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Everything posted by Genghiscron

  1. I think you are completely oblivious to this entire thread.
  2. And I was about to make a post saying finally a successful patch I can actually support... and then the servers are coming down a day later to fix ... the ... patch ... biiiiigggg surprise. I challenge you bioware to come out with one patch that doesnt have to be fixed a day later. Another month of this and I'm cancelling, and Im not the only one. So all you defending bioware so fiercely can have the servers all to your selves (all 50 of you).
  3. Once again someone trying to insinuate something. Not crying expressing my displeasure with a product I pay for. I played college basketball and still play about 4 times a week aside from countless other activities, has nothing to do with what Im talking about. Again.
  4. Why dont you re-read my comments..... I did use fanboy but I never said "childish" or "stupid", I like how you give me your ok to be annoyed... I have not thrown a tantrum in any shape or form... I dont know what your reading, and tbh you or anyone else is not the voice of reason your just a paying customer, same as me. And btw, I said ask your selves those questions but I knew there would be some 50 something year old dude who would come on here and be like "whooaaa wait a min I pay my subscription" chill out dude your the same age as my dad, I'll let others do the math on that.
  5. LOL ok buddy Ive been playing MMO's for quite awhile as stated above I played wow since vanilla, was apart of the AOC launch, played WAR shortly after launch among others. I love how all you "elitist" MMO players always say that stuff. I've been around, I have played these games for years don't try to insinuate I dont know what Im talking about.
  6. MMO's are for anyone who wants to pay and play, all customers who pay for a product have a right to express there displeasure with a product they are paying for. So quit with the mindless posts, MMO's aren't just for kids with plenty of time to play whenever bioware makes it available
  7. First off, why are you people who are ok with the server maintenance posting on here? This is a thread for those of us who are UNHAPPY with it. Second quit acting like were whining about them fixing stuff, of course we want them to do server maintenance and fix the bugs that are reported. My guess is most of you who post all these comments about stop whining omg go bioware Im a huge fan boy, are reading about half of the posts and then deciding hey I have something to say about this and posting some senseless post which really has nothing to do with what were complaining about. What were complaining about is the amount of downtime and when it occurs and also what they fix when the servers are down for 8 hours (which for the most part isn't much). Also the fact that they will randomly decide to pull the servers down at midnight (on the west coast) just to fix a bug that honestly most the people I talk to aren't even affected by. So before you come posting as I stated before, some fan boy comment ask your selves these questions, Are you on the west coast or in a time zone where downtime affects peak hours? Do you even pay your monthly subscription yourself or is it on your parents credit card? And lastly if your good with server maintenance and everything is good for you why are you on here posting? My guess most of you blindly defending bio ware aren't in a timezone greatly affected, dont pay your own sub, and like to troll and post stupid comments that really have nothing to do with this thread.
  8. Server maintenance strikes again!!! At least its only 2 hours this time.... like I said every other day.
  9. Well seeing how you play on an EU server of course you dont mind the servers going down at 8AM, so your comments dont have much validity.
  10. Sooo this is getting ridiculous. I have been waiting for this game since early 2011, was in beta, early access, enjoy the game (when the servers are actually up) immensely. 1.1.0c - 1/28/2012 1.1.0b - 1/24/2012 1.1.0a - 1/19/2012 1.1.0 - Rise of the Rakghouls 1.0.2d - 1/12/2012 1.0.2c - 1/6/2012 1.0.2b - 1/5/2012 1.0.2a - 1/4/2012a 1.0.2 - 1/4/2012 1.0.1a - 12/29/2011 1.0.1 - 12/27/2011 1.0.0f - 12/22/2011 1.0.0e - 12/22/2011 1.0.0d - 12/20/2011 1.0.0c - 12/19/2011 1.0.0b - 12/17/2011 That's 16 times the servers have been brought down for 8 hours each time (with the exception of a few) in 43 days. That's a total of approximately 128 hours of downtime in that amount of time. I personally think this is ludicrous. And on top of that half the time after the servers have been pulled down during peak hours for a west coast player and kept down for 8 hours you look at the patch notes and they fixed 1 or 2 bugs that aren't really the main bugs that are causing problems in game like last time 1.1.0c servers go down for 8 hours and you fix - Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen. - REALLY? 8 hours down and that's it. Now like I stated above I really like this game I anticipated this game and I really don't wanna watch the devs ruin this game with this ridiculous amount of down time. You are gonna lose your customer base doing this crap, I would of already cancelled my account due to this amount of server down time if I didn't like the game so much. Now all that being said in my opinion there's 2 things you can do to fix this. 1. give players who have been here since launch another free 30 days as our initial 30 were marred with downtime if you count it shows around 14 down times in the first free 30 days that's the server going down every other day which is exactly what it feels like. 2. the most obvious quit bringing the servers down this much, wait till there's multiple bug fixes in place and bring em down and actually do something with the 8 hours. I played wow for 5 years I was there in the early days and granted there were bugs they always fixed things in a timely fashion and didn't bring the servers down until they had it figured out and they usually only lasted 3-4 hours. I also played AoC and WAR and watched them fail massively so I feel I have a pretty good grasp on what makes an MMO and what can absolutely kill a MMO. I'm not the only one who feels this way, I've seen a lot of talk about this in general chat as well as from people I talk to in guild that are unhappy with this. The game is a very fun, well made, and for me pretty much bug free so far, this is the only thing killing the game for me and others. PLEASE GET THIS UNDER CONTROL
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