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Please, Don't Roll on Items for Another Class in Your Team


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But you seem to be ignoring the fact that there are other ways to obtain gear for companions outside of FP that don't cost credits either. Mission rewards and commendations can easily outfit companions and bypasses the need to go into a Flashpoint and potentially cause loot drama over them. Once you hit Tat, you can even get an orange piece for 12 comms for them. My companions never need FP gear to get me by. They don't need to be as well geared as I am.


I tend to be okay with using the entire piece of gear or just a few of the mods, but needing for companions is pointless. It's not the fact that they are not in the group, it's the fact that there are other avenues to get gear for them, that will make them viable in combat no less, that cost only the relatively easy to obtain commendations. Run a flashpoint, get geared up for your level, and you won't need any of the mission rewards for yourself. Choose the commendations as a reward and see how fast they add up.


Fine. I won't heal or tank or DPS for your groups since all I would like to run the FP for is gear for my companions. (my classes are fully geared from FPs). So, you just want me to never run anymore FPs, is that what you are saying? I should quit the game since I don't need anymore gear for my class from FPs, I only would use the gear from FPs for my companions?

Edited by crica
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Actually if you dont do that.


Then please explain then why you do say you will take gear from another player in/from group content because you can use it in Solo mode when using companions.

Because my companion needs gear, just like you need gear. Because why else would I run a FP? So YOU can gear up? I don't know you. Do you join random PuGs just to gear up random strangers or do you join random PuGs in order to gear up yourself? If your class no longer needs gear but your companion needs gear still, are you going to stop running FPs or are you going to keep running FPs and try to gear up your companions? Edited by crica
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Actually if you dont do that.


Then please explain then why you do say you will take gear from another player in/from group content because you can use it in Solo mode when using companions.


We all use gear we acquire in groups while we're out soloing. Unless you've leveled exclusively through Flashpoints and PvP, you've used gear from a Flashpoint in your solo quests. That isn't even an issue here for this thread, though it's tangential. The game's content design is such that the vast majority of the time you spend on your character is spent solo questing, with Heroic group quests, Flashpoints and PvP peppered in for flavor.


So yes, Needing on gear because it's an upgrade for you for your solo questing is perfectly viable, and I'd even go so far as to say expected by BioWare.

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There are, many ways to get gear for companions. One of them is via loot drops. Why should I buy or use some other method, when the loot for my companion is available to me if I win the dice roll?


Because it's pointless? You're over-gearing your companions and wasting the time of the rest of your group. Companions are used for solo-ing, so gear them out with solo content. I assume that you do the solo content, yes? Otherwise, you wouldn't even need you companion. If you're doing the solo content, then you're gearing your companion as you go. You're essentially wasting no more time then you would in a flashpoint, so I call "ease of access" a moot point. Especially if you visit you comm vender everytime you level up and visit your ability trainer at the same time.

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Actually if you dont do that.


Then please explain then why you do say you will take gear from another player in/from group content because you can use it in Solo mode when using companions.


This is the heart of the matter. I'm not TAKING anything from you. We both fought and have an equal right to whatever drops. I'm simply rolling and hoping to win, JUST LIKE YOU!!


Exaplin to me why you feel you have a higher right to it than I do. Why is me rolling "taking" it from you?

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You're over-gearing your companions and wasting the time of the rest of your group.



There it is folks, ppl who want to gear up their companions by running FPs are wasting HER time.


We all need to quit the game and never run anymore FPs with him since we only need gear for our companions.


That way we don't waste HER time anymore running FPs and gearing up our companions.


Hear that BioWare?


We have to quit the game now because we are wasting HER time gearing up our companions in a FP.

Edited by crica
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Fine. I won't heal or tank or DPS for your groups since all I would like to run the FP for is gear for my companions. (my classes are fully geared from FPs). So, you just want me to never run anymore FPs, is that what you are saying? I should quit the game since I don't need anymore gear for my class from FPs, I only would use the gear from FPs for my companions?


