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Are you kidding me with server maintenance


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If you can't handle it, MMO's are just not for you.


Server maintenance and sometimes emergency maintenance are not going to go away, especially in the first few months during which time it is frequent and paramount.


Complaining about them fixing issues falls on deaf ears here, I WANT them to fix it sooner rather than later. I'd hazard a guess that this is the case with the vast majority of the players.


Sure, it can be frustrating when you want to play, but it's part and parcel with massively multiplayer online games.

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wow. Lotsa people whining over BW having Maintance, and fixing stuff:)

Imagine for a second what would happen if BW did'nt!

I mean like....wth will poeple do for like however many hours the servers are down for? Gosh....welll...hmmmm there's heaps of stuff to do:)


I am always reminded what

say in times like these:



" We haven't done this in a long time"

"sure its impossible, but we have to try" ( and whine more)

GL with the RL thingy while servers are down:)

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Oh wow people sure like to whine about everything, something does not work whine time, servers go down to fix said problem whine time!



I also like how most people here forget how BAD WoW was the first 2 months it was UNPLAYABLE for half the population, servers crashed every hour, servers were down for 3 days at the time (WITHOUT WARNING)


So far bioware has done hella lot better then any other company when it comes to fixing issues rapidly.

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Holy crap have you people never played an MMO before?


Even if you haven't which is perfectly fine, are you seriously complaining that they are regularly trying to improve and attain server stability for either fixing issues or just routine cleaning?


Do you guys own cars? Homes? Appliances? Guns? A lot of things in life require maintenance to keep running smoothly. Hell, COMPUTERS can use routine maintenance.


The amount of hours of downtime to up time per month is beyond lopsided. This is ONLY to ensure the time it IS up, STAYS up and runs smoothly.


EDIT: Sorry, i'm just getting really frustrated with all the negativity on the boards.

Edited by SillyTurtle
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I agree I rather have them bring servers down to fix them then try to do things with bugs/issues.


whats the use of playing anyhow if you lag, dc, cant complete a quest ect ect....


Fixes>omg cant play....imo ;)


Not to mention it isnt even 8hrs each time its been 2 and 4 a lot like tonights.

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I'm on EST, I work nights.


So, when I get home from work on patch days, I can't play. Bad enough that at least one day a week I can't play at all.



I'm not offering my services, but they seriously need to go hire some competent data center staff from high-availability industries and not people who couldn't cut it at Blizzard.


By my count, my ability to play the game at my own will and schedule has been interrupted by pretty much every single patch released so far, and it's getting ridiculous.


It is not my fault I work nights keeping airplanes in the sky and gas flowing through the pipelines. It is, however, BioWare's fault that they cannot get their act together and keep the servers up


I paid the same money everyone else did, I should be able to play when I want to, not when BioWare deems it most convenient to them.


but I promise you, keep abusing me and you'll have one less player to worry about pretty quick. There's no point in me playing an MMO if it it's neither massively multi-player nor ever online.


I'm sorry. I don't understand how a company can post it takes their servers offline, to fix problems at 2am cst and this is unfair. most mmo companies do this. normally its 5am pst.

I also fail to see how you working nights is in anyway biowares fault. Did they call you ahead of launch to ask when you worked? doubtful. By the way it does not matter what job tittle you hold, so moving fuel really doesn't matter. You are right you pay the same as everyone else i will give you that. however if I tried to log on during these server down times I cant play either, again going back to not biowares fault you work nights.


Playing with friends is important I understand this, but when its 5% or less of the time you can actually play why bother. Look for a server in a different timezone play there. trust me it will yield much less stress and a better playing experience( especially if you rarely play with your buddies).


Lastly these interruptions are most likely here to stay for another 4-8 weeks. this is normal for any online game. deal with it or stop paying and wait 2 months before coming back. this game is massive and multiplayer, just boils down to what you see. So please stop ranting take a deep breath relax. Play casually, slowly, get that toon to level 50. By that time these problems will be a thing of the past and you can enjoy hunting sith scum(yeah I said it ;) Got an issue located on saber of exar khun or something like that come hunt this jedi down. ). Next time I see on the news an airplane crashed i will be reminded of your post. fly safe my friend.

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All mmo's are like this for the first few months. Once the game is stable and theyve fixed most gamebreaking issues, then they will level off into an organised pattern.


If you don;t like it, post a thread on the suggestion forum, or withhold your sub for a few months.


Are you aware that a large amount of people that have bought this game are new to the MMO world and are not familiar with this so called normal downtime. This amount of time is not normal, it might have been a week ago but now now. Its fair at this point to compensated with time. We should not have to ask for it, it should be giving out of courtesy to our patience. Also you have expressed in every thread in this forum that you are very happy with this game, so understand people have different opinions of what so called normal is.

