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The FUTURE of this game.


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remember cost ratio. the money invested in development, maint., fixing a mmo far exceeds a single/co-op.


add to that they have alot of hands in the bowl, parent company, Lucasarts, ect..


Bioware exclusive games have been cheaper to make, patch, and they no outisde suits taking the cash.


Guess where biowares attention is turning to now that this game is out?


Much like Cryptic Studios lead developer was quoted saying its most profitable to get more and smaller games and content released quickly, than invest in large projects that could fail.


i.e. the age of half-baked mmos are upon us, coming out quicker and more numerous than ever.


choose your side: rushed product at premium price or quality product at premium price.


funny theyre charging the same or more than other established mmos for this half-wit game.


STO started like this.


STO is 100 times worse than this game.


And as far as Biowares games being rushed?


Mass Effect 2 was URMAZING. Dragon Age 2 was mediocre, but believe it or not, so was the first one.


The team that made Dragon Age 1-2 is not the same team that makes SWTOR.


I see this ideology all the time, as though Bioware is a tiny room with 4 developers in it making 5 games at once.

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I think Aion would have been an awesome game, if only locked-in factions were to be taken out of it. Instant success.


Aion failed because your faction had to be winning for you to PvE.


I mean real, how can you instigate faction imbalance better than that?

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


I love how much this thread fails,


1. The OP is saying a game that is not out yet is going to be better then tor, classic troll statement.

2. The OP is calming that his opinion is fact :rolleyes:,

3. This game will be F2P in 6 months.

4. He subbed to a game he does not like just so he could attention seek on the forums lol.

5. Sentences that don't make any sense.


I love threads like this they make me chuckle, Wont be long till this kid is on the GW 2 forums saying the same stuff, If they have any this time.


Talk about EMO.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


If you hate it so much, what are you still doing here, go post somewhere else like WoW boards or better still go play GW2 as you clearly have the game due to your above knowledge.

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So MMO is server based. Really?


I know quite a few mmorpg's that only have the NA/EU option for servers, including re5.


But point is, this game is single player. You play the most with yourself. And instance with friends.


Definition of single player with co-op right there lol.



You say the point is that it is a single player game with instance, now I know your i WoW mode. That's ok what is wow from level 1-85 ohhh yeah single player, no need for a freind to help.


If I understand you correctly you say that WoW is not an MMO, Everquest 2 and so forth?


The MMO comes in the end game after level cap in my opinion, and there it is a MMO


In re5 there is no end game as it is for MMO.


and the Massive there are more "instances" "raids" for end game, more then in wow so I quallyfi for an MMO game.


If it will survive I dont know I am only after you statement that in my opinion is a bit flawed.

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Guild Wars limits character individuality so much to create "Balance" that it takes the RPG out of the MMORPG in my mind.


I feel like id be better off playing Heroes of Newerth where at least i wouldnt have to grind to keep up with everyone.

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In your opinion.


I really enjoyed Dragon Age 2, but at the same time the repetition of the same 4-5 zones over and over, with the reversed mirror dungeons are factual examples of why that game was subpar compared to some of Biowares previous titles.

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This game isnt buggy. I get the UI bug sometimes. And this game has 2 end game raids.


Also, im going to need you to provide me with your budget source, your development time source, and im going to ask you to explain to me exactly how Rift had no bugs at launch, because that is a flat out lie.


I'll be civil and just list out a few of them, but there are dozens of you tube videos of bugs in star wars, from mild to large.


Cast bars do not always appear, most notably in large pvp scenarios. (Youtube).


If you activate an ability during a defensive animation, chances are it will simply not activate. You can read up about this in the tanking role forum, but it basically makes tanking in pvp horribly dumb.


A number of abilities have inherit lag, like an assassins malice, which can be activated (and go through its long animation) but if the enemy target moves during the animation, the ability simply wont go off. Meanwhile other attacks are instant. Republic knows all about this with their version of 'shock' where they throw a rock. You could call that bad game design however and not a bug, so feel free to ignore.


A number of talents do not work correctly. Wither does not proc harnessed darkness, but in almost every class I have seen 3-4 talents which simply do not behave or work as intended.


Opening your guild or bags will cause a brief delay in the game due to its bad engine. If you want to test this, run in a straight line and rapidly open and close your bag or guild tab. The game will come to a crawl if you are fast enough about it. Happens regardless of your system specs.


There are common distortions or models that will disappear (Youtube for more)


You can get random amounts of light/dark side points form a diplomacy missions, such at 7.3881732031 light side points.