Then don't. You'd likely just waste my time since we wouldn't agree on loot rules on the outset of the flashpoint. Personally, I can solo all the content for the orange containers I want for my companions, then go quest and get the comms to buy the mods for those containers. I solo all the content for the gear I need for my companions that help me when I'm working on the solo content. So many ways to get the gear, I even solo the flashpoints I've overleveled.

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Then don't. You'd likely just waste my time since we wouldn't agree on loot rules on the outset of the flashpoint. Personally, I can solo all the content for the orange containers I want for my companions, then go quest and get the comms to buy the mods for those containers. I solo all the content for the gear I need for my companions that help me when I'm working on the solo content. So many ways to get the gear, I even solo the flashpoints I've overleveled.


Yes, Mr. God, we will all quit the game because how dare we enjoy playing the same game as you for a reason you don't.


We would never think of wasting your precious gaming time by enjoying running FPs to gear up our companions.


We will just quit the game so you will never waste your precious gamming time again.

Edited by crica
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Because it's pointless? You're over-gearing your companions and wasting the time of the rest of your group. Companions are used for solo-ing, so gear them out with solo content. I assume that you do the solo content, yes? Otherwise, you wouldn't even need you companion. If you're doing the solo content, then you're gearing your companion as you go. You're essentially wasting no more time then you would in a flashpoint, so I call "ease of access" a moot point. Especially if you visit you comm vender everytime you level up and visit your ability trainer at the same time.


Hpw can it be pointless? Are you stating that none of the gear from grp content will go on my companion? If it will, then I can certainly use it right?


How am I wasting the time of the grp? The only way I could be wasting the time of the grp is if I asked to help me get gear and then I snubbed my nose at it.


The idea is that everyone in the group might, see the "might" get some gear, depending on the roll of the dice.

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There it is folks, ppl who want to gear up their companions by running FPs are wasting HIS time.


We all need to quit the game and never run anymore FPs with him since we only need gear for our companions.


That way we don't waste HIS time anymore running FPs and gearing up our companions.


Hear that BioWare? We have to quit the game now because we are wasting HIS time gearing up our companions in a FP.


Yay! Let's all nerdrage over someone's opinion!! Considering there are enough people that agree with me, I won't have many problems finding groups with people that don't like needing for companions. Can you say the same? I have no idea, but why not try that instead of attacking other people that don't agree with you? I'm attempting to have a debate, and that means we don't have to necessarily agree on the issue. Can you do that without getting upset? Otherwise, I'm just wasting my time here. And yes, my time is important to me. Sorry if that upsets you.


Btw, I'm a girl.

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Then don't. You'd likely just waste my time since we wouldn't agree on loot rules on the outset of the flashpoint. Personally, I can solo all the content for the orange containers I want for my companions, then go quest and get the comms to buy the mods for those containers. I solo all the content for the gear I need for my companions that help me when I'm working on the solo content. So many ways to get the gear, I even solo the flashpoints I've overleveled.


So basically, why are you here in the thread? You can get everything you want yourself.

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Yay! Let's all nerdrage over someone's opinion!! Considering there are enough people that agree with me, I won't have many problems finding groups with people that don't like needing for companions. Can you say the same? I have no idea, but why not try that instead of attacking other people that don't agree with you? I'm attempting to have a debate, and that means we don't have to necessarily agree on the issue. Can you do that without getting upset? Otherwise, I'm just wasting my time here. And yes, my time is important to me. Sorry if that upsets you.


Btw, I'm a girl.


Oh, no, we would never think of playing a game and enjoying it for a different reason then you!


That would waste your time!


No, master, we would never do that!


We will just quit playing the game since we have NO RIGHT to enjoy playing a game you play for a different reason then you!


Sorry master, please don't beat me!