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I'm a college student so I spend my days in class and play at night so i get hit hard by the down time. I can understand weekly maintenance because there are problems that need to be fixed, but with the last 3 patches it seems like more problems are created than are fixed. Once again this week the servers are being taken down because the game has become unplayable by more people. The upside is that they decided to shut them down on a weeknight and not a Friday....


I played KOTOR2 and I followed this game since before the site had the Holonet on it. I was extremely excited for it and I am pleased with the game play. However, when my prime hours are being hacked away by multiple maintenance shut downs in a week then I don't know why I would want to continue to pay for a game I can't play. The maintenance needs to actually hold up for at least a week or why even try fixing something if you're only going to break it further?


All this seems very familiar to a game called War Hammer....and for those who read the rant by EA Louse, then you have a pretty good idea why this game has been so rocky off the bat

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First off, why are you people who are ok with the server maintenance posting on here? This is a thread for those of us who are UNHAPPY with it. Second quit acting like were whining about them fixing stuff, of course we want them to do server maintenance and fix the bugs that are reported. My guess is most of you who post all these comments about stop whining omg go bioware Im a huge fan boy, are reading about half of the posts and then deciding hey I have something to say about this and posting some senseless post which really has nothing to do with what were complaining about. What were complaining about is the amount of downtime and when it occurs and also what they fix when the servers are down for 8 hours (which for the most part isn't much). Also the fact that they will randomly decide to pull the servers down at midnight (on the west coast) just to fix a bug that honestly most the people I talk to aren't even affected by. So before you come posting as I stated before, some fan boy comment ask your selves these questions, Are you on the west coast or in a time zone where downtime affects peak hours? Do you even pay your monthly subscription yourself or is it on your parents credit card? And lastly if your good with server maintenance and everything is good for you why are you on here posting? My guess most of you blindly defending bio ware aren't in a timezone greatly affected, dont pay your own sub, and like to troll and post stupid comments that really have nothing to do with this thread.
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I'm on EST, I work nights.


So, when I get home from work on patch days, I can't play. Bad enough that at least one day a week I can't play at all.


I don't want to hear anything about QQ'ing from you people who are asleep or at school/work during this time, either. If you were a hard working adult with a family and limited time to play every week, you probably wouldn't be too keen on a company telling you when you can and can't play. Oh and for reference, I also don't want to hear about necessity, "that's the way other MMO's do it", or any other nonsense: I didn't PAY for this game to be told when I can and cannot play it - if it were free that might be a different story. I come from a data center, telecom and aviation background, and if I can keep a data center and cloud cluster at 99.99999% uptime while still implementing changes and fixes, there's no reason BioWare can't either, if they'd have put some actual thought and work into the server design, instead of just hacking together a WoW clone.


And now we get to where they add insult to injury. I get limited enough time to play (that I pay for same as everyone else). I already have to put up with patch Tuesdays knowing I probably won't get to play on one of the most convenient days for me to do so. Even then, since my characters are stuck on a single server (ANOTHER completely stupid, wasteful and unnecessary hold over from the original WoW design that there is zero good reason to emulate: it's the year 2012, for the love of the force), I'm stuck on servers that are pretty much completely dead during my play time. So much for the multi-player: I haven't been able to find a group for a heroic 4 in weeks now.


So, I schedule some time on Friday night to play with my friends, create a new character on another server, and am just getting going, when I find out that with zero warning, they're taking the servers down to patch at 3AM EST on a SATURDAY. To fix... nothing. There was NO reason for them to down the servers for something so incredibly insignificant on a weekend, at all! There was no reason whatsoever that this could not have waited until Tuesday! The rare occasion I can actually be on when there are not just other people on, but my actual IRL friends whom I bought this game specifically to play with, and they just shut the game down on a whim, with 15m notice!


This kind of disregard for customers is unacceptable. BioWare is burning good will with this kind of behavior, and speaking for myself, memories of this will be coming to mind every time I make the decision whether or not to subscribe.


I'm not offering my services, but they seriously need to go hire some competent data center staff from high-availability industries and not people who couldn't cut it at Blizzard.


By my count, my ability to play the game at my own will and schedule has been interrupted by pretty much every single patch released so far, and it's getting ridiculous.


It is not my fault I work nights keeping airplanes in the sky and gas flowing through the pipelines. It is, however, BioWare's fault that they cannot get their act together and keep the servers up, that they cannot shard off servers and patch incrementally, that they irresponsibly and without care for their players shut them down during peak usage to patch things that don't negatively affect the majority of the players enough to matter, and that they cannot recognize and respect the fact that not everyone plays during the same 8 hour window in CST. I paid the same money everyone else did, I should be able to play when I want to, not when BioWare deems it most convenient to them.


