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What companions do you use for what situation?


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Sgt. Rusk-

my main companion as he does the most dps out of any of my comp. I use him mainly for 3-4+ mobs no elites, or one gold elite, or silver elites.



for hardcore fights that cannot be done without heals.


Kira Carson-

for regular ranged mobs. or one elite.silver.


Lord Scourge-

For ranged mobs and packs of regular ranged mobs with a ranged elite silver.



sits the bench.



um yeah..


All of my companions are orange-Mod geared and I'm lvl 45 atm on my Sentinel.

What about you all?

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I pretty much just use Kira.


Doc doesn't heal until I've got 1/3rd life left, by then it's too late. And that's even after I turned off all his offensive abilities, and took away his guns. He still didn't take the hint.


Rusk & Scourge I've never used once. I can't afford to buy a bunch of orange mod gear with credits, and with the commendations I only have enough to gear myself and one companion.

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I used kira exclusively after I got her. I found the droid annoying and as much use as a wet paper bag in a hurricane.


Once I got doc I dropped kira for the whole of balmora and quesh. However I was reading today about how much doc actually slows you down. It's the game on easy mode, but slow mode.


I tried it all tonight, basically I run around the open world with kira and swap out for doc as I near the end of the quests as the silvers and golds mount up.


To the person who says docs not healing them, I did the following and he heals me straight away, to the point where he does bugger all shooting:


1) turn off carbonised stream, it takes 8 seconds and he uses it way too much.


2) ensure he is in medic stance


3) when you jump into combat, make sure it's not over a ridge or round a corner, otherwise he migh not have Los to you.

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Now that I have started raiding I use Lord Scourge almost exclusively. I put all my PVP and DPS gear on him and turn off all taunts with the exception of that AOE heal one and let him beat on things in his Columi gear.


I only use Doc only when I am soloing Heroics or something hard.

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Kira, unless it's a champion. In which case, I whip out Doc.


Though I had to use Doc for a couple of the Voss quests. There are these monsters and humanoid NPCs in a cave that just hit like trucks. Let me put it this way: I had a harder time with these, than I did with pretty much everything in my class story.



As for gear, only T7 has any orange gear. It's stuff I found either questing or through treasure hunting. Everyone else just uses the best of whatever I can find. I only choose their specific gear as rewards for quests when they're vastly better than anything else.

Edited by Faolon
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As a Sentinel, if I use anyone but Doc against more than three normal mobs (two if one's a strong tier), I'm in for a hard fight which I'm likely to lose.


Unless I'm only fighting one or two mobs. Then I can use just about anybody. Even T7.

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For levelling and questing I used T7 until I got Doc. T7's a great little tank and does fairly respectable damage.


But after getting Doc I used him exclusively, and still use him for dailies and whatnot. I found that using Doc gives me the best survivability, and ability to kill more with usually zero down time between. I've never had any issues with him not healing me. I even have his offensive abilities on as I find them handy, and they don't seem to effect his ability to heal me.


I also play on a PvP server and have found that having Doc out has saved me so many times. By the time enemy players notice the heals it's usually too late, or at the least I stay alive a lot longer than I should or they expect. Sentinels work very well with spam heals.


Also gearing up Rusk now for pure DPS duties.

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