Winning at PVP only rewards you the credit about 1/2 the time (read more on the pvp forums)


Dying in pvp sometimes makes you unable to release your body.



Then of course there are the engine issues, not bugs perse but horrible untested items , like if you have 20 players on screen doing stuff the game will lag regardless of your system specs. Most people agree this is the reason the ENTIRE GAME is instanced, to

reduce the amount of people you ever see (which makes the game feel pretty baren..).


Then of course there are the pages of features I can list from Rift when it opened that are 'basic' features any mmot ends to have that are missing from SWTOR. The only thing SWTOR has rift does not was


A) Lightsabers

B) Voice overs everywhere that you space bar through, because for 95% of the quests the voice overs are just borring uninteresting poor dialog. "Go kill 7 jedi and return to me". ...


I cant include space combat since its just a mini game, and there are mini games in every mmo.

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Thats hard to tell as a customer given how crappy a game SWTOR turned out to be. You cannot attempt to convince me that this game, with 300M and 5 years in development came out with fewer features more bugs less content than Rift, which came out with a fraction of that budget, supports dx10/11, had a complete feature set, had no major bugs, and a complete set of end game content.


Go read the rift public forums, all you see is people praising the game and a lot of "I came back from SWTOR..do not try it!" threads.


Go read WoW forums, you see a few hate threads, thats about it. Vast majority of them are like "please buff my class"


they are not


"this game is crap, incomplete, buggy and boring", which is what you have here.

Clearly you did not play Rift to make such an incorrect statement on its content.

300m lol, So now your making up info as it was 150mil.


Lets ot forget SWTOR got better reviews from almost every game site and review then lol Rift. Then again Rift was nothing more then one long grind with terrible animations and a very poor story that no one cared about.


The rest of your post is really just your opinion turned into fact. Its funny your still here attention seeking on the forums of a game you don't like lol.


Surly your life is not that empty. So many EMO's on these forums

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I love fanboy logic



1. Did someone post something against SWTOR, even constructively giving back opinions on things they think need to be improved? OMG! THEY ARE ELITIST AND DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?

2. Did the OP mention WOW? If so slam them. If not, accuse them of comparing the game to WoW, and calling them impatience.*

3. If above did not succeed, accuse them of not needing to post, ignoring the fact that as humans, they are angry that something they had hopes for was not up to their expectations and scolding them from wanting to vocalize their disappointment. Seriously, why do people voice their opinions over things they dislike? Why cant they just shut their traps and.

4. Claim its their fault for leveling to fast.

5. Insist game has great story which is innovative.

6. Insist game is most immersive of any game ever, never mention level 50, as this will destroy our stance however.

7. Never refer to bugs; bugs do not exist.

8. Always be optimistic BW is all over everything and will fix it like a magical tooth fairy. Do not think about the 5 years and 300M that was spent making the game and where that money all went (hint: voice acting).

9. Remind people about 1.2 and how great Guild Banks will be


*This point is especially funny as out of the game producers own mouth, you HAVE to compare any new game to WoW, and games have to compete favorably AT LAUNCH to WoW. WoW has set a bar that other games must compete against. You cannot point to WoW Launch , you have to compare to the product today. You do not compare a new car to a model T, or Windows 7 to windows XP. BW had the latest technology, a huge purse bag and a team of (outsourced) programers to work on this game.


Question: Why do you think SWTOR choose the Hero engine, which is an archaic, never proven game engine produced in the early 2000's by a company thats only other game experiance was creating text based online games? Only reason I can think of was to save $$ for more voice actors....

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I'll be civil and just list out a few of them, but there are dozens of you tube videos of bugs in star wars, from mild to large.


Cast bars do not always appear, most notably in large pvp scenarios. (Youtube).


If you activate an ability during a defensive animation, chances are it will simply not activate. You can read up about this in the tanking role forum, but it basically makes tanking in pvp horribly dumb.


A number of abilities have inherit lag, like an assassins malice, which can be activated (and go through its long animation) but if the enemy target moves during the animation, the ability simply wont go off. Meanwhile other attacks are instant. Republic knows all about this with their version of 'shock' where they throw a rock. You could call that bad game design however and not a bug, so feel free to ignore.


A number of talents do not work correctly. Wither does not proc harnessed darkness, but in almost every class I have seen 3-4 talents which simply do not behave or work as intended.


Opening your guild or bags will cause a brief delay in the game due to its bad engine. If you want to test this, run in a straight line and rapidly open and close your bag or guild tab. The game will come to a crawl if you are fast enough about it. Happens regardless of your system specs.


