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Bounty hunter/trooper OP possibility? or misunderstanding?


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Now i wanna ask this question as respectfully as possible i was actually warned by bio ware for saying on a forum ''bh op lol'' so i would like to not repeat that


I play on Anturi reach,east coast PVE,I leveled a marauder from 10-50 in PVP and because I am on a light server everyone there with the exception of new players knows each other there are a grand total of roughly 500 players . My guild ''the exiled'' holding 200 of them


Our server has some great players and some bad players and although items doesn't mean skill,the order people use there moves does to me at least.

Now while i was leveling it was around release so PVP was pretty fair,everyone who got it on release basically leveling around the speed allowing us to all meet each other and learn from each other the best republic player was a guy named ''timmay'' a beast sage who was always a pleasure to fight eventuley due to a lack of people 50 on repub timmay made a alt trooper


timmays first pvp as this trooper he dealt 300k damage 300k!

Now i know there a buff and i am by no means saying timmay is a bad player,i love the guy

but this just doesn't seem right to me when i see him doing that on a low level alt with no gear it baffels me!


Then a few days after I witnesses the phenomenal performance of timmay my friend started playen the game as a BH,his first pvp ever he delt 200k+ with no MMO experience what so ever

I asked my friend'' wow that's awesome for your level how did you do it?''

he replied,a tear almost appearing in my eye ''i pressed 1,2 used from above whenever i could and tab''


I do not wanna say its op i really dont but as a marauder to do well i have to use 12 different moves in my rotation yet i see troopers and BH thrive with with only a few

and dont get me wrong when i have a good team setup or get lucky and get with good players i thrive and get great amounts of solo kills

I can even fight IMO the best BH we have on server

(although i have to use every cd i got (any pvper knows how hard a true 1v1 is to get)


My question to the public is are they op? or are they truly meant to be that ridiculous?

I cant think of any other classes that need to put in almost no effort

Or maybe marauders just are not and not meant to be on Par with them

what is the community's opinion? and please if your only toon is a BH or trooper and you troll me because you haven't seen anything else s moves or rotations please don't respond

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No, they arent OP. While merc/commandos can dish out some great damage and are much simpler to play they are also much simpler to counter, any class with an interrupt can counter a merc/commando. Edited by Kormarf
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No, they arent OP. While merc/commandos can dish out some great damage and are much simpler to play they are also much simpler to counter, any class with an interrupt can counter a merc/commando.


I agree simple is the better word than op ty for your opinion

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All I saw was "pvp", and flagged it for the pvp forum.[/im


this is a question for the community with statements of experience I dont think there op in pve and dont see how anything could be so why would i make statements about there pve

and besides this isent wow as most players seem to think it is,you can pve in full battlemaster gear

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You leveled to 50 in warzones and you got lucky with bags. That makes you a good PVPer?



Gear does not make not the player,however i would like to assume if someone has enough time and effort put into pvp for 50+ valor at that point they would have enough experience to understand what there class does and how to use it to counter other classes I dident mean to offend you

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As someone else said, we're not really OP. We can do some damage, especially easy if other people are too stupid to get out of our death from above. But a couple melee or just about anyone with an interrupt or two can pose a real challenge. Also, speaking of interrupts, mercs as far as I know don't get a proper interrupt like almost everyone else. We get our 4 second stun on a 1 min cooldown iirc, but no interrupt/can't use ability for 4 seconds on an 8-15 second cool down.


We so easily decimated by interrupts because, at least for mercs, a LOT of our abilities have activation or channel times.


So... when all things considered, no, I would have to say we are not OP. We just have the ability to get high total damage numbers by AoE'ing morons. In fact, when push comes to shove, my sorcerer tops the damage charts more than my BH does.

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As someone else said, we're not really OP. We can do some damage, especially easy if other people are too stupid to get out of our death from above. But a couple melee or just about anyone with an interrupt or two can pose a real challenge. Also, speaking of interrupts, mercs as far as I know don't get a proper interrupt like almost everyone else. We get our 4 second stun on a 1 min cooldown iirc, but no interrupt/can't use ability for 4 seconds on an 8-15 second cool down.


We so easily decimated by interrupts because, at least for mercs, a LOT of our abilities have activation or channel times.


So... when all things considered, no, I would have to say we are not OP. We just have the ability to get high total damage numbers by AoE'ing morons. In fact, when push comes to shove, my sorcerer tops the damage charts more than my BH does.


Yeah I decided the proper term for this forum was simpler not op I kill the level 50 bh's on my server but as you said a good sage is alot more annoying to fight mr run away heal run away heal lol neither are op though just annoyen

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