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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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It is statements like this he is talking about.


Where is your PROOF???


The fleet is just as crowded as ever on my server (Jedi Covenant) and I play Republic side.


On my 50, Illum is busy, Corellia has people.


On my alts, Tython through Nar Shaddaa all seem to have people


So, where is your PROOF the population is shrinking?


And a server that said VERY HEAVY during EGA and release now saying STANDARD or HEAVY is not proof as we all know they raised the server limits.


My own observations on my own server. Also the move of more servers to the 'Light' label than to the 'Heavy'. Granted those are my observations. Your opinion or experience may be different. There are so many people asking for server merges and/or transfers right now. That is indicative of an issue.


Example of my own experience. Last night in prime time there were 8-12 people total on Taris while I was playing.

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WoW did not launch with stable servers or a stable client. It in fact took them years for both. Again that is why I stated the servers crashed numerous times during launch and weeks after. I guess everything I said went right over your head. There are 112 people on my Imperial Fleet right now and it is only 3pm. I guess that is a fail and everyone quit. LoL

No. I was there at launch and in the beta.


On Trask Ulgo the population is decreasing. We see a slight increase of level 50s but a big loss in number of leveling people and people in the imperial fleet. Getting enough people for low level flashpoints is a serious problem.

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I've had better behaved software. This game was wiping out sections of my desktop at first.. looks like they might have fixed that.

No, my windows is not corrupted. In fact it's a new, clean W7/64 install.

Make no mistake..they DO have code problems.



yet in my 2 year install , on my 2 year old phenom 2 with xfx board (they dont even support the dam thing anymore) it runs PERFECTLY , zero crashes, zero windows strange behavior, simply the cache getting full and thats hapening to everyone right now..


sorry bro, but it IS your install...


maybe for whatever reason there may be a hardware driver causing problems or something installed on your machine, but it is something otherwise it would give problems to EVERYONE that has win 7 64 installed....and as ive already stated , this has never happened to me or the three other roomates that also have win 7 64 , albeit newer machines than mine , but the point still applies


also, i do realize some serv ers have dropping pops, or had low since the begginging, so i cant comment on actual pop decline, i can however say that my servers (death wind corridor, empire side) has 200+ in fleet every night, and usually 40+ people on most planets so far (im questing in alderann given that i outleved my stuff pretty good so im trying to now catch up on the story)


i guess it can vary from server to server...

Edited by LaVolpex
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yet in my 2 year install , on my 2 year old phenom 2 with xfx board (they dont even support the dam thing anymore) it runs PERFECTLY , zero crashes, zero windows strange behavior, simply the cache getting full and thats hapening to everyone right now..


sorry bro, but it IS your install...


maybe for whatever reason there may be a hardware driver causing problems or something installed on your machine, but it is something otherwise it would give problems to EVERYONE that has win 7 64 installed....and as ive already stated , this has never happened to me or the three other roomates that also have win 7 64 , albeit newer machines than mine , but the point still applies



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I don't deal with the heavy queues on my server anymore. That is actually pretty nice and welcome.


Here is what I've observed Pub-side since rolling an alt during EGA. During EGA on Tython, the player count was 50+ in the zone. Just rolled a Smuggler the other day. Ord Mantell had 60+ in the starter zone.


When my toon made it to Coruscant originally there were 100+ in the zone. When my Smuggler made it there, 130+ were in the zone.


In my first few weeks of playing the game, I only saw a max 60-70 in Fleet at one time. In the past couple weeks, I've seen 100+ nightly.


Now these are just observations. Obviously, the population has dropped off some from the first month launch rush. But judging by the numbers I've seen, there hasn't been much of a population drop on my Server. It still seems to be going strong. I suspect this to be the case into the future, simply because the SWTOR marketing machine is a behemoth and doesn't sleep.

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There are 127 US servers at last count and 95 Euro servers. That all would be full after the free month has expired would be a dream and I am arguing this issue from the side of support for Bioware and EA. WoW made to many servers at launch as well and had to do several mergers. These are all normal things that every MMO goes through. I am on my imperial fleet and there are 145 people and it is not prime time. I am sure there is a US server with only 30 people on the fleet somewhere right now as well.


Happens to every mmo and to state otherwise is ignoring the facts and logic.

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right, because anectodal youtube video evidence is going to disprove my own personal experiences to myself and ill suddenly agree that its not his windows install and im just lucky...


again, you have any idea the amount of old crap i must have on my registry after 2 years on this windows install? heck i even get errors when windows boots up due to registry crapola yet ive never had what he said happen to ME , so it MUST be a driver/software problem ON HIS END given that we use the EXACT SAME OS


use some common sense, not being a fanboy but facts are facts geez

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right, because anectodal youtube video evidence is going to disprove my own personal experiences to myself and ill suddenly agree that its not his windows install and im just lucky...


again, you have any idea the amount of old crap i must have on my registry after 2 years on this windows install? heck i even get errors when windows boots up due to registry crapola yet ive never had what he said happen to ME , so it MUST be a driver/software problem ON HIS END given that we use the EXACT SAME OS


use some common sense, not being a fanboy but facts are facts geez

Because Im really good with computers in every way and I have built myself a high end system and I cannot get this game to run really well with high resolutions. So when someone claims he can max it out or run it really good I call their bluff.