There are common distortions or models that will disappear (Youtube for more)


You can get random amounts of light/dark side points form a diplomacy missions, such at 7.3881732031 light side points.


Winning at PVP only rewards you the credit about 1/2 the time (read more on the pvp forums)


Dying in pvp sometimes makes you unable to release your body.



Then of course there are the engine issues, not bugs perse but horrible untested items , like if you have 20 players on screen doing stuff the game will lag regardless of your system specs. Most people agree this is the reason the ENTIRE GAME is instanced, to

reduce the amount of people you ever see (which makes the game feel pretty baren..).


Then of course there are the pages of features I can list from Rift when it opened that are 'basic' features any mmot ends to have that are missing from SWTOR. The only thing SWTOR has rift does not was


A) Lightsabers

B) Voice overs everywhere that you space bar through, because for 95% of the quests the voice overs are just borring uninteresting poor dialog. "Go kill 7 jedi and return to me". ...


I cant include space combat since its just a mini game, and there are mini games in every mmo.


You listed a few bugs then converted to opinion based bashing of the game.

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This is the bane of games with a lot of players, to be honest. If you have 100 players, one will complain about x. If you have 1000 players, 10 will complain, and they'll look like there's actually some people that don't like the game.


If you have 2 million players, 20k will complain about x, making it look like the game is garbage, when in fact most people are just playing and enjoying it.


I'm sure there are plenty of people playing. There's no argument there. Can you say this game has any 'OMG FUN!' factor? I guess it's kinda fun I suppose. But nothing that will keep me coming back for years and years and keep me subbing. I enjoyed logging into Rift a lot more than this game. This game is just so incredibly bland and I know that it is personal opinion, but when I try to think of things that will keep me interested I just can't think of any. The PVP is subpar, the questing is subpar, the graphics for a 2012 game are subpar, the abilities are subpar, the animations are subpar, the dead and lifeless world is subpar, the crafting is subpar and meaningless... ask anyone who has spent their time crafting in this game. I remember my first experiences in Rift as awesome, with the dynamic events. Nothing about this game in the past few weeks has given me any 'awesome' moments. It's just... go kill 10 droids and come back and collect the commendations and xp. All the enemies look exactly the same, the planets all look the same aside from a different color template used for the atmosphere. Nar shadaa was a bit different, but I felt mostly boxed in.

I've given it a chance, but the population of almost every planet i go to is below 10 people. i rarely ever see anyone else unless I'm on the Imperial Fleet. I honestly don't think this game has a future. There's absolutely no innovation to this game whatsoever. Story in an MMO? Meh, there is a story I suppose but all the choices you make are meaningless, you'll still end up in the exact same place as everyone else regardless of your choices. There aren't even any incentives to playing as good or evil. Maybe a meaningless piece of 'good' gear that I'll never wear? I don't NEED story in an MMO, I can get that by reading a book, what I need is an incentive to find the game fun and enjoyable and to play alongside other people and be out conquering the MMO world. In SWTOR i don't need to play with anyone else, my character feels like a hobo that never interacts with anyone except the occasional chat with one of my stupid companions. For the life of me I can't figure out why, in an MMO, i should be playing with an NPC instead of another real live person that I can interact with.

This is BY FAR the worst MMO I have ever played, even in Aion and Rift and WoW I lasted at least 3 months. I'm not even at the 3-week point yet in this game and I'm having trouble finding a reason to log-in.

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I love fanboy logic



1. Did someone post something against SWTOR, even constructively giving back opinions on things they think need to be improved? OMG! THEY ARE ELITIST AND DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?

2. Did the OP mention WOW? If so slam them. If not, accuse them of comparing the game to WoW, and calling them impatience.*

3. If above did not succeed, accuse them of not needing to post, ignoring the fact that as humans, they are angry that something they had hopes for was not up to their expectations and scolding them from wanting to vocalize their disappointment. Seriously, why do people voice their opinions over things they dislike? Why cant they just shut their traps and.

4. Claim its their fault for leveling to fast.

5. Insist game has great story which is innovative.

6. Insist game is most immersive of any game ever, never mention level 50, as this will destroy our stance however.

7. Never refer to bugs; bugs do not exist.

8. Always be optimistic BW is all over everything and will fix it like a magical tooth fairy. Do not think about the 5 years and 300M that was spent making the game and where that money all went (hint: voice acting).

