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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Malavai Quinn *SPOILERS*


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Ha! No. Here, let me spoil you on the entire emotional aspect of Quinn's romance line:


-- ACT 1 --

QUINN: Please go away. Please stop talking. Please go away.


-- ACT 2 --

QUINN: Please go away. Please stop talking. Please go away.


-- ACT 3 --

QUINN: You're trashing my productivity, my lord. *kiss* There, now I can get back to work.

-- later --

QUINN: Huh, maybe I have feelings after all. How about that. Let's bone!

WARRIOR, unspoken: I'm not sure that qualifies as -

QUINN, unspoken: Shut up.

-- later --

QUINN: I'm falling in love with you.

WARRIOR: Yeah, me too. (or some similarly silly line)

QUINN: Great. Let's table this discussion.

-- extremely romantic proposal --

QUINN: Let's get married and be awesome at our jobs together for years to come. Then I want children so they can also be awesome at their jobs.

-- correspondence --

QUINN: I'm happy at how awesome we are at our jobs. Also I like you more than I would like a desk job. (D'awww.) The end!


Any habit of mentioning stuff that bothers him? Nah. With both male and female Warriors he could really stand to work on the transparency/communication/teamwork thing. But hey, withholding his great plan from his immediate superior worked out great for him once already, right?


roflmao omg! That is it right there. The whole emotional line of the romance.

The only time he mentions things that "might" be bothering him: If it affects work performace. That one where he complains to you about Vette and when you have to deal with Broysce on holo. That's it. I played around with some of the non "standard" flirty stuff in the later conversations just to see how they played out, that's about the only time he actually has "feelings" and stuff that would bother him but for the most part, nothing seems to faze this guy.


Talking about sharing, anyone else remember that time on Taris:



Where he just shows up covering the back entrance but doesn't TELL you about it? Don't get me wrong it was a nice dramatic entrance and the guy seems to be really good with those, like the other one on Balmorra but seriously, telling your superior ahead of time might have been nice so I didn't have to start panicking that the guy was going to get away.



Oh and the only problem I have with the whole Quinn putting on a show for Baras is that for me, it doesn't seem in line with his personality. From my perspective and understanding of Quinn, is that he'd do his utmost to fulfil any obligation he has even if he may be conflicted about it personally. He owes Baras big time, just because he's banging the Wrath doesn't necessarily mean that he's not going to do his damnedest to kill her, granted he might not have been in the right headspace while he was programming said droids but he doesn't think that. This is a guy who puts his duty to the Empire and his benefactor before everything else, and when he mentions offhand that his actions reversed the tide during a battle and that he was fine with his superior taking credit, for me it illustrates the depth of his singlemindedness to serve the Empire.

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Any habit of mentioning stuff that bothers him? Nah. With both male and female Warriors he could really stand to work on the transparency/communication/teamwork thing. But hey, withholding his great plan from his immediate superior worked out great for him once already, right?


With the examples of both Balmorra and Taris (and arguably, the betrayal itself), it seems like Quinn doesn't like putting all his cards on the table, or even revealing his hand. (Don't know if it's that Imperial ingrained paranoia working against him, or if he just has an unintentional flair for the dramatic...)


(Now I'm remembering the comment someone made elsewhere that Quinn would make a great Sabacc player... Could you imagine it? He'd look like such a mark, but in reality, he'd be calculating odds in his head with a straight face...)

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Talking about sharing, anyone else remember that time on Taris:



Where he just shows up covering the back entrance but doesn't TELL you about it? Don't get me wrong it was a nice dramatic entrance and the guy seems to be really good with those, like the other one on Balmorra but seriously, telling your superior ahead of time might have been nice so I didn't have to start panicking that the guy was going to get away.



Well, recall that he does love a good triumphant-villain entrance, and the poor guy hadn't gotten one since Balmorra. Can you blame him for accidentally forgetting to tell you that he would be there in case of gloating opportunity?



He owes Baras big time, just because he's banging the Wrath doesn't necessarily mean that he's not going to do his damnedest to kill her, granted he might not have been in the right headspace while he was programming said droids but he doesn't think that. This is a guy who puts his duty to the Empire and his benefactor before everything else, and when he mentions offhand that his actions reversed the tide during a battle and that he was fine with his superior taking credit, for me it illustrates the depth of his singlemindedness to serve the Empire.


