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The moment I sniped a Jedi Knight with my Imperial Agent in PVP...


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They really underplay Jedi in this game


Because if Jedi in this game were equal to the Main Character Jedi of the movies, nobody would ever play anything else?


You can't really balance a game that way.


At this point in the game's lore, everybody knows what jedi/sith can do. They're used to fighting them. They're TRAINED to fight them. Armor that can protect against lightsabers is fairly common, and would definitely be handed out to the "best of the best" (ie, the PCs).

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To me, the only movies that have ever existed were the original 1, 2 and 3. New Hope, Empire and Return of the Jedi.


And what part of 'The Jedi Order are extinct. Their fire has gone out of the galaxy' did you not understand?


Just sayin that the first trilogy is hardly an advert for the invulnerability and longevity of the Jedi.


There's none left - 'cept an old man who runs away from sand people, a boy with one arm and a guy in a gimp suit who's 'more machine than man'.


Oh yeah - and Yoda. Who's so tough he hides in a swamp. A SWAMP.


As the man said: 'Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no substitute for a good blaster at your side.'

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Because if Jedi in this game were equal to the Main Character Jedi of the movies, nobody would ever play anything else?


You can't really balance a game that way.


At this point in the game's lore, everybody knows what jedi/sith can do. They're used to fighting them. They're TRAINED to fight them. Armor that can protect against lightsabers is fairly common, and would definitely be handed out to the "best of the best" (ie, the PCs).


There are only a few materials that can stop a lightsaber outright, with respect to lore. I don't see Sith warriors covered in orbalisks in the game.

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also even in the original trilogy there are gaps in what the force can do.


1) Obi-Wan Kenobi a Vaunted Jedi Master and trainer of Anakin Skywalker who became Vader with the Emperor. neither of those two even detected obi-wan on tatooine, didn't detect luke on tatooine either and VADER in the book WALKED on the planet! didn't feel a thing.


2) Yoda who is VERY powerful and very well known to the Emperor hit in a swamp on degobah for years!


in each instance it was for a different reason. on tattoine Ben was masking his powers, and luke didn't really know he had them and wasn't using them much. on degobah the cave yoda put luke into where he fought "himself" was a cave of immense dark side energy, enough to hide even yoda's powerful force capabilities.


so jedi are truly not that indestructible as many think.


Darth Freki

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There are only a few materials that can stop a lightsaber outright, with respect to lore. I don't see Sith warriors covered in orbalisks in the game.


Cortisis is the material that armor, ship hulls and vibroswords are made out of. and it has been in use for many thousands of years BEFORE light sabers because of it's inherrent properties to diffuse blaster and laser energy.


Darth Freki

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also even in the original trilogy there are gaps in what the force can do.


1) Obi-Wan Kenobi a Vaunted Jedi Master and trainer of Anakin Skywalker who became Vader with the Emperor. neither of those two even detected obi-wan on tatooine, didn't detect luke on tatooine either and VADER in the book WALKED on the planet! didn't feel a thing.


2) Yoda who is VERY powerful and very well known to the Emperor hit in a swamp on degobah for years!


in each instance it was for a different reason. on tattoine Ben was masking his powers, and luke didn't really know he had them and wasn't using them much. on degobah the cave yoda put luke into where he fought "himself" was a cave of immense dark side energy, enough to hide even yoda's powerful force capabilities.


so jedi are truly not that indestructible as many think.


Darth Freki


Also, while one could master various things in the force, one's abilities were often very personalized and very few people only ever had more than a couple abilities they discovered to use themselves naturally.

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Cortisis is the material that armor, ship hulls and vibroswords are made out of. and it has been in use for many thousands of years BEFORE light sabers because of it's inherrent properties to diffuse blaster and laser energy.


Darth Freki


Yup. However, not everything under the sun was made from it. Your point of "best of the best" would have it, and you're correct. However, the scales are still very much so tipped on the side of the lightsaber wielder as they were not likely to come across someone in full cortosis-made gear nor were the single handedly going up against starships. For that, they usually had other starships to do the fighting. :)

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yeah i saw revenge of the sith, but like i said in an earlier post. I try to wipe those movies out of my head.


To me, the only movies that have ever existed were the original 1, 2 and 3. New hope, empire and return of the jedi.

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Yeah I saw Revenge of the Sith, but like I said in an earlier post. I try to wipe those movies out of my head.


To me, the only movies that have ever existed were the original 1, 2 and 3. New Hope, Empire and Return of the Jedi.


Nothing in that moves hints that jedi are all superpowerful beings and nothing can stop them. In fact, the force was considered an ancient religion and Luke himself was lured into a rancor pit and then shot in the hand 15 minutes later.


Im not even gonna mention the fact that, according to the movies, Luke was the last of the Jedi because everyone else was killed.

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Jedi/Sith are not nearly as powerful as people are making them out to be.


******es? Yeah.


Gods? No. Not by a long shot.


They get whooped on by non force users frequently in the movies, even the originals. Luke gets dropped by a Wampa like it was nothing.


The most unrealistic thing about this game is how the combat works but that just comes down to MMO mechanics. If we start complaining about how someone survives multiple swings from a lightsaber we have to start complaining about blaster shots to the face and how people take multiple backstabs without blinking an eye.