9. Remind people about 1.2 and how great Guild Banks will be


*This point is especially funny as out of the game producers own mouth, you HAVE to compare any new game to WoW, and games have to compete favorably AT LAUNCH to WoW. WoW has set a bar that other games must compete against. You cannot point to WoW Launch , you have to compare to the product today. You do not compare a new car to a model T, or Windows 7 to windows XP. BW had the latest technology, a huge purse bag and a team of (outsourced) programers to work on this game.


Question: Why do you think SWTOR choose the Hero engine, which is an archaic, never proven game engine produced in the early 2000's by a company thats only other game experiance was creating text based online games? Only reason I can think of was to save $$ for more voice actors....


I love EMO logic, always fails and most of it is just opinion turned into fact.

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I love fanboy logic



1. Did someone post something against SWTOR, even constructively giving back opinions on things they think need to be improved? OMG! THEY ARE ELITIST AND DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?

2. Did the OP mention WOW? If so slam them. If not, accuse them of comparing the game to WoW, and calling them impatience.*

3. If above did not succeed, accuse them of not needing to post, ignoring the fact that as humans, they are angry that something they had hopes for was not up to their expectations and scolding them from wanting to vocalize their disappointment. Seriously, why do people voice their opinions over things they dislike? Why cant they just shut their traps and.

4. Claim its their fault for leveling to fast.

5. Insist game has great story which is innovative.

6. Insist game is most immersive of any game ever, never mention level 50, as this will destroy our stance however.

7. Never refer to bugs; bugs do not exist.

8. Always be optimistic BW is all over everything and will fix it like a magical tooth fairy. Do not think about the 5 years and 300M that was spent making the game and where that money all went (hint: voice acting).

9. Remind people about 1.2 and how great Guild Banks will be


*This point is especially funny as out of the game producers own mouth, you HAVE to compare any new game to WoW, and games have to compete favorably AT LAUNCH to WoW. WoW has set a bar that other games must compete against. You cannot point to WoW Launch , you have to compare to the product today. You do not compare a new car to a model T, or Windows 7 to windows XP. BW had the latest technology, a huge purse bag and a team of (outsourced) programers to work on this game.


Question: Why do you think SWTOR choose the Hero engine, which is an archaic, never proven game engine produced in the early 2000's by a company thats only other game experiance was creating text based online games? Only reason I can think of was to save $$ for more voice actors....


Im level 50 and i find the game lacks endgame content. It is too easy to get geared.


The game is still awesome and better than all the other poop on the market.


If you hate SWTOR you should focus on your IRL progression and work on gearing yourself with a new MMO.

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I love fanboy logic



1. Did someone post something against SWTOR, even constructively giving back opinions on things they think need to be improved? OMG! THEY ARE ELITIST AND DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?

2. Did the OP mention WOW? If so slam them. If not, accuse them of comparing the game to WoW, and calling them impatience.*

3. If above did not succeed, accuse them of not needing to post, ignoring the fact that as humans, they are angry that something they had hopes for was not up to their expectations and scolding them from wanting to vocalize their disappointment. Seriously, why do people voice their opinions over things they dislike? Why cant they just shut their traps and.

4. Claim its their fault for leveling to fast.

5. Insist game has great story which is innovative.

6. Insist game is most immersive of any game ever, never mention level 50, as this will destroy our stance however.

7. Never refer to bugs; bugs do not exist.

8. Always be optimistic BW is all over everything and will fix it like a magical tooth fairy. Do not think about the 5 years and 300M that was spent making the game and where that money all went (hint: voice acting).

9. Remind people about 1.2 and how great Guild Banks will be


*This point is especially funny as out of the game producers own mouth, you HAVE to compare any new game to WoW, and games have to compete favorably AT LAUNCH to WoW. WoW has set a bar that other games must compete against. You cannot point to WoW Launch , you have to compare to the product today. You do not compare a new car to a model T, or Windows 7 to windows XP. BW had the latest technology, a huge purse bag and a team of (outsourced) programers to work on this game.


Question: Why do you think SWTOR choose the Hero engine, which is an archaic, never proven game engine produced in the early 2000's by a company thats only other game experiance was creating text based online games? Only reason I can think of was to save $$ for more voice actors....




I love it how you think the louder you are the more they hear you.

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Im level 50 and i find the game lacks endgame content. It is too easy to get geared.


The game is still awesome and better than all the other poop on the market.


If you hate SWTOR you should focus on your IRL progression and work on gearing yourself with a new MMO.


