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The FUTURE of this game.


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Future? This game has none.


My entire guild has quit playing because they finally realized that this is a sub-par game, developed by kids who don't know what a MMO is.


I'm so disappointed by Bioware that I will NEVER buy another game from them again, this is pathetic.


Sorry i didnt realize you had your troll scoreboard straight up in your signature. Bioware really has no backbone. All theyd need to do is ban a good 5 people for obviously breaking the rules and people would start respecting them.

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I loved FFXI, and played it for years myself. However, the reason people played that game for "years" was because it was a grind... While I share the view point that certain grinds found within FFXI (using that game as a reference) are good to have in order to have a sense of accomplishment, I believe they can be over-done and ultimately are thrown in to 'dangle the carrot' above your head so you keep playing. I had fun pursuing a goal in older mmo's, but after doing so for years, have since taken a step back and wondered why. There is a happy medium between a grind-fest and the WoW-quest-til-you-drop theme park style. Unfortunately, I have not played any mainstream mmo that had found that medium.


I see what you are saying but I don't see how the newer design where everyone rushes to the end and then force them to "grind" same instances over and over by "dangling the carrot" in front of them for better gear is any better. From my perspective in fact, it's much worse.


I prefer the grind to take place gradually throughout the game, that way the content and the world in general is paced better and you actually get to explore and enjoy the game, instead of rushing through everything and getting bored at the end.


And the 'why' is easy to answer. Are you having fun? If yes, then it's worth the time, because in the end that's what matters most, if you are having fun or not, and I had a lot of fun on Final Fantasy 11, despite it's many flaws.

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There are very few people out there in America who will boot up a game and spent 4 hours fighting one monster.


Agreed, but there is a crowd that is willing to partake in this. Myself included. I was in the linkshell that was in that 18-hour battle. I wasn't up for the entire thing, but I did my part. The old Seraph server had an incredible community and i miss that in these new games.

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Rofl, you are optimistic. You seriously believe people will be still subscribing until summer and fall?


I waited for this game for years, I was hyped like never before. It's not even mediocre. It's below that. 2 months and I'm fed up/burned out totally -_-


Only a massive overhaul patch with core changes will bring me back, and from the looks of it the people calling the shots and running the game don't even care of they think they've done an incredible job.


Servers are shrinking and it's only second month from release. BW did a terrible terrible job in SWTOR's endgame, from both PVP and PVE perspectives.

I'm disappointed and disheartened beyond words.


In conclusion I pic the third options: F2P in 6 months.


yeah that's why yesterday we had 9 servers with queue, 10 very heavy, over 10 heavy and the rest standard JUST in EU


Because the servers are shrinking. Guys, you not even trying anymore, really! It's getting beyond pathetic for how lame you are, I can see you falling in desperation while you realise THE GAME IS NOT DYING!


It must be terrible, being a total failure as a person and now even as a troll.

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Years from now if I reflect back on my MMO days, will I remember the long epic battles that took hours and tons of preparation... or will i remember the kill 10 droids quest?

SWTOR currently has nothing at all that I will ever look back on and enjoy as being epic in any way. It's less-than mediocre even as a single-player game, and much worse as an MMO.

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There are very few people out there in America who will boot up a game and spent 4 hours fighting one monster.


I think you underestimate a lot of Americans. We are not all ADD instant gratifcation wow babies like you think. Final Fantasy 11 was pretty popular during its prime in the USA, and I don't think it was four hour long boss fights that turned many Americans from it. It was probably the gil sellers and the horrible economy...


But in any case this is a moot point. I played Final Fantasy 11 for half a decade like I said and never encountered a four hour long boss fight, so it was a pretty rare occurence and it's just silly how you keep bringing this up.


What even took 4 hours? Absolute Virture or something? lol

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Agreed, but there is a crowd that is willing to partake in this. Myself included. I was in the linkshell that was in that 18-hour battle. I wasn't up for the entire thing, but I did my part. The old Seraph server had an incredible community and i miss that in these new games.


I used to play Ultima Online, and i had a small stone and plaster house. I would go out and roflpwnt people and then put their stuff in my chests in my house. Then I would go to Britain and talk to people at the bank, not RP style, just about whatever.


That is what is lost in mmos today.


