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2 people on entire planet


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Is this working as intended? When are mergers or transfers? I wont wait long.


Well said, Ilum on our 'Standard' West Coast PvP server had a total of 4 Republic in it last night. This game desperately needs population balance and the community has been calling for it since you implemented far too many servers.

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Game will be dead by then with that approach. Hate to break it to you. Population isn't growing.


Just open up transfers or merge servers. Bite the bullet now or pay the price later. If you look at the stats, servers are moving more to the Light side than the Heavy side. Population is shrinking and doing nothing isn't a viable solution.


As far as reroll? Many would more likely cancel than reroll. I really doubt BW wants that to happen.


That is one opinion...but it's just an opinion since you have no empirical evidence to back it up..at least I have what the developers are saying.

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Light Heavy and full means jack when they have raised the population caps three times silly...why can't you grasp that simple concept?


You have no clue what light heavy and full means because you have no frame of reference.





They stopped raising caps awhile ago bud.


I suppose in 3 months when all servers are light your gonna use that same line right?


Oh they just raised caps..... yes they raised caps thats why my server went from having 250 people in fleet during prime time to 130 primetime right... because they raised caps lolol.




My frame of reference is when I log in and theres constantly less and less people each week. DURING PRIME TIME


Also you dont know when or how many times they have changed caps. They said they would during the launch month, yes, but that does not mean they are doing it now... they have no reason to do it now the game is not growing. They have no need to increase caps.

Edited by Barracudastr
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Well said, Ilum on our 'Standard' West Coast PvP server had a total of 4 Republic in it last night. This game desperately needs population balance and the community has been calling for it since you implemented far too many servers.


I am going to comment on this and bring up the dreaded aion issue: when aion launched they didn't allow more than a 1% deviation between elyos and asmo population to balance, but what happened there is people would log in and find they could not make an asmo or elyos for various reasons to join their friends. so ncwest opened up that and then everyone made the race they wanted and many servers had 10% or more differences (REPORTED BY aiononline.com their own site) and then everyone complained about balance or that they couldn't get the nameds because there were too man of one race or another. you can not have it both ways. the choice of what side you want or forced server side balances.


Darth Freki

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Oh they just raised caps..... yes they raised caps thats why my server went from having 250 people in fleet during prime time to 130 primetime right... because they raised caps lolol.


How possible is it that I try to roll a toon on a heavy server (which happens to have several of my irl bros on it) but it has a cap and I can't. I roll on a scrub server and start lvling. Oh, hey, they raised the cap on my friend's server - let's reroll there.


My frame of reference is when I log in and theres constantly less and less people each week. DURING PRIME TIME


Your frame of reference is anecdotal. Sorry.

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How possible is it that I try to roll a toon on a heavy server (which happens to have several of my irl bros on it) but it has a cap and I can't. I roll on a scrub server and start lvling. Oh, hey, they raised the cap on my friend's server - let's reroll there.




Your frame of reference is anecdotal. Sorry.


I dont think thats true at all.


I rolled just fine on the swiftsure and on the harbringer the most populated servers for NA..... There is no cap that prevents you from playing there.


When the server hits cap you go into a que... when people log off or whatever you move through the Que.


If you roll on a full server during off peak hours you would have no problem creating a character there.


So your post isn't really meaningful in anyways as you dont even understand how it works.

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So your post isn't really meaningful in anyways as you dont even understand how it works.


It means I don't want to wait in a que to play so I roll on another server.


You explained it well because you know what I'm talking about, but can't speculate on the possibility of people not wanting to wait in a que to play?.

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Think the main issue is people are seeing a game that is supposed to be a big multiplayer game but when they log in and look at the social bar in the upper left hand corner they see 10 people and are like wow..... thats it 10?


And its compounded by the fact that when your looking for groups for heroics/areas/flashpoints and things like that it can be very very very hard to get a group even after hours of trying.


That right there is breeding these discussions and issues. And imo they are valid they are very valid.


If a server is to the point where theres only a dozen people on a planet during off peak hours and less then a hundred on a planet during peak hours theres something that can be done because their quality of life for this game is bad. And this is further compounded by the fact they are not getting answers from bioware even acknowledging the problem.

Edited by Zilrota
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I agree with OP; the game is running on it's last legs.


They might have alot of subs still, but how many actually log in to play? Not too many.

This game is done. Good try from Bioware though, now back to focusing on single play.

Edited by Gehoornde
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No way im playing this game past 6 months. Roll on GW2 plz! ;)

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I'm not sure if the OP was joking when he said middle of the night on Quesh - republic, but well duh.. everyone's asleep and Quesh is like a tiny 2lvl range planet.


20mins ago I just took a screenshot (5:40pm GMT - Eu PVP server - "Heavy") Balmorra - who="Showing first 298 results". (but then this is Imp's)


Fair enough Quesh is only 43 peeps.

Edited by Rorcus
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Think the main issue is people are seeing a game that is supposed to be a big multiplayer game but when they log in and look at the social bar in the upper left hand corner they see 10 people and are like wow..... thats it 10?


And its compounded by the fact that when your looking for groups for heroics/areas/flashpoints and things like that it can be very very very hard to get a group even after hours of trying.


That right there is breeding these discussions and issues. And imo they are valid they are very valid.


If a server is to the point where theres only a dozen people on a planet during off peak hours and less then a hundred on a planet during peak hours theres something that can be done because their quality of life for this game is bad. And this is further compounded by the fact they are not getting answers from bioware even acknowledging the problem.


so because of a few people not getting groups for flash points and what not, the game is doomed. that's what i can read here. i play on two servers, one for republic one for empire. both servers i see groups doing level 50 flash points. on both servers i ask in the general channel if i need help i have help with in 5 minutes. or LESS (usually) the last post i read here only said this game is on it's last legs... with no proof of that. gotta love people who want to make others think this is a bad game or an unpopular game because of what a few say.


yes it is a select few i can probably lay odds that there are a few hundred that post here claiming doom and gloom. but that is not hard numbers to be honest it is a guess... so you can't ask me where i get that from as it's from an estimate i made of the times i come here.


thing about answers... well if i were a company and someone were to tell me, your game sucks i'm unsubbing, i'd not even give it any weight. that tells me that person doesn't care what i do. also if a post says do X or i won't subscribe i'd pay even LESS attention to that than those that unsubscribe and tell me hey this is why. I see it at work every day. I am working retail and I get people hearing my company's pricing to remove a virus and they say well i'm going to take my business else where. I respond sir/ma'am that is your right to go else where. have a nice day. I can help the next in line.


this actually happened one time and I saw the person in line the very next day and they paid for the service we provide and didn't say a thing. i've also had people tell me that my company sucks and they weren't going to shop here anymore, and many of them come back after that. the threat is nothing to a company. unless you bring legal action a threat like that will just make the company ignore you. and about 75% of the posts in general are if you don't fix or implement X I'm un subbing! why should they EVEN respond to those? I wouldn't. and many I don't


Darth Freki

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