Amen to that. :cool:

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I'm sure there are plenty of people playing. There's no argument there. Can you say this game has any 'OMG FUN!' factor? I guess it's kinda fun I suppose. But nothing that will keep me coming back for years and years and keep me subbing. I enjoyed logging into Rift a lot more than this game. This game is just so incredibly bland and I know that it is personal opinion, but when I try to think of things that will keep me interested I just can't think of any. The PVP is subpar, the questing is subpar, the graphics for a 2012 game are subpar, the abilities are subpar, the animations are subpar, the dead and lifeless world is subpar, the crafting is subpar and meaningless... ask anyone who has spent their time crafting in this game. I remember my first experiences in Rift as awesome, with the dynamic events. Nothing about this game in the past few weeks has given me any 'awesome' moments. It's just... go kill 10 droids and come back and collect the commendations and xp. All the enemies look exactly the same, the planets all look the same aside from a different color template used for the atmosphere. Nar shadaa was a bit different, but I felt mostly boxed in.

I've given it a chance, but the population of almost every planet i go to is below 10 people. i rarely ever see anyone else unless I'm on the Imperial Fleet. I honestly don't think this game has a future. There's absolutely no innovation to this game whatsoever. Story in an MMO? Meh, there is a story I suppose but all the choices you make are meaningless, you'll still end up in the exact same place as everyone else regardless of your choices. There aren't even any incentives to playing as good or evil. Maybe a meaningless piece of 'good' gear that I'll never wear? I don't NEED story in an MMO, I can get that by reading a book, what I need is an incentive to find the game fun and enjoyable and to play alongside other people and be out conquering the MMO world. In SWTOR i don't need to play with anyone else, my character feels like a hobo that never interacts with anyone except the occasional chat with one of my stupid companions. For the life of me I can't figure out why, in an MMO, i should be playing with an NPC instead of another real live person that I can interact with.

This is BY FAR the worst MMO I have ever played, even in Aion and Rift and WoW I lasted at least 3 months. I'm not even at the 3-week point yet in this game and I'm having trouble finding a reason to log-in.


Then don't log in then lol, its really sad reading posts like this and seeing how empty people life's are. They have to force themselves to play a game they don't like.

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I feel like id be better off playing Heroes of Newerth where at least i wouldnt have to grind to keep up with everyone.


Are you sure you are playing the same HoN I am? If I take breaks from HoN my skill level drops drastically.


If you want to stay competitive skillwise (at higher MMRs) and on top of the current metagame you pretty much have to grind a lot of games. Just saying.

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I'm sure there are plenty of people playing. There's no argument there. Can you say this game has any 'OMG FUN!' factor? I guess it's kinda fun I suppose. But nothing that will keep me coming back for years and years and keep me subbing. I enjoyed logging into Rift a lot more than this game. This game is just so incredibly bland and I know that it is personal opinion, but when I try to think of things that will keep me interested I just can't think of any. The PVP is subpar, the questing is subpar, the graphics for a 2012 game are subpar, the abilities are subpar, the animations are subpar, the dead and lifeless world is subpar, the crafting is subpar and meaningless... ask anyone who has spent their time crafting in this game. I remember my first experiences in Rift as awesome, with the dynamic events. Nothing about this game in the past few weeks has given me any 'awesome' moments. It's just... go kill 10 droids and come back and collect the commendations and xp. All the enemies look exactly the same, the planets all look the same aside from a different color template used for the atmosphere. Nar shadaa was a bit different, but I felt mostly boxed in.

I've given it a chance, but the population of almost every planet i go to is below 10 people. i rarely ever see anyone else unless I'm on the Imperial Fleet. I honestly don't think this game has a future. There's absolutely no innovation to this game whatsoever. Story in an MMO? Meh, there is a story I suppose but all the choices you make are meaningless, you'll still end up in the exact same place as everyone else regardless of your choices. There aren't even any incentives to playing as good or evil. Maybe a meaningless piece of 'good' gear that I'll never wear? I don't NEED story in an MMO, I can get that by reading a book, what I need is an incentive to find the game fun and enjoyable and to play alongside other people and be out conquering the MMO world. In SWTOR i don't need to play with anyone else, my character feels like a hobo that never interacts with anyone except the occasional chat with one of my stupid companions. For the life of me I can't figure out why, in an MMO, i should be playing with an NPC instead of another real live person that I can interact with.

This is BY FAR the worst MMO I have ever played, even in Aion and Rift and WoW I lasted at least 3 months. I'm not even at the 3-week point yet in this game and I'm having trouble finding a reason to log-in.


So your logic is that due to you, one single person, prefering Rift over SWTOR, SWTOR is doomed to fail?


If SWTOR isnt your thing that is fine, by all means. But you cant will the game to fail out of spite.

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