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Disconnected during Warzones....


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So I've been disconnected quite a few times during Warzones (almost always while my team is winning). By the time I've logged back on the match is over, I've received zero credits/commendations/valor and my "corpse" is lying in the middle of Vaiken spacedock because I've died in the warzone while the screen was frozen. The last two times it happened I was one minute away from the battle finishing and getting the win for the daily.


Could you fix your game plz Bioware?

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Same. Always while winning. Never befor today. Suddenly

I crash and only while winning. I suspect somebody is causing it.


I had the exact same thing happen to me early this afternoon on Kaas City server. WZ going great, closing in on a win...then a 13k ms lag spike, I dc, and dead on the fleet...


I was REALLY pissed.


Yeah, it's annoying. I wonder if they'll actually fix this?

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Well, I can confirm this happens while both winning AND losing.


Yesterday, I disconnected while we were *almost* tying up a huttball match (my boyfriend was RIGHT on the line with the ball, but the game ended the second he was about to score) and I got disconnected at that moment. Even though we lost that one, it was still annoying that I spent 20 minutes in that game for absolutely nothing.


Then when we were winning in Voidstar, I got knocked down, was kind of stuck IN the floor, and my game actually crashed (I've never crashed before.) Had to manually close SWTOR in task manager. And no credit for that win.


Then tonight, we were losing (again) but my boyfriend had nine bloody medals, anyway, yet he was disconnected right before we lost. Game said he was no longer in the queue for warzones and dumped him out. He didn't crash or even end up at the character selection screen, was just suddenly in the spacedock.


I noted somebody in general chat complaining about it, too. Last two games he actually won and he was disconnected from both of them. Really sucks.


I don't believe either me or my boyfriend had these issues prior to 1.1.


-- edit: we're on Giradda the Hutt, PvE East Coast --

Edited by Xenoclast
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Well, I can confirm this happens while both winning AND losing.


Yesterday, I disconnected while we were *almost* tying up a huttball match (my boyfriend was RIGHT on the line with the ball, but the game ended the second he was about to score) and I got disconnected at that moment. Even though we lost that one, it was still annoying that I spent 20 minutes in that game for absolutely nothing.


Then when we were winning in Voidstar, I got knocked down, was kind of stuck IN the floor, and my game actually crashed (I've never crashed before.) Had to manually close SWTOR in task manager. And no credit for that win.


Then tonight, we were losing (again) but my boyfriend had nine bloody medals, anyway, yet he was disconnected right before we lost. Game said he was no longer in the queue for warzones and dumped him out. He didn't crash or even end up at the character selection screen, was just suddenly in the spacedock.


I noted somebody in general chat complaining about it, too. Last two games he actually won and he was disconnected from both of them. Really sucks.


I don't believe either me or my boyfriend had these issues prior to 1.1.


-- edit: we're on Giradda the Hutt, PvE East Coast --


Yep, I've had similar things happen three times (after the recent patch), but it's never happened before that?

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There's no grace period after being dc'd from a warzone in this game. Their reason for this is beyond me. Between all of the bugs and random crashes in this game I don't think it's too much to ask for a minute and a half to log back in and still be in the game/recieve credit. Haven't decided which is worse yet, this lacking "feature" or winning 6+ wz's in hopes I can get 3 of them to count for my daily.
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Yep, I've had similar things happen three times (after the recent patch), but it's never happened before that?


To be honest, I haven't seen anything like this since this past weekend. And I've been playing since release. Did they tweak something server-side?

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To be honest, I haven't seen anything like this since this past weekend. And I've been playing since release. Did they tweak something server-side?


Who knows? It could be individual servers that have the problem, or people with certain video cards that make it freeze up, or people in certain countries with massive lag spikes. I've had about 20 occasions in the past week where the game has frozen for 3 to 5 seconds, then continued on without dc'ing me.

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I've been having the same problem. I disconnect and I get an error message that reads "Cannot retrieve server list." then I try to reconnect and it says "Your account has been disconnected." and finally I can relog in no problem. Always happens during WZ's in the exact same fashion.
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This almost gives me paranoya, i have had this issue alot and i kid you not i always got those DCs short time before a winning match was about to end.

Only at winning matches, never at loosing ones, made me wonder if there is some DC hack around...

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same here 2 matches today on huttball 4-0 to us 7-8medals gained and screen freeze couple of seconds later i´m in windows. BW take you thumb out of you *** and do something to these frigging pvp bugs.


Well it's interesting to know that it's been happening to other people as well. And there's probably thousands (or tens of thousands) of people it's happened to, who don't actually respond to threads on the forums...

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I never get DC but in voidstar my game client will freeze and I will have to Ctrl Alt Delete and force shut down The game client. And this only happens to me in Voidstar. I am so getting rid of my ATI Graphics Card (tho not sure that's the problem) But this game doesn't seem to like them
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I got many kickouts to characters screen while pvp, all due to forcejumps. I just felt under the map somehow, and then bam back to the char log screen. It is weird that we are not spawned at the base when it happens. Happened to me while i should win many games. Once got 10 medals in voidstar got kicked out to log screen, logged in back and queued for wz and got back into same match which was 20 sec to end... Got my 10 medals at the end tho, it counted :o


So yes, fix pvp kickouts to log screen :/

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I've been having the same problem. I disconnect and I get an error message that reads "Cannot retrieve server list." then I try to reconnect and it says "Your account has been disconnected." and finally I can relog in no problem. Always happens during WZ's in the exact same fashion.


This happened to me couple mins ago during Voidstar. It disconnects and brings me to my desktop and for the next 3 mins I wasn't able to login. The login screen said something about offline servers etc.

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same here 2 matches today on huttball 4-0 to us 7-8medals gained and screen freeze couple of seconds later i´m in windows. BW take you thumb out of you *** and do something to these frigging pvp bugs.


Same, got few times "screen freeze - disconnect" and logged back in same second ofc, but the differens we always winning 5-0 at this time :)


After first logging back sometime my pvp button\window have active "Leave Warzone" button (which doing nothing, and i need another relog), while im staying on Imperial Fleet, so server think im in "The Pit" instead.

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I have this problem at least 1 to 2 out of every three times

I pvp.


It is so incredibly annoying I have stopped PVPing. Simply due to

having committed 10-15mins into a match, disconnect

and loose it all.


It has become a waste of my time, which is disappointing since

I enjoy it.


FIX THIS! ...seriously.

Edited by RydiaMist
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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought they'd fixed this problem but it just happened to me again.


Had to play about 6 games to finally get a win, and JUST before we were about to win it logs me out and I'm dead on Vaiken Spacedock again, no win, can' get back into the wz.


So, total waste of time again in that WZ...


Bioware, plz fix this, it's a really bad part of the game.

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Happened to me yesterday. Couple minutes left in the game. We were losing, but at least I was going to get some valor and commendations, or so I thought. Then suddenly I'm at the character loading screen. I log back in and, although I wasn't dead, I was at Vaiken with no way to get back into the match.
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