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[Unofficial] Day 3 Invite Waves


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Also, at this point it's just painfully obvious that Mr. Reid will not give us the answer we're looking for but that outcome is intended AKA he's not going to commit to saying "Ya, everyone will be in today" it's just be that "We are inviting more people today than we did during yesterday." crap.


If you bothered to follow his Twitter, he also said in response to people asking if everyone was getting in today that people would be surprised at just how many people pre-ordered in the last two weeks. Which is his polite way of saying that's not happening.

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As a long time gamer I have been in quite a few mmo launches and have seen the fiasco's they have become such as Lagfests, spawn camping and constant disconnections.


Whilst I commend BW for trying to smooth the transition of launch I feel they have now crossed to the other end of the spectrum bordering on fiasco. I could appreciate 2 days of rolling invites but anything beyond 2 days is starting to take the pi$$ out of players who bought early access. Notwithstanding it started 7 days and not 5 it is still a slap in the face of people who made a pre-order no matter what date you redeemed your code. For example I signed to the forums 2 years before many people. Perhaps we should use those dates to show support for the game instead. Any decision seems arbitrary.


But this raises an interesting question. If the rolling waves are to see if the servers can take the stress then what are they going to do if they cant? Tell people they cannot play the game until there is enough server capacity? Doubtful as this breaks there TOC for purchase. Which suggests they have planned the server capacity and therefore know it can take it which then means why pi$$ multiple potential subscribers off by making them wait over many days before being able to play?!


We are also talking about Early Access only here. If they are not capable of taking many people logging in at once now then what about all those people who buy shelf copies on official launch day? Surely they have planned for that server capacity so why are they so worried about the EGA people? It seems to have served no real purpose to have granted access over 3-4 days except to annoy a lot of the fan base.


Ergo bordering on another launch fiasco of the tentative variety instead of the lagfest I am used to. Shame no games company has got a launch right yet :(


Ah well... back to Battlefield 3 for me as I dont expect to get in until tomorrow now and alas am going away for the weekend.

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