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Make the Guardian like the Ironbreaker


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Here's a suggestion to help out the Jedi Guardian. Take the Ironbreaker's Grudge mechanic from WAR and translate it over to the Guardian.


For those who never played WAR, the Ironbreaker's mechanic was Grudge. You had an ability called Oathfriend which you put on an ally (which was more or less Guard). Whenever you or your Oathfriend took damage, you would build up Grudge points. As an IB built up Grudge, they would generate more threat and become a lot tougher. Grudge was also spent on powerful defensive and offensive abilities.


The Juggernaut should be like WAR's Black Guard and get the Hatred mechanic. Unlike Grudge, Hatred built up whenever the Black Guard was attacking or being attacked. These two mechanics are very fitting for both the Jedi Guardian and Sith Juggernaut. Where as the Guardian is a protector and the Juggernaut is slowly building up to be a wrecking ball.


How could this help the class?


It would give the class a much stronger identity and add more skill involved with building up Grudge/Hatred instead of simply watching your cooldowns. There was a lot of decision making involved when choosing to save up your Grudge/Hatred or spend it. For tanking it really rewarded tanks for taking a lot of hits. Being out there and taking damage is what led you to doing more damage in return. For DPS you get a heavily armored melee class that slowly builds up to unleash hard hitting attacks when they get full Grudges/Hatred.


The mechanic would help in both the survivability of the class as well as damage output. A Guardian/Juggernaut would have to choose one or the other, they can't do both at the same time. Abilities like Saber Ward, Warding Call, Guardian Slash, Overhead Slash, and Blade Storm would be great Grudge spenders.


We'd have a class that is even more fun to play, would be more competitive and would add a lot more skill involved. The Grudge/Hatred mechanic could be enough to make Guardians and Juggernauts competitive with Troopers/BH and Sages/Sorcs.

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It was a fun mechanic.


I dont think there is any reason to give it to a Guardian. Guardians dont need some change to make them competitive since they already are. So this would be a major overhaul in the how the class works just becuase, or change for changes sake.

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I dont think we should resort to making this WAR in space.


giving the same mechanic to both sides would also be required, and though I do love the Grudge / hatred mechanics from WAR, I dont think they would be the best fit on the guardian. BW just needs to fix up a few points, maybe give a talent that makes our base attack cleave, and we would be fine.

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I played an Ironbreaker in WAR for 2 years and although I loved that class i like the Guardian more.

But ye giving all tanks some more short duration buffs for our allies could be nice i guess.


You had an ability called Oathfriend which you put on an ally (which was more or less Guard). Whenever you or your Oathfriend took damage, you would build up Grudge points. As an IB built up Grudge, they would generate more threat and become a lot tougher. Grudge was also spent on powerful defensive and offensive abilities.


Oathfriend was not at all like guard, IBs had the ability guard, as did all tanks in war.

Oathfriend was put on one ally to share buffs with. The problem was most of the buffs didn't stack with anything else and where mostly useless.


Unlike Grudge, Hatred built up whenever the Black Guard was attacking or being attacked.


As far as I know most IB's used the tactic rising anger and would also build grudge when attacking or being attacked.



damn, you made me wanna play WAR again.. =)

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I agree in warhammer i had a part playing defence tank in PVP but in this game its a waste.

I can taunt, guard, slow just as easy as DPS as long as im in Soresu Form.


Think it was better in warhammer where i needed to team up and actually guard my healer at all times and save him from any incomming damage or he died, here in swtor i rarely use guard on my healer more often on another melee becouse his shields and aoe knock/freeze make him better on CC then me so he dont need me as much as in warhammer.


And i miss the class synergy from warhammer i liked the tradeoff when you spect tank you dident do much damage but the tradeoff was CC in form off aoe knockbacks slow and so on and also the abbility to transfer dodge/parry buffs to the one that had your'e oathfriend/guard abbility was on. That forced tank and healer to dance together here its more or less a solo race.


If warhammer had had short ques to minigames and some form of arena i would still play it but to build a game just for orvr pvp was just plain stupid... I hope swtor dont need cross-realm pvp to keep the quetimes to warzones short but i think its a necessity in the long run and a good tradeoff becouse long ques will kill any game...

Edited by Frippster
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