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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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Bird of Pray

Vor'Cha Class Battle Cruisers,

Negh'Var Class Warship



CLoak, large amount of disruptors, and Cannons, Fast moving, and can cloak in and out of combat. attacking from every direction



Imperial Fleet:




Imperial Class Star Destroyer




Large in size, can withstand large amount of attack.







I think the Imp could out gun the KDF if they did an all out attack on 1 planet, having lots of these can be an issue for the KDF.


The Klingon ships have the movability, and are able to sneak attack behind enemy defences. while the Imps would try to just overrun there fow.


In a dog fight I see the Klingons taking the day, but gaining terrirory might favor the Imps, but they wouldn't be able to hold it for long



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You seem to forget that large ships in the Star Wars universe can launch fighters and bombers.


true, but there 1 man attack vessels, and wont be able to fight large ships that are hidden, and can cloak in and out of cambat.

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ooh ooh! I wanna play!


* put on nerdgirl hat*



trek= future

wars= distant past ( and for the added record sw has cloaking too but it's considered fairly useless)



E.T was left on earth in the early 1980's


His species got funding for their extra galactic trip from the galactic senate and techno-union during the height of the Clone Wars.

time taken to leave their galaxy ( lets assume it's Andromeda ) cross space at X hyperspace multipliers then factor in the time it takes for the trek universe to come to what it is in our own galaxy ...


...carry the five......


Ewoks have evolved into Reapers

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Imperial Fleet easily wins, their ships are larger and armed with more firepower by quantities.




So are the Klingons, there ships are made for combat, plus they have an advantage, that they can cloak, in and out of combat.


true, if the Imps ships focus on 1 of the Klingon warships, it might cripple it, but my guess is they are more mounuverable then the Imps.


I think the Imps have a lot of fire, but wont be able to take on the Klingons in space combat

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You probably could play this out with Ad Astra's Squadron Strike game system.


But the Imperial's would have a lot of trouble targetting ships moving at warp speed. The Klingon's would not have to go sublight and lasers are limited to light speed. At least in the older Star Trek the Roleplaying game rules for ship to ship combat you can't fire lasers and non-photon torpedos on ships moving at warp speed, which is why the war with the Romulans was refered to as a sublight war and why the Federation was loosing the 4 years war so badly until they developed ships mounting phasers.


The strategic difficulty is that neither side can probably detect the other. But the Klingon's would face the fact that enemy ships can appear out of the blue essentially anywhere, and are only interceptable at that point.


At any rate a debate is pretty much pointless since the universes are based on completely different SF prinicples which aren't particularily compatible one with the other. While you could have a debate about if a B5 earth alliance cruiser could take on a ME earth alliance cruiser as both exist within a more consistent physical model I don't see how you can debate which science fantasy fleet could defeat another sensibly. The fantastic elements at least have to similiar, and in this case they are not.


But it would be possible to try it with Squadron Strike. If anyone does I would interested in knowing who won.

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ooh ooh! I wanna play!


* put on nerdgirl hat*



trek= future

wars= distant past ( and for the added record sw has cloaking too but it's considered fairly useless)



E.T was left on earth in the early 1980's


His species got funding for their extra galactic trip from the galactic senate and techno-union during the height of the Clone Wars.

time taken to leave their galaxy ( lets assume it's Andromeda ) cross space at X hyperspace multipliers then factor in the time it takes for the trek universe to come to what it is in our own galaxy ...


...carry the five......


Ewoks have evolved into Reapers


"head explodes"

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Imperial Fleet easily wins, their ships are larger and armed with more firepower by quantities.


The Empire loses in the time it takes to activate a transporter. The Star Wars shields, wont protect against a beam out... into the vacuum of space. Additionally, the KDF disruptors would rip the Imperial Fleet to shreds while casually laughing off the attacks from the laser attacks from far inferior weaponry of the Empire. Cortosis bat'lath anyone? Watch Siths get Darh Maul'd en mass!