I'm not unsubscribing this month, I already paid. I might not unsubscribe next month based on how much I'm able to play the game between now and then, but I promise you, keep abusing me and you'll have one less player to worry about pretty quick. There's no point in me playing an MMO if it it's neither massively multi-player nor ever online.


mmos are clearly not for you pal

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mmos are clearly not for you pal


MMO's are for anyone who wants to pay and play, all customers who pay for a product have a right to express there displeasure with a product they are paying for. So quit with the mindless posts, MMO's aren't just for kids with plenty of time to play whenever bioware makes it available

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Well seeing how you play on an EU server of course you dont mind the servers going down at 8AM, so your comments dont have much validity.


I play on EU server's, it is the biggest ball ache trying to play and then finding out the servers are down all bloody day, at least in the U.S they are down at night.

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First off, why are you people who are ok with the server maintenance posting on here? This is a thread for those of us who are UNHAPPY with it. Second quit acting like were whining about them fixing stuff, of course we want them to do server maintenance and fix the bugs that are reported. My guess is most of you who post all these comments about stop whining omg go bioware Im a huge fan boy, are reading about half of the posts and then deciding hey I have something to say about this and posting some senseless post which really has nothing to do with what were complaining about. What were complaining about is the amount of downtime and when it occurs and also what they fix when the servers are down for 8 hours (which for the most part isn't much). Also the fact that they will randomly decide to pull the servers down at midnight (on the west coast) just to fix a bug that honestly most the people I talk to aren't even affected by. So before you come posting as I stated before, some fan boy comment ask your selves these questions, Are you on the west coast or in a time zone where downtime affects peak hours? Do you even pay your monthly subscription yourself or is it on your parents credit card? And lastly if your good with server maintenance and everything is good for you why are you on here posting? My guess most of you blindly defending bio ware aren't in a timezone greatly affected, dont pay your own sub, and like to troll and post stupid comments that really have nothing to do with this thread.


Perhaps re-read those comments.


I don't think there is anyone who's not annoyed when the servers go down or are taken down during a time when they intended to play--myself included.


But some of us understand it and have experienced it before with other games during their launches. That's not "fanboy", "childish", "stupid", or any of the other comments some people are labeling it.


As has been pointed out, most of the time the maintenance has been finished long before the window was up. Unlike other MMOs which gave short windows and then had to extend them, we're seeing the opposite.


It's ok to be unhappy and annoyed, and perhaps even a bit intolerant. But it's really not ok to rant and throw tantrums like spoiled children, toss the toys out of the sandbox and then direct anger at anyone who's speaks with a voice of reason.


I myself am very much affected by this. I'm on EST but my playtime is at night and I've been forced to log out for most of the maintenance windows.


And btw, no, my parents don't pay for my subscription. I'm sure you could care less, but I saw the original movie as a teenager during its first run in the theatre. I'll let others do the math on that.

Edited by Onyx
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Well seeing how you play on an EU server of course you dont mind the servers going down at 8AM, so your comments dont have much validity.


Neither do yours, to be honest.


Every new game goes through this for a while after launch. Everyone but MMO Virgins know this.


Now you know too. Congratulations on losing your virginity.


It'll taper off once they reach the point where they feel things are stable enough to go with a weekly downtime and not need intermittent patches, etc.. as well.

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Once a week, that's all we need, unless it's game-breaking which many of these micro-patches have NOT been.


We have dealt with a lot of issues since launch. Four more days won't matter.


I have been around for at least 7 game beta MMO's. No virginity here. It does NOT need to happen this way.

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We have dealt with a lot of issues since launch. Four more days won't matter.


Oh, then you probably don't read this forum... The "I want it NOW" "Fix This NOW" "You guys BLEEEEEEP" - threads should be an indication that most people don't feel that way tbh...


Personaly I don't mind waiting for fixes, but it sure seem most people do...

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Neither do yours, to be honest.


Every new game goes through this for a while after launch. Everyone but MMO Virgins know this.


Now you know too. Congratulations on losing your virginity.


It'll taper off once they reach the point where they feel things are stable enough to go with a weekly downtime and not need intermittent patches, etc.. as well.


LOL ok buddy Ive been playing MMO's for quite awhile as stated above I played wow since vanilla, was apart of the AOC launch, played WAR shortly after launch among others. I love how all you "elitist" MMO players always say that stuff. I've been around, I have played these games for years don't try to insinuate I dont know what Im talking about.

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Sooo this is getting ridiculous. I have been waiting for this game since early 2011, was in beta, early access, enjoy the game (when the servers are actually up) immensely.


