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Help with endgame stuff


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I've had my marauder at 50 for a few weeks now. I'm stuck on the last part fighting Lord Dreg-something-er-other. Insert whatever jokes about squishyness you want, but i'd really like to just finish this mission and then take on Darth Baras. I had a hybrid of rage & carnage. Then I read some post about annihilation being good for Elites, so I respec'd to that tree. I've tried with each of my companions. Bottlom line, i just can't get the job done. Does anyone have any helpful advice?
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I've had my marauder at 50 for a few weeks now. I'm stuck on the last part fighting Lord Dreg-something-er-other. Insert whatever jokes about squishyness you want, but i'd really like to just finish this mission and then take on Darth Baras. I had a hybrid of rage & carnage. Then I read some post about annihilation being good for Elites, so I respec'd to that tree. I've tried with each of my companions. Bottlom line, i just can't get the job done. Does anyone have any helpful advice?


What server are you on?


Are you standing in the red AoE lighting like a pro?


Are you interrupting him as often as possible?


Are your companions geared at all?

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Please add spoiler tags if you're going to be referring to any names. It may be easier to talk about "the last 2 bosses in Act 3."





Kiba's Pro-tips to Soloing Hard Content:


1) Annihilation will give you the best survivability compared to any spec. Use a proper spec and play it right (check my sig) and you'll be very hard to kill.


2) Your defensive cooldowns are not 'oh $hit' buttons, they're to be used early and often to maximize their effectiveness. Stock up on Medpacs as well. Start out with Cloak of Pain and you'll have a 30 second uptime of 20% less damage. Follow that up with Saber Ward and pop a Medpac if you need it.


3) Quinn. Make sure he's geared; use commendations, buy crafted stuff, whatever. If he's in the same gear you got him with there's no way he'll be able to heal effectively.


And, if all else fails,


4) Make a friend. Have them come in with their healing companion (or, better yet, get a healer friend) and you'll make quick work of them.


Edit: 5) Stay out of **** on the ground.

Edited by Kibaken
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What server are you on?


Are you standing in the red AoE lighting like a pro?


Are you interrupting him as often as possible?


Are your companions geared at all?


Server - Zaalbar

red AoE lighting - Huh?

interrupting - Yes.

companions - yes, i usually use Vette, and i've got here geared up.

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2) Your defensive cooldowns are not 'oh $hit' buttons, they're to be used early and often to maximize their effectiveness.


This, a thousand times this.

People think they are Oh S**T buttons and refrain from using them, then wonder why their effectiveness as a Marauder is in the toilet.

Your abilities are there for a purpose... to be used.

Use them.



As for you having a hard time with this fight.. do what the guy above me says... take the gear off of Vette and put it on Quinn, and use him.

Make sure his Med Scan ability is activated, and his Carbon Freeze is NOT activated.

Enjoy your victory my friend.

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This, a thousand times this.

People think they are Oh S**T buttons and refrain from using them, then wonder why their effectiveness as a Marauder is in the toilet.

Your abilities are there for a purpose... to be used.

Use them.


Just want to third this. And remember, Call on the Force may seem like an Oh **** button, but that HoT it provides you won't do much good if you wait until you're at 10% health to use it.

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call on the force will save your butt against hard encounters, make sure to use it


also, gearing companions should be fairly easy if you PVP all the time --you can use the commendations to gear out all your peeps


I'm not there yet but we have tons of tricks up our sleeves as marauders, especially if you're biochem

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