That's what happens when you compare Science Fiction (Star Trek) with Science Fantasy (Star Wars).

Edited by SmolyHokes
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You probably could play this out with Ad Astra's Squadron Strike game system.


But the Imperial's would have a lot of trouble targetting ships moving at warp speed. The Klingon's would not have to go sublight and lasers are limited to light speed. At least in the older Star Trek the Roleplaying game rules for ship to ship combat you can't fire lasers and non-photon torpedos on ships moving at warp speed, which is why the war with the Romulans was refered to as a sublight war and why the Federation was loosing the 4 years war so badly until they developed ships mounting phasers.


The strategic difficulty is that neither side can probably detect the other. But the Klingon's would face the fact that enemy ships can appear out of the blue essentially anywhere, and are only interceptable at that point.


At any rate a debate is pretty much pointless since the universes are based on completely different SF prinicples which aren't particularily compatible one with the other. While you could have a debate about if a B5 earth alliance cruiser could take on a ME earth alliance cruiser as both exist within a more consistent physical model I don't see how you can debate which science fantasy fleet could defeat another sensibly. The fantastic elements at least have to similiar, and in this case they are not.


But it would be possible to try it with Squadron Strike. If anyone does I would interested in knowing who won.


I don't see why they would not be able to detect themselves. they both have sensor arrays, and eyeballs.


Once the Imperal fleet crosses klingon controlled areas, their sensor grids would light up.


I'm not trying to be to technical.


they both are in space, the both have war in there title, they have shields, cannons, lazers, eggos, cool hats.


whats not so similar...


plus. the idea is they have different typs of technology, and just like any faction would. and to see what would favor in a fight.

Edited by Yamok
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"So so everyone is aware:

There is a sweet infographic that shows the energy output of typical weapons for Star Trek and Star Wars ships/beam weapons.


FYI --> A single X-Wing would completely and totally trash the star ship enterprise as if it were made of paper. Why? because the Phasers of the Enterprise, using a primitive Dylithium-based fusion power supply, are incredibly under powered. A single sustained salvo from the X-Wing's Tibana-spin sealed gas powered Laser-blasters (which are not actually supercharged light particles, but supercharged GAS encased in a phased energy shell that creates tremendous energy upon rupture/contact) would overload the Enterprise's shields, and tear gigantic holes in its armor.


The PROTON torpedo is a matter-destablizing weapon, meaning it would be completely unaffected by the Enterprise/Borg Cube/Romulan War-Bird's shielding, which is strictly energy based.


Also travel through hyperspace is equivalent to traveling at Warp Factor 9, and all Star Wars ships can do that for sustained amounts of time.


Did I mention that the Borg wouldn't last more than 2 minutes against a team of Bothan slicers, who would create a tech-bug so powerful every Borg in the universe would instantly shut down?"


An old qupte I saved from a very long time ago when this arguement was much more popular than it is now.


Star Trek and Star Wars just cannot be compared. Star trek took the more realistically obtainable approach, and as a result the Star Trek universe gets roflstomped by anything from the Star Wars universe, which is insanely overpowered by comparison.


Plus, you just cant fight against the Force.



EDIT: That being said, Star Trek is awesome

Edited by JackalTurner
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this argument is old and pointless...


but as far as it goes (and discounting deus ex machina which unfortunately seems to be the only real weapon in the ST universe that ever works) SW ships would be untouchable ... if you look at any of the technical manuals released SW ship defense and weapon output is always a few orders of magnitude higher than ST ships... makes sense tho since in SW they have been a galactic level civilization for much longer... hell in ST it was suppose to take them 75 years to travel 40,000 light years but in SW ~40,000 light years (the distance from Tatooine to alderaan) is an 8 hour trip.. then we have the sheer number of ships problem... the republic, the empire or the sith all have hundreds of thousands to millions of of large capitol ships compared to the the federations or klingons few hundred... any SW civilization could just ram every klingon ship with 50 of their own and still not lose a noticeable fraction of their fleets


according to the tech manuals


Enterprise-D main phaser output 3.6 GW (5.1 MW per emitter, 200 emitters in the main phaser array, 2 full-sized saucer arrays and 3 smaller roughly half-size arrays on the stardrive section)


