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Swtor IS a success, at least financially


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Now....just imagine what Blizz/Activion execs are doing. Do you think they are really concerned they went from 12 to 9.5 million members. , yeah not really. That juggernaut makes more than alot of these 3rd world countries entire GDP.


yes, yes they are worried about a roughly 3 million drop in active subs. you better believe they are, or they wouldn't be doing so many store offers, that annual pass, etc.


they want to hold folks until Titan is ready. if people move on to a bigger better MMO, whatever you want to add there, then they lost already.


If you don't think they are worried big time, then you don't know business. They forecasted their revenue, operating costs and budgets based on a high number... as that drops off significantly... they start hurting, squeezing, and cutting in other areas... or else shareholders start balking.

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Clearly you know more about the financials of a company than it's CEO. Never mind that he has, you know, real numbers and facts. You, some random MMO player, know the real score. :rolleyes:


I'm an investor. That is what I do. All it takes is a bit of research to determine what the estimated monthly upkeep is.


Do the math. If est upkeep is $7.5 million how much profit are you making with 500k subs?

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EA hasn't closed a quarter that includes subscriptions to retain. At best that 85% number is a projection from...I don't know what. They aren't reporting their latest quarter results until Feb 1 so how could they have reported 85% retention unless they are looking for a nasty old fine from the SEC?


The projection is probably based on the current rate of drop off, and what it will look like at the end of Q1 at the current rate.

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EA hasn't closed a quarter that includes subscriptions to retain. At best that 85% number is a projection from...I don't know what. They aren't reporting their latest quarter results until Feb 1 so how could they have reported 85% retention unless they are looking for a nasty old fine from the SEC?


They know exactly what their retention rate is to date. Guarantee that the analysts covering EA will be asking questions about subs on Weds. I know I will be on that call. I am short EA.

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They know exactly what their retention rate is to date. Guarantee that the analysts covering EA will be asking questions about subs on Weds. I know I will be on that call. I am short EA.


That's probably a safe bet just as a general rule (Even pre-swtor). I should start doing that.

Edited by Scoobings
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They know exactly what their retention rate is to date. Guarantee that the analysts covering EA will be asking questions about subs on Weds. I know I will be on that call. I am short EA.


Sorry, I'm not saying it is or isn't 85%. I was just taking issue with a poster who claimed facts were in a quarterly filing that hadn't happened.

Edited by barwnKesteven
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I'm an investor. That is what I do. All it takes is a bit of research to determine what the estimated monthly upkeep is.


Do the math. If est upkeep is $7.5 million how much profit are you making with 500k subs?


Keyword there is estimated. The CEO has the actual numbers, to the fraction of a penny.


Estimate away, just don't try to claim something as fact when someone who actually does have the facts (said CEO) claims otherwise.

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Keyword there is estimated. The CEO has the actual numbers, to the fraction of a penny.


Estimate away, just don't try to claim something as fact when someone who actually does have the facts (said CEO) claims otherwise.


I guess we will see. 10-Qs don't lie. Well, they can, but then people go to jail.

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Keyword there is estimated. The CEO has the actual numbers, to the fraction of a penny.


Estimate away, just don't try to claim something as fact when someone who actually does have the facts (said CEO) claims otherwise.


Thought this whole thread was about throwing estimates and not facts.

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Keyword there is estimated. The CEO has the actual numbers, to the fraction of a penny.


Estimate away, just don't try to claim something as fact when someone who actually does have the facts (said CEO) claims otherwise.


7.5$ mil sounds a little steep to me but he's definitely right about the operating costs and they are probably really, really high. His point stands even if the actual numbers aren't spot on.

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Keyword there is estimated. The CEO has the actual numbers, to the fraction of a penny.


Estimate away, just don't try to claim something as fact when someone who actually does have the facts (said CEO) claims otherwise.


Also...you have never worked at a senior level in a large corp have you? ;)

Edited by PjPablo
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Keyword there is estimated. The CEO has the actual numbers, to the fraction of a penny.


Estimate away, just don't try to claim something as fact when someone who actually does have the facts (said CEO) claims otherwise.


Said CEO may have made a true statement that the game will be profitable at 500,000 subscribers. The ongoing costs of the game may be less than the revenue generated by those 500,000. However... any good CEO leaves enough wiggle room in such statements to drive a supertanker through. For example, did he say "...profitable and by that I mean covering ongoing costs and recouping our investment?", no.


We don't know yet, none of us do, time will tell. Personally, I hope SWTOR is profitable so people will want to continue investing in the genre and pushing the envelope.