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Go listen to the interview with Stephen Reid on Tor-Talk. Part of those changes came about due to seeing chat logs of people not being invited to pugs if they didn't have Biochem. I'm not making that up.


So I listened and he said they saw issues in the metrics as well as in chat regarding biochem and people requiring it to run operations.


So no, they did not base the decision off just 'chat logs' as you said earlier.


They obviously saw more and more people taking biochem and looked into why.

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Because Im really good with computers in every way and I have built myself a high end system and I cannot get this game to run really well with high resolutions. So when someone claims he can max it out or run it really good I call their bluff.


So the world revolves around you? If you don't get certain results, then no one else can?


Really? Have you listened to yourself lately?

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EA/Bioware spent five years making the most expensive video game in history.


They used an existing game engine, copied Blizzard's design docs mostly verbatim, and gave us TOR.


Surely all of that time and money couldn't have been spent on recording voiceovers which makes one wonder just what the hell BioWare was doing.

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So I listened and he said they saw issues in the metrics as well as in chat regarding biochem and people requiring it to run operations.


So no, they did not base the decision off just 'chat logs' as you said earlier.


They obviously saw more and more people taking biochem and looked into why.


Did I say just? They used chat logs as evidence for a nerf, which is unusual to say the least.

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waffles. get with the program.


ah yes the proof! thank you. Bioware has no clue what they are doing because there are no waffles in this game. seriously, what in the......


everyone would vote to have waffles over not having them. its a no brainer. so snap to it devs

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Because Im really good with computers in every way and I have built myself a high end system and I cannot get this game to run really well with high resolutions. So when someone claims he can max it out or run it really good I call their bluff.


Well it runs really well on my machine in high resolution that I had built in October for SWTOR. Of course, I am assuming FPS of 80-100 fits your definition of really good.

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EA/Bioware spent five years making the most expensive video game in history.


They used an existing game engine, copied Blizzard's design docs mostly verbatim, and gave us TOR.


Surely all of that time and money couldn't have been spent on recording voiceovers which makes one wonder just what the hell BioWare was doing.


Apparently to you, millions and millions of lines of code and development are not confined to the same time principles. They just magically write themselves in a matter of days?


Have you any experience with software development? The project management involved, the research, the debugging, etc.


I've worked on simple applications for mobile devices before and it took almost 2 years to complete. Not because it took all that time to write the code, but including the planning, the meetings, the changes, the tests, etc.


Know the field before commenting on it.

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Honestly, everything set aside, I think April timeframe will be the real test. Weather starts getting warmer, you have less people inside on their computer, school almost out, etc. If it can survive the summer it will stick around.


WoW somehow survived the summer months without much of a player base loss.

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ah yes the proof! thank you. Bioware has no clue what they are doing because there are no waffles in this game. seriously, what in the......


everyone would vote to have waffles over not having them. its a no brainer. so snap to it devs


A waffle pet would solve all problems.


Operatives would be more enticed to eat your waffle than to shiv you from behind.




Yes, that's as bad as it sounds.

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Did I say just? They used chat logs as evidence for a nerf, which is unusual to say the least.


You said:


Well according to BW they based the Biochem changes on 'chat logs'. So seems like BW is also getting 'facts' from General.


That is not what happened.


They saw something in the metrics regarding biochem. They did not base the change solely off chat logs as you stated.

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I just clicked your link. I am going to highlight the negative posts to further disprove your extreme antics that never succeed.


Did you hope people wouldn't actually click it?




Oh, and about the unbiased thing. Just look at the trends everyone used to show TOR was failing. The person actually stated it has nothing to do with subscriptions but active players. After the holidays, the active player reports have been consistent, even recently rising after 1.1.


The level of negative posts in WoW recently vs the ones here is like comparing an apple to an ant. We have raid bosses that dissapear, drop no loot, a lack of fundamental features like a combat log (Hello Kitty Online has a combat log..).


Players there are complaining about some features we dont have and are no where near having (someone disappointed in a looking for raid tool? we dont even have a looking for group tool).


Half the posts on our gen page alone are rage threads, not "I dislike a feature", it is "I dislike your game".


If you cant see the differences in scope there, then I'm sorry.

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So the world revolves around you? If you don't get certain results, then no one else can?


Really? Have you listened to yourself lately?

No but if NOBODY in the entire world who posts videos can't, I doubt someone playing on a toaster claiming he gets 120 frames per second is telling the truth.

Edited by Marmerus
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