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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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edit: i recommend http://www.mmo-junkies.net/statistics/ to see how many folks are online right now, select swtor under statistics. Peaked at 500K worldwide this weekend just past!


No it did not...

Read the FAQ http://www.mmo-junkies.net/topic/210-swtor-statistics-tool-faq/


What does overall graphs represent?

These graph aggregates all instantaneous server population values.

So a value of 800 (in y-axis) with a total number of 215 serves means; 800 / 215 = 3.7 ( ~ heavy population)

A value of 600 (in y-axis) with a total number of 215 servers means; 600 / 215 = 2.7 ( ~ standard population)


So your 500 from last weekend means "2.3 average pop" which is between Standard - 2 & Heavy - 3.


The page gives absolute 0 information how many people actually are online.

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17 pages, not a single valid evidence.


There were posts before showing somewat believeable server population from a third party website...come on kids, if you want to bash a game, atleast try harder, do actual research instead of writing god knows what.




seriously get out of the forums and enjoy the game. half the people whining are trolling, and their posting mentality gives it away. the other half have a max level character or three and have nothing else to do but say the game sucks and pat each other on the back on how awesome they are for saying that.



its pretty stupid but its an internet game forum, people hate on developers that dared to try to entertain them and pray for some kind of attention, and it speaks volumes of their mentality and them personally. when I dislike something I leave. like... you know.. most mature folks would



anyway I'm going back to play some more, peace.

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Population shrinking since launch is a good indicator.


no, just people logging in at their own time, when they feel like it. Everyone was on at the same time for hours on end cause they wanted to check it out. Now its at their own pace. Simple as that.

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seriously get out of the forums and enjoy the game. half the people whining are trolling, and their posting mentality gives it away. the other half have a max level character or three and have nothing else to do but say the game sucks and pat each other on the back on how awesome they are for saying that.



its pretty stupid but its an internet game forum, people hate on developers that dared to try to entertain them and pray for some kind of attention, and it speaks volumes of their mentality and them personally. when I dislike something I leave. like... you know.. most mature folks would



anyway I'm going back to play some more, peace.


Its because Misery loves company........and their recruiting

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I know a few of my friends of have quit, and I am definitely not enjoying this game as much as I wanted to. Although a small sample, it gives me at least a good indication of what other gamers are feeling atm. They just need to fix the bugs, and hot fix things.... The fact that Rataka tier weapons still are worse than the prior tier, and how easy of a fix that would be is a good indication of their priority and how they go about fixing things. An as easy as a fix like this (though I have no background in programming or game design) I find hard to believe would be difficult to fix, and should be patch quickly with a hot fix. But they have yet to do that and it isn't even mentioned on the PTR patch notes. And this is the smallest complaint I have out of MANY bugs. This is why I lack desire to play the game, and I'm sure a good part of the population feels the same. Edited by Docalan
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ok, let me do a random sample of wow servers at an irrelevant time and then come up in wow forums to say game is dying. and then get banned.


*looks at server list*
















Yeah i don't see fail anywhere.


whenever i check, even non-primetime while u.s. should be sleeping, servers are STILL standard and heavy. all of them, but 6. 6 light.


its either u.s. does not sleep, or every place in the world except eu is playing in u.s. servers.




speaking of which, why dont you just cancel your subscription too, and go back to wow ?

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I know a few of my friends of have quit, and I am definitely not enjoying this game as much as I wanted to. Although a small sample, it gives me at least a good indication of what other gamers are feeling atm. They just need to fix the bugs, and hot fix things.... The fact that Rataka tier weapons still are worse than the prior tier.


and let me wake you up to a fact :


majority of the gamers, which are called 'casual', do not give a crap about 'rakata weapons'. they dont even know what a 'rakata weapon is'.


and they pay the majority of the game's subscriptions.


so i dont see any problem there. youre just in the 5% 'hardcore' segment.

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seriously get out of the forums and enjoy the game. half the people whining are trolling, and their posting mentality gives it away. the other half have a max level character or three and have nothing else to do but say the game sucks and pat each other on the back on how awesome they are for saying that.



its pretty stupid but its an internet game forum, people hate on developers that dared to try to entertain them and pray for some kind of attention, and it speaks volumes of their mentality and them personally. when I dislike something I leave. like... you know.. most mature folks would



anyway I'm going back to play some more, peace.


i say they just need banning. wow does it in their forums. you cant imagine how it improved the atmosphere since 1.5 years they started doing it.


thats why most of these insatiable 'hardcore' complainers are in this game and forum now, by the way. they cant just participate in there anymore.


so, they are trying to turn this game into wow before the 'casualization' and the forum moderation. hence complaining about EVERYthing.

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*looks at server list*
















Yeah i don't see fail anywhere.


Looks like Europe at 0300 GMT


When I look at 2000 GMT I see Standard Very Heavy and Full your argument based on 12 servers listed is FAIL

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and let me wake you up to a fact :


majority of the gamers, which are called 'casual', do not give a crap about 'rakata weapons'. they dont even know what a 'rakata weapon is'.


and they pay the majority of the game's subscriptions.


so i dont see any problem there. youre just in the 5% 'hardcore' segment.