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dude stop making up crap really :) My personal story, believe it or not, 4 years ago i was stuck on to PVE server and i raised several threads on the suggestion forums and general forums of WoW about allowing people transfer from PVE to PVP if they have a max level toon on that PVP server - imagine i was trying to comply to their "LEVELING ON PVP IS HARDER THIS IS SRS SHT"


you know what happend? my threads got deleted. i reopened it, and you know what happend after? the thread got closed, with Blizzard official representative saying WE WILL NEVER ALLOW THIS. i swear to you this is exact meaning - NEVER ALLOW pve to pvp transfers. and you know what? i was forum banned for 2 days for reopening the thread. I quit wow at that time for half a year, it was the end of TBC, my server was dead, i missed my season 4 glad title because the only proper healing druid i 2vs2 with quit, so i just really grew tired with incompetent healers and got myself a break.


half! a year! forward they open Russian wow and you know what? they allow PvE to PvP with WOTK going out. Can you imagine the level of hypocrisy? They said numerous times they will NEVER allowed it, they forum banned me (and this is always annoying and pretty humiliating, dont you think), they in the end lost a paying customer for a half a year ONLY to fcking introduce this feature in less then a year, for everyone, just for money.


And you dare to say things like you've said? a hypocrite you are.


What you are saying has literally nothing to do with what I said. Sorry about your sob story though, brah. That is what happens when you spam.


edit: Also Blizzard never says NEVER to a request that isn't way out there. They are very careful about it.

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Said CEO may have made a true statement that the game will be profitable at 500,000 subscribers. The ongoing costs of the game may be less than the revenue generated by those 500,000. However... any good CEO leaves enough wiggle room in such statements to drive a supertanker through. For example, did he say "...profitable and by that I mean covering ongoing costs and recouping our investment?", no.


We don't know yet, none of us do, time will tell. Personally, I hope SWTOR is profitable so people will want to continue investing in the genre and pushing the envelope.


Everytime a big game like this caves it makes me sad. DCUO could have been awesome but it tanked, and now no one will try a combo-based MMORPG for years. They won't look at the details and see that SOE @#@%ed up, they'll just see that supposedly that style of game doesn't work :(

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Said CEO may have made a true statement that the game will be profitable at 500,000 subscribers. The ongoing costs of the game may be less than the revenue generated by those 500,000. However... any good CEO leaves enough wiggle room in such statements to drive a supertanker through. For example, did he say "...profitable and by that I mean covering ongoing costs and recouping our investment?", no.


We don't know yet, none of us do, time will tell. Personally, I hope SWTOR is profitable so people will want to continue investing in the genre and pushing the envelope.


When CEOs/CFOs say that they are giving the breakeven point. "We will be profitable at XXX" 500,000 subs gives you a $7.5 mil a month expense which is nuts for an MMO. From the LA Times article:


EA has said that covering the game's operating costs will require 500,000 paying subscribers. At $15 a month, the figure implies that the game costs at least $7.5 million a month to maintain, including an undisclosed royalty fee to Lucasfilm, which owns the "Star Wars" license.


When you figure WOW's monthly is around $4.5 million and it is a much larger game that tells me LA is making crazy bank on TOR.

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Said CEO may have made a true statement that the game will be profitable at 500,000 subscribers. The ongoing costs of the game may be less than the revenue generated by those 500,000. However... any good CEO leaves enough wiggle room in such statements to drive a supertanker through. For example, did he say "...profitable and by that I mean covering ongoing costs and recouping our investment?", no.


We don't know yet, none of us do, time will tell. Personally, I hope SWTOR is profitable so people will want to continue investing in the genre and pushing the envelope.


You're right, no one here could possibly know the real numbers, which is entirely my point.

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When CEOs/CFOs say that they are giving the breakeven point. "We will be profitable at XXX" 500,000 subs gives you a $7.5 mil a month expense which is nuts for an MMO. From the LA Times article:


EA has said that covering the game's operating costs will require 500,000 paying subscribers. At $15 a month, the figure implies that the game costs at least $7.5 million a month to maintain, including an undisclosed royalty fee to Lucasfilm, which owns the "Star Wars" license.


When you figure WOW's monthly is around $4.5 million and it is a much larger game that tells me LA is making crazy bank on TOR.


Ahh, that is true I've heard that LA bends people over for the rights. Maybe 7.5 isn't that huge of a mark.

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Ahh, that is true I've heard that LA bends people over for the rights. Maybe 7.5 isn't that huge of a mark.


There have been estimates that Lucas Arts will take ~35% after EA earns back it's initial investment.




Still, that's just more estimates.

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