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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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To me it seems like so many people just want TOR to fail and have wanted it to fail since it was announced that it was in development. They are fanbois of the competeting MMOs and they do not want to see another MMO do just as good or perhaps even better then their beloved game.

So everyone that does not agree with you is a fanboy? Does that not make you a fanboy of this game but also makes your point invalid?


Judging from your point of view on MMOs like WoW I would say you are a fanboy. Did not have as much content as this game upon launch but it did have a stable client and servers.

But that is besides the point, the reason people are leaving is not because of the stability of the servers but because of the lack of content AND because of the horrible game engine problems like optimization and the ability delay / broken animations.


I would set this game on par with Age of Conan. Only thing that is different is that Bioware has the chance to fix it before it goes f2p.

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I have seen a HUGE population decrease since launch. I mean I LOVED the game leveling up, but once i hit lv 50 i just got sick of the game. I am just sticking with it til my subscription runs out then ill just wait til Guild Wars 2 or Tera.


I mean this is 2012, you think they would have a LFG system, a better UI, better PVP etc things which are common on most mmos. Hell i heard they REMOVED stuff after Beta was done. This game is headed downhill. They only have a few more months to smarten up. If things dont improve by the time Guild Wars 2(which is rumored June/July) hits i can see this game going F2P within months from that. The first 3-4 months is the most important for any mmo and right now SWTOR is failing.

Edited by evildestroyer
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I don't say it thirty times a day, but I am flattered that I have a stalker of sorts. Log into various servers and check how many are on. Are some servers fine? Yup. Are a bunch of servers not? Yup.


If you don't agree with me feel free to pull your own data.


Dude, you are the king of the BS threads; all of which are negative. Personally, you are going on ignore after this response. Have fun with your hate!

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I've had better behaved software. This game was wiping out sections of my desktop at first.. looks like they might have fixed that.

No, my windows is not corrupted. In fact it's a new, clean W7/64 install.

Make no mistake..they DO have code problems.


people don't legitimately install "ultimate". you download windows from a torrent, it will never be "clean"

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Dude, you are the king of the BS threads; all of which are negative. Personally, you are going on ignore after this response. Have fun with your hate!


I am? Wow. Feel free to look at my posts. Am I critical? Yes I am. But I have stated many times I like the game and think it has a ton of potential.


Got to love when being honest and critical is 'negative'.

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I am? Wow. Feel free to look at my posts. Am I critical? Yes I am. But I have stated many times I like the game and think it has a ton of potential.


Got to love when being honest and critical is 'negative'.


lol u kinda are the king of BS dude, biochemical is based off of Gen chat guys

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Every freaking time I start this application it fails. Within an hour of game play, maybe two the game has to be exited because it becomes unstable and slow. Wonder why I as a paying customer have nerdrage? Well, of the more than 100 applications installed on my computer outside of Windows 7 Ultimate, this is the only damn one that crashes like this.


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: launcher.exe_SWTOR Launcher

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4eebd6bc

Fault Module Name: SWTORLaunch.dll_unloaded

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4f0f81ad

Exception Offset: 100b742c

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Data: 00000008

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


Read our privacy statement online:



If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:





LOL, 100 apps installed on Windows.... you just solved your own problem.

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So everyone that does not agree with you is a fanboy? Does that not make you a fanboy of this game but also makes your point invalid?


Judging from your point of view on MMOs like WoW I would say you are a fanboy. Did not have as much content as this game upon launch but it did have a stable client and servers.

But that is besides the point, the reason people are leaving is not because of the stability of the servers but because of the lack of content AND because of the horrible game engine problems like optimization and the ability delay / broken animations.


I would set this game on par with Age of Conan. Only thing that is different is that Bioware has the chance to fix it before it goes f2p.



WoW did not launch with stable servers or a stable client. It in fact took them years for both. Again that is why I stated the servers crashed numerous times during launch and weeks after. I guess everything I said went right over your head. There are 112 people on my Imperial Fleet right now and it is only 3pm. I guess that is a fail and everyone quit. LoL

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Fight was a bad word.

Im still a little sticky, sore, and confused over my operative nerf. But, at any rate, I dont disagree with anything you've just said. The majority of our guild right now is not fifty. They are almost there, but not quite. And for the most part, there is plenty to do at fifty, provided you have a group of people at max level to do things with.


As far as amount of content released.

Im consistently amazed that people complain about lack of content when they just released a content patch within the first month, and have another lined up for in march. That amazment is further compounded by a small, vocal group of peoples attitudes towards this game.