Good point about the headspace. I've been curious about his capacity for denial/self-deception here. If you talk to him for five minutes you realize he morphs all personal scores into "FOR THE EMPIRE". He has a point, but he doesn't pick these fights from an unbiased perspective, and he won't admit that that's the case. How far will he go to hammer his perception of what he wants personally into line with what he wants as his life's mission?

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Well, recall that he does love a good triumphant-villain entrance, and the poor guy hadn't gotten one since Balmorra. Can you blame him for accidentally forgetting to tell you that he would be there in case of gloating opportunity?




Good point about the headspace. I've been curious about his capacity for denial/self-deception here. If you talk to him for five minutes you realize he morphs all personal scores into "FOR THE EMPIRE". He has a point, but he doesn't pick these fights from an unbiased perspective, and he won't admit that that's the case. How far will he go to hammer his perception of what he wants personally into line with what he wants as his life's mission?


Oh... he looks so good doing the whole evil genius dramatic entrance thing, especially when he can get a quippy remark in. :D


I think the ONLY time he admits it's personal and not "FOR THE EMPIRE" is that final quest with Broysce, even though the whole time the SW could have been telling Quinn that he's really just out for revenge even though he's trying to mask it as for the good of the Empire.


As to how far he'd go to hammer perceptions, look what he did to the SW, I'd say pretty damned far.

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ha! No. Here, let me spoil you on the entire emotional aspect of quinn's romance line:


-- act 1 --

quinn: Please go away. Please stop talking. Please go away.


-- act 2 --

quinn: Please go away. Please stop talking. Please go away.


-- act 3 --

quinn: You're trashing my productivity, my lord. *kiss* there, now i can get back to work.

-- later --

quinn: Huh, maybe i have feelings after all. How about that. Let's bone!

warrior, unspoken: I'm not sure that qualifies as -

quinn, unspoken: Shut up.

-- later --

quinn: I'm falling in love with you.

Warrior: Yeah, me too. (or some similarly silly line)

quinn: Great. Let's table this discussion.

-- extremely romantic proposal --

quinn: Let's get married and be awesome at our jobs together for years to come. Then i want children so they can also be awesome at their jobs.

-- correspondence --

quinn: I'm happy at how awesome we are at our jobs. Also i like you more than i would like a desk job. (d'awww.) the end!


any habit of mentioning stuff that bothers him? Nah. With both male and female warriors he could really stand to work on the transparency/communication/teamwork thing. But hey, withholding his great plan from his immediate superior worked out great for him once already, right?



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Hey, the whole teamwork communication thing totally spoils his triumphant villain entrances! Can you blame him for not wanting to communicate that?


Man, I just love this guy. :D


Agreed! He can be an idiot, but every time he surprises you with some nefarious plan it's just delicious. Jedi with a top-priority message to send? Foiled! General trying to flee the scene of his defeat? Caught!

Player character trying to...hey, wait a minute! :mad:




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Agreed! He can be an idiot, but every time he surprises you with some nefarious plan it's just delicious. Jedi with a top-priority message to send? Foiled! General trying to flee the scene of his defeat? Caught!

Player character trying to...hey, wait a minute! :mad:





*gently pats bright_ephemera*


It helps if you don't speed through the romance and finish it up before that "incident" you know..... It really does...

That and dragging him all around Hoth after he whined so much about the cold. :D

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I chose the "how could you do this to me" option (Im a female married sith) and what I got was an amazingly cute "I thought you loved me..." while she looked sadly at the floor. My cold heart melted a little while I laughed, I must admit. It reminded me how bad I felt when I confessed to my ex that I had slept with her best friend and she did that whole look at the ground thing thing lol!
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I was with Vette and chose all the relationship dialogue. He actually sounded sad he was made to do this. I do believe if Baras hadn't 'fixed' his career, he'd be all 'but, dude, I just married her!'


So, after me and Vette kicked his ***, I chose the LS option of forgiving him, telling him he could make it up to me in my quarters, and about NOT telling the other crew members.


I'm assuming you stay married/in a relationship with him if you don't treat him like scum even in the dialogues before and after the attack he does.


Via Legacy, they have a daughter together.