1.1.0c - 1/28/2012

1.1.0b - 1/24/2012

1.1.0a - 1/19/2012

1.1.0 - Rise of the Rakghouls

1.0.2d - 1/12/2012

1.0.2c - 1/6/2012

1.0.2b - 1/5/2012

1.0.2a - 1/4/2012a

1.0.2 - 1/4/2012

1.0.1a - 12/29/2011

1.0.1 - 12/27/2011

1.0.0f - 12/22/2011

1.0.0e - 12/22/2011

1.0.0d - 12/20/2011

1.0.0c - 12/19/2011

1.0.0b - 12/17/2011


That's 16 times the servers have been brought down for 8 hours each time (with the exception of a few) in 43 days. That's a total of approximately 128 hours of downtime in that amount of time. I personally think this is ludicrous. And on top of that half the time after the servers have been pulled down during peak hours for a west coast player and kept down for 8 hours you look at the patch notes and they fixed 1 or 2 bugs that aren't really the main bugs that are causing problems in game like last time 1.1.0c servers go down for 8 hours and you fix - Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen. - REALLY? 8 hours down and that's it. Now like I stated above I really like this game I anticipated this game and I really don't wanna watch the devs ruin this game with this ridiculous amount of down time. You are gonna lose your customer base doing this crap, I would of already cancelled my account due to this amount of server down time if I didn't like the game so much. Now all that being said in my opinion there's 2 things you can do to fix this. 1. give players who have been here since launch another free 30 days as our initial 30 were marred with downtime if you count it shows around 14 down times in the first free 30 days that's the server going down every other day which is exactly what it feels like. 2. the most obvious quit bringing the servers down this much, wait till there's multiple bug fixes in place and bring em down and actually do something with the 8 hours. I played wow for 5 years I was there in the early days and granted there were bugs they always fixed things in a timely fashion and didn't bring the servers down until they had it figured out and they usually only lasted 3-4 hours. I also played AoC and WAR and watched them fail massively so I feel I have a pretty good grasp on what makes an MMO and what can absolutely kill a MMO.


I'm not the only one who feels this way, I've seen a lot of talk about this in general chat as well as from people I talk to in guild that are unhappy with this. The game is a very fun, well made, and for me pretty much bug free so far, this is the only thing killing the game for me and others. PLEASE GET THIS UNDER CONTROL


Sure do cry alot eh? they always come up Early and are fixing the game each week, seriously stop crying...

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I'm also working, and I can only play for like.. 2-4 hours per week since I have work (and on some weeks I can't), and I have nothing against it. I just move on. I can play on consoles, or add more sleep time. There are tons of things available that I can do.


Yep, the game is not that important. Even if you only get 4 hours of play per month (and I am sure that most of us play far more then that) you are still getting a bargain compared to most forms of entertainment. So chill, relax, exercise something more than your fingers.

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All mmo's are like this for the first few months. Once the game is stable and theyve fixed most gamebreaking issues, then they will level off into an organised pattern.


If you don;t like it, post a thread on the suggestion forum, or withhold your sub for a few months.


This, They need sever's down, wish this was my only problem, downtime.


I look forward to downtime. Fix's, Live in hope, Just like the BM bags

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Perhaps re-read those comments.


I don't think there is anyone who's not annoyed when the servers go down or are taken down during a time when they intended to play--myself included.


But some of us understand it and have experienced it before with other games during their launches. That's not "fanboy", "childish", "stupid", or any of the other comments some people are labeling it.


As has been pointed out, most of the time the maintenance has been finished long before the window was up. Unlike other MMOs which gave short windows and then had to extend them, we're seeing the opposite.


It's ok to be unhappy and annoyed, and perhaps even a bit intolerant. But it's really not ok to rant and throw tantrums like spoiled children, toss the toys out of the sandbox and then direct anger at anyone who's speaks with a voice of reason.


I myself am very much affected by this. I'm on EST but my playtime is at night and I've been forced to log out for most of the maintenance windows.


And btw, no, my parents don't pay for my subscription. I'm sure you could care less, but I saw the original movie as a teenager during its first run in the theatre. I'll let others do the math on that.


Why dont you re-read my comments..... I did use fanboy but I never said "childish" or "stupid", I like how you give me your ok to be annoyed... I have not thrown a tantrum in any shape or form... I dont know what your reading, and tbh you or anyone else is not the voice of reason your just a paying customer, same as me.


And btw, I said ask your selves those questions but I knew there would be some 50 something year old dude who would come on here and be like "whooaaa wait a min I pay my subscription" chill out dude your the same age as my dad, I'll let others do the math on that.

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