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Nothing in that moves hints that jedi are all superpowerful beings and nothing can stop them. In fact, the force was considered an ancient religion and Luke himself was lured into a rancor pit and then shot in the hand 15 minutes later.


Im not even gonna mention the fact that, according to the movies, Luke was the last of the Jedi because everyone else was killed.


in fact, it is not a fact that everyone else was killed. he was told that, but noone could know for sure - they were shattered with order 66 and those who survive just run away and hide.

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in fact, it is not a fact that everyone else was killed. he was told that, but noone could know for sure - they were shattered with order 66 and those who survive just run away and hide.


I meant, according to the original movies, the order was extinct and Luke was the last of them (hence the title "Retunr of the Jedi")

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I meant, according to the original movies, the order was extinct and Luke was the last of them (hence the title "Return of the Jedi")


Actually the vast majority of the Jedi that were left were in hiding. They were there and the order itself was gone, but there was still Jedi. This is evidenced by one of Luke's primary missions after forming the New Jedi Order was the find those in hiding so they can return. The title of the movie does not mean nor insinuate that all Jedi were dead except for Yoda or Obi-Wan. If you watch it, it clearly means that the Jedi are returning in an official capacity to fight the Empire as up until that point there was no formal Jedi involvement in the resistance but now there was.

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I meant, according to the original movies, the order was extinct and Luke was the last of them (hence the title "Retunr of the Jedi")


according to the movies they all thought that jedi were extinct, its not really a fact. i can easily imagine that some jedis survive and hide just as joda did.

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The most unrealistic thing about this game is how the combat works but that just comes down to MMO mechanics. If we start complaining about how someone survives multiple swings from a lightsaber we have to start complaining about blaster shots to the face and how people take multiple backstabs without blinking an eye.


Well, if you look at it from the perspective of your health bar is your ability to "dodge" or "avoid dying", it works better. For instance, why do I fight just as effectively at 50 health as I do at 10,000? Clearly I'm not actually "wounded", or my performance would be slipping.


Think of fights like this:


Jedi swings their lightsaber at your Agent. Agent twists out of the way, avoiding the blow, but it costs them a bit of effort, and their cortosis-lined armor deflects much of the blow's damage anyway. Their "health bar" has dropped a bit. They're still fighting just fine, however.


They retaliate by spinning about and slashing at the jedi with their shiv. Jedi deflects most of the damage with the force, but still takes a bit of a bruise on the left side. Their health bar drops slightly.


The fight continues, each side scoring little nicks here and there, until finally one person's "health bar" is removed, which in a movie/story would be the victor sidestepping at a critical time and running the other person through/shooting them/etc.


Old-school D&D (pen and paper!) talked about this, with "hit points". It wasn't just that a 5th level fighter could take repeated blows of a greatsword to the face. It was that their training and skill allowed them to avoid/mitigate much of the damage by twisting out of the way, using armor to deflect, etc, something that an inexperienced warrior (ie, low level) wouldn't have the ability to do yet. So a 1st level character with 10hp could be killed in "one blow", while a high-level character would take "dozens of blows". It's just that each of those attacks was minimized due to the character's skill.


Example: The cinematic scene between Satele's master and the two sith. All of their "health bars" are dropping throughout the fight, but none of them are scoring MAJOR damage. When he finally drops the one sith lord, it's the equivalent of him removing the last of that guy's "health bar". It just LOOKS (and is scened cinematically) as a single-hit combat.


Make more sense now? :)

Edited by LyriaFrost
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They really underplay Jedi in this game


Of course they do, it's for balance purposes. If force users were significantly more OP in a game like this, either nobody would play non-force users, or they would cry on the forums until force users were nerfed.

Edited by Mandrax
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Of course they do, it's for balance purposes. If force users were significantly more OP in a game like this, either nobody would play non-force users, or they would cry on the forums until force users were nerfed.


It would make force battles a lot more intense and interesting though. :p

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They get whooped on by non force users frequently in the movies, even the originals. Luke gets dropped by a Wampa like it was nothing.


I was always under the impression that he wasn't a Jedi at that point, and didn't know much beyond "I got lucky a few times, maybe there's more to this Force thing than I thought." Hence why he's trying to reach his saber, then gives up and figures "why not give this Force stuff a shot?" It's been a while since I saw the movies, but I could swear that he actually looks shocked when it moves a bit, and that's when he really gives it a go and force pulls the saber to him.


I'd think that was his first time he "used" the Force, knowingly. It's like the first time you go, "I'm gonna make fire in my hand!" and then you're shocked when you see a spark after thinking about it.

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And? The force is always fun to discuss.


Fun? FUN!?


Forums are not about fun, you slack-jawed heathen! Forums are about throwing hyperbolic incendiary rhetoric back and forth at one another until the moderators have to step in and separate the mouth-breathing, gasket-blowing nerds before they suffer an aneurism!


If you don't see that, then you clearly fail not only at the game, but at life, and should promptly hurl yourself into the nearest trash incinerator, lest you infect the rest of the world with your epic fail! Zomg! Rofl! Lol! Ftw! And such.





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