Edited by crica
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But you seem to be ignoring the fact that there are other ways to obtain gear for companions outside of FP that don't cost credits either.

There are an equal number of ways to get gear for yourself outside of a Flashpoint. Why don't you use them, rather than creating a ton of loot drama by throwing a fit in the middle of a mission if someone wants something for a companion?

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Then don't. You'd likely just waste my time since we wouldn't agree on loot rules on the outset of the flashpoint. Personally, I can solo all the content for the orange containers I want for my companions, then go quest and get the comms to buy the mods for those containers. I solo all the content for the gear I need for my companions that help me when I'm working on the solo content. So many ways to get the gear, I even solo the flashpoints I've overleveled.


Hatslinger, I think we have a fundamental difference in priorities here, which is (of course) fine. I've heard the argument of "You use companions in solo content, so gear them up in solo content" before, and it just doesn't hold water for me. I see no logical reason to intentionally divest myself of an additional possible upgrade path just because another player places lower priority on companion gearing than I do and thinks I should do likewise. It's fine if it's how you want to play, but I don't think it's beneficial to expect other players to have the same priorities. Since companions use the same gear as player, it's ultimately up to the player (as it should be) whether their companion is decked out in quest greens and blues, or Flashpoint purples and oranges.

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Hpw can it be pointless? Are you stating that none of the gear from grp content will go on my companion? If it will, then I can certainly use it right?


How am I wasting the time of the grp? The only way I could be wasting the time of the grp is if I asked to help me get gear and then I snubbed my nose at it.


The idea is that everyone in the group might, see the "might" get some gear, depending on the roll of the dice.


I'm of the opinion that group content is for the group. I.E. the people that helped you with the content. I'm arguing under the assumption that you are needing over someone that also wants the gear for themselves. If the piece of gear is not under contention, then I have no problem with others needing it for companions.


So, it's pointless, in my mind, if you are rolling need over someone that will actually use it for their character and not their companions. If you are doing that, then you are wasting the time of that player considering that you could get gear for your companion outside of the flashpoint. That player is going into the flashpoint wanting that piece of gear, it is the reason they grouped with you. When you take that gear, for a companion that is used for solo content, then you've essentially taken advantage of the player, in my opinion.

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That player is going into the flashpoint wanting that piece of gear, it is the reason they grouped with you.


I would go into that FP with you because I want that piece of gear as well.


If you tell me I can't roll Need on a piece of gear that I WILL use and is the ONLY reason I want to run the FP, then why would I go into that FP with you?

Edited by crica
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We all use gear we acquire in groups while we're out soloing. Unless you've leveled exclusively through Flashpoints and PvP, you've used gear from a Flashpoint in your solo quests. That isn't even an issue here for this thread, though it's tangential. The game's content design is such that the vast majority of the time you spend on your character is spent solo questing, with Heroic group quests, Flashpoints and PvP peppered in for flavor.


So yes, Needing on gear because it's an upgrade for you for your solo questing is perfectly viable, and I'd even go so far as to say expected by BioWare.


So everyone roll om everything and everyone screw eac other over.


get rid of need altogether and simply keep in "roll"


each of us has 4-5 characters to level now when raiding and doing FP. Considering your Ai muppets over the people who need the gear for their actual character and are helping you get through the content.


It's pretty Fing selfish.

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So everyone roll om everything and everyone screw eac other over.


get rid of need altogether and simply keep in "roll"


each of us has 4-5 characters to level now when raiding and doing FP. Considering your Ai muppets over the people who need the gear for their actual character and are helping you get through the content.


It's pretty Fing selfish.

I helped THEM as well - why cant I roll Need on the gear I WILL use? If not, WHY bother helping them? Edited by crica
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So basically, why are you here in the thread? You can get everything you want yourself.


