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SW:TOR for Noobs


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One correction: You do not need to go to an item enhancement station to mod/ remove mods from gear.


I honestly don't know why they left those stations in, unless you need them at higher levels or something.


Thanks Mac. I haven't gotten into EGA yet, but I'll check this out as soon as I do. Hopefully tomorrow.

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I'm such a noob that when a kind friend let me make a character on his beta account and try it out for an hour, I had trouble even moving around, took me nearly all of the first half hour just to learn how to walk, and then I died to the first hostile thing I encountered because I couldn't figure out how to turn round and start hitting it! I'm so glad the internet is anonymous :o This information is all very useful indeed, thank you :) I shall keep checking back for updates.
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I'm such a noob that when a kind friend let me make a character on his beta account and try it out for an hour, I had trouble even moving around, took me nearly all of the first half hour just to learn how to walk, and then I died to the first hostile thing I encountered because I couldn't figure out how to turn round and start hitting it! I'm so glad the internet is anonymous :o This information is all very useful indeed, thank you :) I shall keep checking back for updates.


LOL. Noobism covers a lot of territory. It's hard to remember sometimes that we all had to learn how to walk/run/fight at one time. Welcome to the wonderful world of MMO's. I hope you have a long and enjoyable stay.

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My only issue with this write-up is that it only reinforces WoW kids to keep their WoW lingo in TOR, like "quests" (there aren't any in TOR). Maybe I'm just old school, but back in my day it's common courtesy to drop previous MMO lingo and adopt the terms of the whatever MMO you were currently playing. I don't understand why WoW kids can't grasp that.
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My only issue with this write-up is that it only reinforces WoW kids to keep their WoW lingo in TOR, like "quests" (there aren't any in TOR). Maybe I'm just old school, but back in my day it's common courtesy to drop previous MMO lingo and adopt the terms of the whatever MMO you were currently playing. I don't understand why WoW kids can't grasp that.


You're being a bit caustic there.

The post was specifically written as a comparison to how things have changed from the environment a lot of people are familiar with. Comparing "mission" to "quest" is perfectly valid in context.

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Well written and pretty much sums up the first 20 or so levels. You might want to add that you can visit all the worlds (faction and neutrals) once you get a ship, just nothing will happen there. You can ride the speeder in Illum or Hoth, just no missions, and probably stuff that will kill you very effectively. If you are PvP, prepare to be jumped when you get off your capital planet.


Capital planets (unless the bug has not been fixed). Coruscant / Dromund Kaas - Faction only. You want to set foot on all the planets, you need a character on each faction.


There is also an emergency fleet pass now. When you get to the first space station it shows up. If you are out there questing around say Tatooine, and your friends decide that they want to run the Hammer Flashpoint, this little gem will whisk you to the nearest republic/imperial fleet station so you can run the flashpoint, without having to run all the way back to spaceport, fly to the station and all. And yes, your ship transports with you. Cooldown is 18 hours, so use wisely.


Sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Well written and pretty much sums up the first 20 or so levels. You might want to add that you can visit all the worlds (faction and neutrals) once you get a ship, just nothing will happen there. You can ride the speeder in Illum or Hoth, just no missions, and probably stuff that will kill you very effectively. If you are PvP, prepare to be jumped when you get off your capital planet.


Capital planets (unless the bug has not been fixed). Coruscant / Dromund Kaas - Faction only. You want to set foot on all the planets, you need a character on each faction.


There is also an emergency fleet pass now. When you get to the first space station it shows up. If you are out there questing around say Tatooine, and your friends decide that they want to run the Hammer Flashpoint, this little gem will whisk you to the nearest republic/imperial fleet station so you can run the flashpoint, without having to run all the way back to spaceport, fly to the station and all. And yes, your ship transports with you. Cooldown is 18 hours, so use wisely.


Sit back and enjoy the ride.


Goodnum, thanks for the very helpful information, and I'll update the travel section to include the fleet pass information.

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One minor point, your ship droid can fight with you as a healer, but you need to buy him armor (good for classes that get their healers late).


Seriously? I wasn't aware of that. That's a great option for some of the classes. I'll check it out and update the post accordingly. Thanks for the heads up.

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What about "choosing a server that's right for you" or a similar question. What's the difference between PvP and PvE servers? Etc.


Just a guess but the pvp servers you are constantly flagged enabled for pvp i would guess. At which point all those who got in on first day of EGA will be repeatedly killing you and pretending their skills are high against low levels. Usualy the previously bullied at school stereo type getting back at the virtual world coz lets face it, in the real world they are just cowards. Plus killing in the real world is kinda illegal. (side note:P)


Unless its for oil it seems.


Pve is the opposite with nice people who like the game for being fun and achieveing goals forward into the content. No need for therapy style gang killing sessions to enhance their self esteem.. I suggest you roll pve. Unless you need therapy.



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I agree with pretty much every one else... super awesome. Good work. Very educational.


You mentioned at one point not knowing if there are any benefits to being gray. I read somewhere that there are. If you manage to stay consistently in the middle, you get some reward... it didn't say what, but they said they didn't want people to suffer for playing however they were inclined to play.


Thanks again

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Thank you for your post Enutt, I'm an MMO-vet, but never played beta and like you am waiting for EGA.


I found the transportation types section very helpful as that's not really covered in as much depth anywhere else on the site, and it's very reassuring that the combat as described seems like something I'm already familiar with.


I hope you get your EGA invite asap, you fully deserve it.

Edited by FantasyMeister
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