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I was with Vette and chose all the relationship dialogue. He actually sounded sad he was made to do this. I do believe if Baras hadn't 'fixed' his career, he'd be all 'but, dude, I just married her!'


So, after me and Vette kicked his ***, I chose the LS option of forgiving him, telling him he could make it up to me in my quarters, and about NOT telling the other crew members.


I'm assuming you stay married/in a relationship with him if you don't treat him like scum even in the dialogues before and after the attack he does.


Via Legacy, they have a daughter together.


I believe you do stay in a relationship at the very least, probably married if that's the route you took pre-"Incident".


Kanpeki (my SW) chose to board the ship with just Quinn, mainly that's how she had been rolling since Balmorra anyways and so the dialogue was bitter-sweet. Yes, I took the DS option and choked the heck out of the Captain and in my head canon he was barred from her quarters until after Baras was dead. However, the rest of the crew wouldn't get to find out about this because realistically it would cause too much trouble; especially with the way Quinn, Pierce and Vette were always butting heads.


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However, the rest of the crew wouldn't get to find out about this because realistically it would cause too much trouble; especially with the way Quinn, Pierce and Vette were always butting heads.


I always thought

there's no way Quinn won't die in a tragically unavoidable friendly-fire accident within twenty-four hours of Pierce figuring out what happened. And Pierce will figure it out. He's a smart guy.


Pierce hasn't fragged any of his superiors to date, but "dead weight" was the kindest term he had for Quinn even before this personal offense against their commander. There's sabotaging your own army and then there's getting rid of the less than worthless elements. In the absence of an explicit order to refrain, I'm sure Pierce would remove Quinn from the equation after the transponder station stunt.


Then again, it has been legitimately pointed out that I see the whole situation in a less forgiving light than most. I may be inaccurate in reading Pierce to be as merciless as I would be.


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I always thought

there's no way Quinn won't die in a tragically unavoidable friendly-fire accident within twenty-four hours of Pierce figuring out what happened. And Pierce will figure it out. He's a smart guy.


Pierce hasn't fragged any of his superiors to date, but "dead weight" was the kindest term he had for Quinn even before this personal offense against their commander. There's sabotaging your own army and then there's getting rid of the less than worthless elements. In the absence of an explicit order to refrain, I'm sure Pierce would remove Quinn from the equation after the transponder station stunt.


Then again, it has been legitimately pointed out that I see the whole situation in a less forgiving light than most. I may be inaccurate in reading Pierce to be as merciless as I would be.


No, I think you're right on that account about Pierce, he would.


From what I understand, if you do parts of Pierce's and Jaesa's dialogues AFTER the Incident it's very different or it could be if you take Jaesa. Even if you tell your crew that no one is to know about this, or that you'll reveal it later etc they find out. Pierce alludes to the fact that he heard if from Jaesa which makes me wonder.


Also, depending on how you play it, seriously, everyone is going to suspect something is up if the SW breaks up with Quinn immediately after the Incident. Especially since practically the entire crew knows she's been lusting over this guy for a long while, and to the best of Vette's knowledge: forever. Then the question becomes whether the crew will try to substantiate their suspicions before acting on them; it's possible because if they were wrong they would then have to deal with a really pissed off SW who's lost her favourite boy-toy. This also depends on how comfortable the crew felt with going to the SW with their suspicions, and that could only be determined by the relationships they've developed over time. Whether she would tell the truth, shade it or lie would be up to the individual player. In Kanpeki's case, she'd probably shade it a bit and let Quinn know which "lie" to tell if necessary to keep things consistent, half a truth is just as effective as a whole lie.


But yes, if Pierce or even DS Jaesa knew for certain about what happened, it would take a direct order from the SW to keep Quinn alive.



Just my thoughts on this topic.


*I'm also on my last day of randomly assigned vacation so I have a lot of time on my hands.*

Edited by Kalterien
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No, I think you're right on that account about Pierce, he would.


But yes, if Pierce or even DS Jaesa knew for certain about what happened, it would take a direct order from the SW to keep Quinn alive.


Well, considering in the beta (or at least the game script I've read)...



...you could have either Pierce or DS Jaesa execute Quinn for the betrayal, I'm sure either of them would relish the chance to do so. (But as Kalterien has said, neither one would even attempt it unless they were completely certain and had the Warrior's approval, for fear of reprisal.)