I have come to one conclusion.


It doesnt matter what game ever comes out. They will never be satisfied. Their expectations are so far into right field, and so ridiculously unrealistic that no game could ever hope to meet them.


In which case, I simply hope their sub runs out and they torture someone else.




Lets "fight" about something else now.

How about.... waffles?


You go first.


I hear the OP "nerf" has had mixed reviews whereas some people considered it "pvp buff". Guess we'll hear more about that after a couple of warzone nights.


And I feel Blueberry waffles are overrated. I believe many will have unsubscribed to these waffles due to their lack of taste. I base my conclusions on spaghetti monster facts.

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I hear the OP "nerf" has had mixed reviews whereas some people considered it "pvp buff". Guess we'll hear more about that after a couple of warzone nights.


And I feel Blueberry waffles are overrated. I believe many will have unsubscribed to these waffles due to their lack of taste. I base my conclusions on spaghetti monster facts.


Spaghetti Monster Facts are irrefutable.

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lol u kinda are the king of BS dude, biochemical is based off of Gen chat guys


Go listen to the interview with Stephen Reid on Tor-Talk. Part of those changes came about due to seeing chat logs of people not being invited to pugs if they didn't have Biochem. I'm not making that up.

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only proof needed, are the bugs that could be simply taken care of in a hotfix, but arent and they are still rampant in certain operations and im sure will be rampant in new ops.


gg biofail, stick to what you know rpgs. mmos arent your thing, that and you should have known better than to have EA help.


nuff said




You obviously have no background in software development.


If you have no such background, claiming someone should fix something with ease is pretty silly.


Let me come to your place of work, know nothing of what you do, and claim that you should have done things a certain way. Lets see how that works for you.


And I speak with over 10 years of software developing experience. What are your credentials?


It appears everyone knows how to do everything on the internetz.

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The point they were trying to make is that if Biochem was left as is then it was a skill that was a necessity because it was so OP. Having a reusable stim that healed for that much and if you factor heals on top of that then it made characters that did not have biochem gimped in comparison. I had Biochem and even I have to admit that was a needed fix.
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I do - In fact I spend almost as much time there as I do here.

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/984270/ Please show me the negativity seen on the front page of this forum most of our posts are nagative, most of WoW's are positive.


Rising? Uhhh.. That one is REAL hard to swallow. Link from an unbiased source?


I just clicked your link. I am going to highlight the negative posts to further disprove your extreme antics that never succeed.


Did you hope people wouldn't actually click it?




Oh, and about the unbiased thing. Just look at the trends everyone used to show TOR was failing. The person actually stated it has nothing to do with subscriptions but active players. After the holidays, the active player reports have been consistent, even recently rising after 1.1.

Edited by Starglide
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SWTOR will hardly make or break EA, they have their hands in too many things. If this game flopped they wouldnt bat an eye. Its already earned back what they spent on it.


Actually you cannot say that. People seem to forget how much money it takes to keep these types of games running monthly.


Not to mention not all of the servers are at one location so they have Co-Lo costs to figure into that... pay the programmers, power consumption for the data center... I could go on and on about the daily costs of keeping a data center running, but you get the point. You cannot say they have made their money back yet.

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On rubalt crystal on the empire side the population went from 500+ in dro/fleet and its now between 30-100 depending. Outside of prime time, most are a ghost town. Any none primary world might have upwards of 4-5 players tops. I was on Illum a week and a half ago before I decided to unsub and i was the only person on the planet, and that was 7 pm ...
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Population shrinking since launch is a good indicator.


It is statements like this he is talking about.


Where is your PROOF???


The fleet is just as crowded as ever on my server (Jedi Covenant) and I play Republic side.


On my 50, Illum is busy, Corellia has people.


On my alts, Tython through Nar Shaddaa all seem to have people


So, where is your PROOF the population is shrinking?


And a server that said VERY HEAVY during EGA and release now saying STANDARD or HEAVY is not proof as we all know they raised the server limits.

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Evidence? Its everywhere? Play the game. Half the time I see people **** talkin the game in general chat. And a lot of servers already feel dead. Half the threads on this site are compliants. Can't tell you how many times I've read that people are unsubscribing. Feedback is all the proof needed, and there's wayyy more negative then postive hands down. Agree?


If complaints and "I Quit' messages on the forums were proof and the majority of opinions, then WoW would have been dead before WOTLK hit.

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