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An Absolutely INSULTING Experiment...


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So I got on my Bounty Hunter alt. Had been leveling him as a healer for fun. Switched specs to DPS and gave it a whirl. After about 30 minutes, I found myself not even bothering to hit any other button but Tracer Missile.


So I then did an experiment: I took every key off the bar EXCEPT tracer missile. Took a video of the experience.



As a Sentinel, who needs to master like 28 keybindings in order to have a shot at seeing top damage, this was just plain offensive. I've never seen such a disparity in skill requirements for two classes in the same MMO before. This is absolutely absurd.


Well folks, if you're struggling and sick of it... reroll Bounty Hunters/Troopers. You need one ability to own face in a Warfront: the rest are strictly optional.

Edited by McVade
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As a Vanguard and Smuggler i love those Missible-Spammers, run up to them, distract / riotstrike them, and watch them stand around helpless.


But i agree, its kinda irritating in design.. seeing "some more complect rotations" as Knight... and a reason my JK is for now a perfect Bank Char, till they do something.


I guess we still wait for JK Lobe promised before release.

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Ye it's a bit too easy for them to just spam missles but as someone said before if you just interrupt them most of them doesn't know what to do. Also I'd rather have all these abilities we have and have to use cause it makes it more fun to play.
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Notice the tracer spammer fast and he will be an easy kill. Protip: kick


I think this is where positioning plays a big element. As a PvP healer for 7 years, I think that kind of experience in where to stand definately is engrained. You can interrupt me all you like - it ain't gonna change the fact that by simply attacking me, you've overextended and now you get attacked by my allies as well.


I mean, I got attacked quite a few times, but almost every time (with exception to getting the ball passed to me and that Shadow around halfway in), the attacker had to go way out of position to do it and I got helped.


The answer isn't always: "just interrupt him."... until Force Kick has a 30m range.

Edited by McVade
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The answer isn't always: "just interrupt him."... until Force Kick has a 30m range.


You mean like the gunslingers/snipers interrupt? :)


I must honestly admit not having played a Merc yet (It is something planned though) nor the Commando (Grav round is tracer's counterpart right?) so I cant say first hand how bad it is.

But if I see that movie, and compare it to my gunslinger, and how many skills/buttons my sharpshooter build needs, I think a few improvements are in order here :S

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Please don't water down the sentinel, I find mine much fun to play, anyway the game is already on it's way out. Games companies that build great games with great functions but lack the final 10% of bringing it all together. Ilum is very simple at best and 3 warzones... Forums are full of whine, ventrilo is full of whine, broad chat same. Edited by Outlawe
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kinda is if u only have one gap closer and u fall down in hutball forget it. and it also slows them. and if your resolute is on cd then its gnna suck more


Right, this is a huge problem with Huttball - I think, one fix I'm adding to my list... In Huttball only, allow Force Leap to ignore Line of Sight. That way, you can leap through the bridges and attack the guy who just knocked you down. It's really unfair if they knock you away, but you can't jump back because of LOS.

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I know if I don't focus a BH which really shouldn't be done at first they can kill me in like 5 GCDs if they get crits. Im in full champion with a bunch of health, can't think of the number. Sure a 1v1 is a different story with 3+ interrupts but that usually doesn't happen, I mean we are playing a group game. Grav round and Tracer missile are ridiculous, even my commando friend jokes that tracer hits harder.
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