This statement alone should end all forum debate...*should* lol, but it won't.

I agree with this guy, and i'm one of the "Hardcore" people.

The minority is very vocal indeed.

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This statement alone should end all forum debate...*should* lol, but it won't.

I agree with this guy, and i'm one of the "Hardcore" people.

The minority is very vocal indeed.


what's irritating is, that they try to pass their own perspectives as the 'majority' perspective.


some are sincerely, truly not even aware that perspectives other than theirs exist.


they think that whole gaming is out to run like witless morons on a gear treadmill in eq/wow clone timesinks.


when you present that you have a different perspective than theirs, in a way that they could not be able to 'externalize' you by looking down on you as a 'casual', they get stupefied. such a reality can not exist.

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Just figured since people are using the "my guild" argument for why its failing I'd point out my guild has tripled since launch. And we aren't pulling people from other guilds most of them are new to the game. Several people I use to play other mmo's with, friends of Guildies who finally decided to give it a try etc. So from my prospective (which is what a lot of these posts are) This game is exploding in growth.


There are always people everywhere, I'm not even alone when I'm in the middle of freaking Tat. The fleet always have people looking for groups for various FP at all hours.


I've experienced a few bugs, but nothing game breaking and nothing that would make me unsub.


I'm not really a casual or hardcore player. I'd be a hardcore player if I wasn't married and didn't have kids, so while I don't dedicate 10+ hours a day to the game I do have an eye for some of the issues they've had like the ability delay, and have lost plenty of loot due to bugged out FPs.


This game is solid and a lot of fun to play on your own or with friends. Its not going to take WoW's crown anytime soon and that's fine.


People need to be more realistic is what this all comes down too. The game is not failing but with out some improvements and a larger player base it wont make it to the 3 year mark. But that's ok because it is solid enough to make it to a year, and in that year they can do what they need to make the game last for 3-5 years or more.

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Odd yesterday both the servers i play on were FULL and had a god damn queue timer of 5 and 10 min each, the rest of the servers are either High or Standard during peak hours, i'd say the game is growing by the day rathern then dwindling like oh so many "Game is failing" trolls and blizzard fanboys state but then again half of these people are from /v/ and we all know /v/ is the final toilet of the internet


And any 3rd party site is inaccurate at best.

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I am cracking up with reading this discussion topic. I don't know why people have to be skeptical and put down the game every chance that they get. Most of these people that say the game is failing, have gone into any discussion they can to spout their negativity. The reason why you will see more complaints than kudos is simple. For every one person who voices their satisifaction about something, there will always be 5 complainers. Simple reason is that most people who are satisfied don't browse discussions to compliment. They are busy playing the game. The whiners spend their time in the forums, because they hope that can discourage others to stop playing a game that they don't like. Here is a novel idea...... If you don't like the game, stop complaining about it in the forum. STOP PLAYING! Do all of the happy people a favor and delete your account. Either be patient and allow bioware to shape the game as it grows, or quit. Wow had a lot of skeptics when it started to. In the beginning of a game, it takes time to make it solid. Bioware needs to do tests and find all of the glitches.
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I've had better behaved software. This game was wiping out sections of my desktop at first.. looks like they might have fixed that.

No, my windows is not corrupted. In fact it's a new, clean W7/64 install.

Make no mistake..they DO have code problems.


I use win7/64 and never had any of those problems...why?

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This game has sold almost as many copies as Cataclysm had in 5 weeks in NA and Europe, calling this game failed is pure trolling.











Edited by andreas_barth
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wow. thats a grim picture for blizzard.




but no, they are not trolling.


they are mainly wow refugees, trying to turn this game into wow.


blizzard started heavily 'casualizing' wow, because going hardcore cost them majority of subscribers. 5% is the hardcore segment which have ever seen molten core etc in wow, rest have never made it that far.


increasing casualizing alienated the hardcores. and after that, blizzard started moderating forums heavily. you cant see any of these 'game will fail' threads there now. quick ban. you cant even talk smack. this is since 1.5 years.


this alienated more hardcores.


and at last, they brought in pandas. this alienated a huge number of those hardcores.


and now here they are, continually complaining, but NOT canceling their subscriptions. because they have no other game to go to now.


so, they talk talk, shout shout, demand. when you look at their demands, you see that they have a common pattern : all are stuff that are in wow.


so, they have fled from wow, which has turned on them, and now trying to make another game into wow and fit in it. swtor, copying the general mechanics of wow was susceptible to this crowd. and here they are.




bioware needs not to pay attention to their demands. unfortunately for them, their demands are self destructive for themselves too ; their demands increasingly turns a game into a tedious, irritating grind, and then drives away majority players. then, the company either goes bankrupt, or turns on this hardcore crowd. its a self-defeating spiral. and, there is NO way of satisfying them, regardless of what you do.


if bioware caters to these, they will lose all the whopass sales numbers which came in from star wars base.

Edited by Enako
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