Shield heat dissipation 3311 GW peak (473 GW per generator x 7 generators


Slave 1 Main guns: 64000 GW (2 kilotons per shot, 480 rpm firing rate onscreen in AOTC for time-averaged power output rather than peak output)


Shield heat dissipation 2 billion GW peak



so the tiny slave 1 has around 18000 times the destructive power and 600000 times the defensive shielding... and since the enterprise regularly stands and fights against Kilingon ships we can assume they are on par... hell even if the Klingon ships are 100x better they would still be squashed like a bug by a fighter from SW... You could probably take down a Bird of pray with a blaster rifle and a Vac suit... lol


but again apples and oranges

Edited by Liquidacid
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"So so everyone is aware:

There is a sweet infographic that shows the energy output of typical weapons for Star Trek and Star Wars ships/beam weapons.


FYI --> A single X-Wing would completely and totally trash the star ship enterprise as if it were made of paper. Why? because the Phasers of the Enterprise, using a primitive Dylithium-based fusion power supply, are incredibly under powered. A single sustained salvo from the X-Wing's Tibana-spin sealed gas powered Laser-blasters (which are not actually supercharged light particles, but supercharged GAS encased in a phased energy shell that creates tremendous energy upon rupture/contact) would overload the Enterprise's shields, and tear gigantic holes in its armor.


The PROTON torpedo is a matter-destablizing weapon, meaning it would be completely unaffected by the Enterprise/Borg Cube/Romulan War-Bird's shielding, which is strictly energy based.


Also travel through hyperspace is equivalent to traveling at Warp Factor 9, and all Star Wars ships can do that for sustained amounts of time.


Did I mention that the Borg wouldn't last more than 2 minutes against a team of Bothan slicers, who would create a tech-bug so powerful every Borg in the universe would instantly shut down?"


An old qupte I saved from a very long time ago when this arguement was much more popular than it is now.


Star Trek and Star Wars just cannot be compared. Star trek took the more realistically obtainable approach, and as a result the Star Trek universe gets roflstomped by anything from the Star Wars universe, which is insanely overpowered by comparison.


Plus, you just cant fight against the Force.



EDIT: That being said, Star Trek is awesome



yes the units of measure are different, but that doesn't mean much. also, shield obsorb damage i beleive, not repel it.

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yes the units of measure are different, but that doesn't mean much. also, shield obsorb damage i beleive, not repel it.


Yeah shleds absorb damage in star trek, think in star wars it more deflects though unsure.


Though it it is a bit like apple and bananas, we could argue this stuff all day.

Edited by Talosred
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Yeah shleds absorb damage in star trek, think in star wars it more deflects though unsure.


Though it it is a bit like apple and bananas, we could argue this stuff all day.


nah they both absorb.. according to released numbers there is no argument... the reason it's apples and oranges is simply because of the level of civilizations we are comparing... it's like comparing the US military to a small tribe of cavemen... give the Klingons another 20,000 years or so to catch up then maybe it wouldn't be such a pointless comparison

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The Empire loses in the time it takes to activate a transporter. The Star Wars shields, wont protect against a beam out... into the vacuum of space.


A single turbo laser shot would melt the entire KDF fleet within the fraction of a second.

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nah they both absorb.. according to released numbers there is no argument... the reason it's apples and oranges is simply because of the level of civilizations we are comparing... it's like comparing the US military to a small tribe of cavemen... give the Klingons another 20,000 years or so to catch up then maybe it wouldn't be such a pointless comparison


what Afgan? 10 years and still bottle necked





"Death before Dishonor!"

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