestions for improvement, and even those posts are filled with angry, insulting replies.


Truth is, most gaming forums are just a fake-debate mini-game where people throw around terms like "troll", "fanboy", "Strawman", and "slippery slope."


I rather enjoy the forums (I also enjoy politics for the same reason), but if you ever come to a game forum, you need to come to it knowing the posts are usually confrontational, exaggerated, and full of so many logic flaws that it would make a droid short circuit.

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It's not that forums are negative so much as forums are confrontational. There are plenty of posts from people that really like the game, and these posts are rapidly attacked by people spouting inflammatory hate toward the game.


I also see people posts about how terrible the game is, and it's immediately full of people telling that person to get out and go to another another game.


I also see people that love the game, but have small suggestions for improvement, and even those posts are filled with angry, insulting replies.


Truth is, most gaming forums are just a fake-debate mini-game where people throw around terms like "troll", "fanboy", "Strawman", and "slippery slope."


I rather enjoy the forums (I also enjoy politics for the same reason), but if you ever come to a game forum, you need to come to it knowing the posts are usually confrontational, exaggerated, and full of so many logic flaws that it would make a droid short circuit.


It's akin to watching kids argue over who's toy is better, with nothing but the sticker price of the toy separating the value of said toys.


One toy, has more features, but one toy is newer and more expensive but does less, but has a much better coat of paint on it and looks really cool, but the older toy has been remade several times, and is less expensive. But the newer toy talks, and the older toy doesn't. The newer toy is based on a product people like, the Older toy is based on something Less people liked.


It's completely pointless, the only way this can be discussed is rationally. Eventually you just want to slap Both bratty children upside the head, take away Both their toys, and put them in time out..while you secretly play with both toys and enact an epic battle for supremacy.


I have done this, I am not ashamed.

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Awesome man welcome to the Genre. Hope you enjoy yourself for years to come. Do yourself a favor, start reading up on a game called Guild Wars 2. You might find some stuff you like there too. Having new blood to an old and toxic genre is really great to see.


Ok, I will. Anyhow I must go to bed now, goodnight.

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Two reasons:


1. Harsh, pointed, yet constructive and clearly articulated criticism directed at the game's flaws are the best way to get the game improved.


but more importantly.


2. It's the internet. The internet complains a lot. About everything.

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All I see are threads about all of the things people don't like about SWtoR or how they're going to quit it because of a few minor things. I'm tired of all the negativity and discontent toward it and I think there needs to be a thread about all of the good things it has.


The reason people are freaking out about the bugs is that they are so prevalent in gameplay. There aren't a few annoying glitches here and there, they are so visible in gameplay to everyone who is playing that it is a matter of fact that Bioware was aware of this plethora of issues, and decided to release anyways, so they made their bed..it's time for them to lie in it.


No MMO starts out perfect, they could have taken some other games ideas, but I guess some would be complaining that they stole someone's ideas.


It's not about bogarting someone else's idea, it's about not including so many of the things that are generally accepted to make playing a MMO with other people a fun experience. I don't care if they don't steal the cool things from all of the other games...but where the heck is my guild bank...and why does the guild interface have no right click functionality, and seriously...who designed the GTN interface...it is so annoying that I just vendor everything because it's not worth the hassle of seeing what stuff is listed for before listing your own.



It has a lot of good things going for it like a good loot system, a fun leveling system, and fun gameplay. I very much enjoy getting a new piece of armor and looking back at all of the hell I went through to get it be it PvP or Flashpoints.


Yes SWTOR does have a LOT of potential, and a few of the things it does well are great! The voice acting and the cut scenes are a cool concept. One quote from the few guildmates I have left is that SWTOR is the best single player game released this year. While I'm not sure I agree with that...I do say that the single player experience is far more rewarding than the group play experience. As far as looking back on the trial and tribulations of getting new loot, this comes with any new mmo who had at least halfway decent content. Whoever played in early Vanilla wow, and saw Rag for the first time was like...crap...how are we going to survive this...and the same is true for some of the boss encounters in SWTOR.


There are many other things I enjoy such as the contrast between my playstyle as a tank to my friends various playstyles such as DPS or healers and how we complement each others abilities.


This comes down to you having an active community of players around you...this you should be able to find in any mmo


There are many other great things about this game, far to many to count, but I was just hopeing to inspire all of you to think a bit more positively than negatively.



I would LOVE to be one of the SWTOR Fanbois, I love Star Wars, I played SWG until the end and frankly that game was pretty terrible for the last 6 months or so. Bioware and EA have so hyped how amazing SWTOR was going to be that when we were given a game built on a 5 year old engine with hardly anything that makes it stand out in a positive light from the other's in the pack...all we are left with is a major sense of disgust at how stupid we were for buying into the hype.

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I would LOVE to be one of the SWTOR Fanbois, I love Star Wars, I played SWG until the end and frankly that game was pretty terrible for the last 6 months or so. Bioware and EA have so hyped how amazing SWTOR was going to be that when we were given a game built on a 5 year old engine with hardly anything that makes it stand out in a positive light from the other's in the pack...all we are left with is a major sense of disgust at how stupid we were for buying into the hype.


Me too brother, me too.

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