So, let me get this straight. You guys start a thread, but want no actual debate to take place in it? It seems like once someone posts something that is the opposite of what you agree with in this thread, you either attack the person (like whatisname is doing as we speak) or you claim "why are you here?" I'm here because this can affect me too if someone with like mind to you gets in my group. That's how it affects me. However, if there was any way to separate the two groups, like with the dungeon finder, then I would love that. I'm not begrudging you of how you want to get gear for companions, even though I don't agree with it whatsoever, so long as we can find a way to make us all happy.


I've realized that none of you want to hear any argument on this matter, so are y'all at least willing to start up a suggestion for a little check-box in the upcoming LFG tool for this?

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I'm of the opinion that group content is for the group. I.E. the people that helped you with the content. I'm arguing under the assumption that you are needing over someone that also wants the gear for themselves. If the piece of gear is not under contention, then I have no problem with others needing it for companions.


So, it's pointless, in my mind, if you are rolling need over someone that will actually use it for their character and not their companions. If you are doing that, then you are wasting the time of that player considering that you could get gear for your companion outside of the flashpoint. That player is going into the flashpoint wanting that piece of gear, it is the reason they grouped with you. When you take that gear, for a companion that is used for solo content, then you've essentially taken advantage of the player, in my opinion.


But here is where you argument breaks down. If I win a piece of loot, what I do with that loot is none of your business. Likewise, what you do with yours, is none of mine.


You are falling prey to the ideal that you have some say about loot you did not win. You don't. The only say you have, is the choice of button you select at tool time. After that, you win, or you lose.

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I'm of the opinion that group content is for the group. I.E. the people that helped you with the content. I'm arguing under the assumption that you are needing over someone that also wants the gear for themselves. If the piece of gear is not under contention, then I have no problem with others needing it for companions.


So, it's pointless, in my mind, if you are rolling need over someone that will actually use it for their character and not their companions. If you are doing that, then you are wasting the time of that player considering that you could get gear for your companion outside of the flashpoint. That player is going into the flashpoint wanting that piece of gear, it is the reason they grouped with you. When you take that gear, for a companion that is used for solo content, then you've essentially taken advantage of the player, in my opinion.

There are two points you're trying to make here:


1. That taking a piece of gear for my companion is not taking it for myself. This fundamentally misunderstands the nature of companions. As I've presented repeatedly, my companion is not some independent entity, it's an extension of my character. My companion's gear doesn't affect my companion, it affects me as a player. When I take a piece of gear with the intent of putting it on my companion, I am indeed taking it for myself.


2. That gear gained in group content is somehow not to be used in solo content. This is clearly, blatantly false. If I run Black Talon and you win a roll on an item, your next stop is Dromund Kaas where - guess what? - you're going to solo. With that item. The same holds true no matter what level you're at. The distinction that somehow group rewards are only for group content is not only odd, I'll guarantee that not a single person making the argument actually holds to it.

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So, let me get this straight. You guys start a thread, but want no actual debate to take place in it? It seems like once someone posts something that is the opposite of what you agree with in this thread, you either attack the person (like whatisname is doing as we speak) or you claim "why are you here?" I'm here because this can affect me too if someone with like mind to you gets in my group. That's how it affects me. However, if there was any way to separate the two groups, like with the dungeon finder, then I would love that. I'm not begrudging you of how you want to get gear for companions, even though I don't agree with it whatsoever, so long as we can find a way to make us all happy.


I've realized that none of you want to hear any argument on this matter, so are y'all at least willing to start up a suggestion for a little check-box in the upcoming LFG tool for this?


No you have it wrong. I've no problem if you are here to debate. But, you are not. You continually 'tell' us how it should be. You 'tell' us not to loot for our companions, you 'tell' us to go buy or farm them ourselves. And in each case, you are completely wrong.


You have no right what-so-ever to dictate to anyone, what they roll, how they roll, what they do with loot they win.


What you are seeking is so form of dictator role in that you get to tell players how they should roll. I'm sorry, but that's just wrong, and dare I say, a little selfish.

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