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  • 3 weeks later...

To be honest I have stopped playing my Jugg because of this.

I wanted the option to kill him. Still do.

I would probably settle for permanently maiming him, obvious cyborg arm or leg please.

I would settle for attempting to kill him and being stopped by one of the other companions just short and then have Quinn come back with metal bits and a cybernetic breathing system.

While I can appreciate as a Sith the betrayal, it wasnt a self serving one to improve his position or power, it was becasue he felt he owed Baras more than me. For that there is no forgiveness.

Let me take him back to Dromand Kaas and the Facility in whats-his-faces Gratham's base where they put human brains in droid bodies. Hell, I would pay good Credits to do That.


Bioware, please, this is a major disconnect in the SW story. Most SW are pretty unforgiving and bloodthirsty, even the light side ones. It's the only way we survive. To have this guy around to betray us again in the future is dealbreaker.

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i have personally never even used my quin and done none of his stroy line becuase he just seemed so uptight hes the exact opposite of vette wand the reason i love running with her and if he dares betray me i wil cut off both of his legs and arms then play soccer with his head!!!!!!!!!!!!! *evil meniacle laugh activate*



Xemnas the all might lord of the sith will devour u and all ur cookies! >=D

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I don't usually wish bad things on people (actually I do, everyday whilst driving but besides that), but I hope who ever wrote this was one of the people that got fired.


"Oh, you're my husband and you betray me, that's fine, you can stay on the ship anyway". I'm playing lightside, but I still force choked him. There was a good chance I would have killed him if I could, but if I didn't he wouldn't be coming back on my ship like nothing happened. Honestly, did Meyer write this crap or something?


Guess now I just have to hope we can kill him off at a later date, and maybe have a SG romance with LS Jaessa (Pierce isn't this characters type, and Vette is like a kid sister).

Edited by Raekor
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I don't usually wish bad things on people (actually I do, everyday whilst driving but besides that), but I hope who ever wrote this was one of the people that got fired.


I sure hope not. I think it's gutsy writing and I love it. I think Quinn's character development is one of the best, if not the best, among all Imperial companions (haven't played Republic side so can't comment there). Sure there can be more closure, but it's unclear if that's by design. The game is supposed to continue to evolve, so maybe it was intentional so that there can be future growth.


Guess now I just have to hope we can kill him off at a later date, and maybe have a SG romance with LS Jaessa (Pierce isn't this characters type, and Vette is like a kid sister).


As long as there is the option of keeping him as an active companion for those who chose to.. I think if they just kill him off for everyone there will be just as many upset players.

Edited by Soteirian
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I sure hope not. I think it's gutsy writing and I love it. I think Quinn's character development is one of the best, if not the best, among all Imperial companions (haven't played Republic side so can't comment there). Sure there can be more closure, but it's unclear if that's by design. The game is supposed to continue to evolve, so maybe it was intentional so that there can be future growth.


As long as there is the option of keeping him as an active companion for those who chose to.. I think if they just kill him off for everyone there will be just as many upset players.


I'm just hoping they expand the companion arcs a bit, especially in this case. Quinn really does seem like the most developed character that I've come across after playing half the bloody game.


And yes, I'm one of those ones that would be really upset if they just killed him off.. :mad:

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As long as there is the option of keeping him as an active companion for those who chose to.. I think if they just kill him off for everyone there will be just as many upset players.

This would be more wrong than the current situation.

Hell, even months after the event when we might finally get other options it will feel kinda pointless to kill or maim him unless we get a "Replay Scene" option to go through it retroactively and RetCon.

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This was just a poorly written scenario. I would have made more sense if there was some sort of coercion, brainwash, or torture that made him do it.


Indeed. He made his choice, and tells it to my SW in that arrogant and smug tone, how he owes his career to Baras, and how he calculated everything blabla. I guess on a female SW side it is even more dramatic when you are in romance with him, it's like a double betrayal.


You should have an option to kill him, or minimum put a shock collar on him. But another option would be interesting. I'd like to send him back to Baras. And Quinn can decide if he reports his failure and faces his precious patron's wrath. Or he can say he did kill me and starts spying on Baras for me. So, he gets killed by Baras, or starts working for me to prove himself (maybe some series of quests where Quinn redeems himself before joining you again). For my Sith it would be a win or win.

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