Everyone is complaining about a lack of group content, when the whole point is to socialize.


You dont need a monster in front of you to talk to people and make new friends.

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Why do you equate online gaming as having to play with people you don't like?

Honestly, we're all gamers and enjoy playing games. We have a lot in common. We play MMO's to play with others that share our passion for the genre. If I wanted to play alone I'd be off playing Skyrim. All this is, is Skyrim pretending to be an MMO to justify subscriptions.

I actually WANT to play with others. But everything about this game is anti-MMO.


Most of the leveling process in 'new-age mmo's' are done (primarily) through a solo progression with the option to group up with others as you go (SWTOR has this, and is no different than many other titles I have played). Again, people seem to have had false perceptions of this game coming in. The story aspect certainly does draw you into a more solo-orientated experience, but other players are all around that same world to interact with as you cross paths (up to the individual players). I do not seem much a difference between SWTOR and any other mainstream title that was released 2004-present in that aspect... Using your reference of Skyrim, I pose one question to you;


Do you see other players running around Skyrim that you could interact with?


The answer is no. In contrast, in an MMO such as SWTOR, you do see other folks running around with which you could choose to interact with. It really is a simple case of mis-identification and failed personal expectations for those who are displeased with this particular game. I guess that is a bi-product of all the hype revolving around this title.

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guild wars was boring after i hit level 20. i tried to play afterwards and just couldnt do it.

guild wars 2 i wont be buying i dont care what the reviews are. i rather stick to the 100 hours of game play for each char type on here.


in other words guild wars sucks and not worth buying just like codmw3.

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I think you underestimate a lot of Americans. We are not all ADD instant gratifcation wow babies like you think. Final Fantasy 11 was pretty popular during its prime in the USA, and I don't think it was four hour long boss fights that turned many Americans from it. It was probably the gil sellers and the horrible economy...


But in any case this is a moot point. I played Final Fantasy 11 for half a decade like I said and never encountered a four hour long boss fight, so it was a pretty rare occurence and it's just silly how you keep bringing this up.


What even took 4 hours? Absolute Virture or something? lol


Absolute Virtue took 18 hours.


And you are going to be mad at me for saying this, but it was WoW that turned Americans away from FFXI.

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guild wars was boring after i hit level 20. i tried to play afterwards and just couldnt do it.

guild wars 2 i wont be buying i dont care what the reviews are. i rather stick to the 100 hours of game play for each char type on here.


In my opinion guild wars sucks and not worth buying just like codmw3.



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Absolute Virtue took 18 hours.


And you are going to be mad at me for saying this, but it was WoW that turned Americans away from FFXI.


I doubt it.


Every friend I know who left FFXI did it because of gil sellers and the horrible economy. Then the others left because they didn't like the abyssea grind.


I really doubt the crowd that enjoyed Final Fantasy 11 and especially the ones who were willing to put in the time and effort to take down absolute virture would be very interested in a game like WoW. I know I sure wans't, and thought that game was crap immediately as did all but one of my FF friends lol

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I see what you are saying but I don't see how the newer design where everyone rushes to the end and then force them to "grind" same instances over and over by "dangling the carrot" in front of them for better gear is any better. From my perspective in fact, it's much worse.


I prefer the grind to take place gradually throughout the game, that way the content and the world in general is paced better and you actually get to explore and enjoy the game, instead of rushing through everything and getting bored at the end.


And the 'why' is easy to answer. Are you having fun? If yes, then it's worth the time, because in the end that's what matters most, if you are having fun or not, and I had a lot of fun on Final Fantasy 11, despite it's many flaws.


It all comes down to personal reception as to what is enjoyable or not. Although I do miss FFXI and probably liked it as much as you! Ironically, I am taking more time to level in this game than any other by comparison due to the heavy story elements... I have trouble skipping through the cut-scenes that I haven't experienced. Other games, I would rush to end game to raid with friends, etc. Ultimately, not sure in your personal case, but for me, FFXI was so special because it was really my first MMO and everything was incredible to me. I think people's first MMO's (the game responsible for getting them interested in this genre) has a lasting impression and creates certain pre-disposed expectations for successors. I have not had the same impression and feeling in any other game since FFXI (again it was the first online world I played in)!

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Years from now if I reflect back on my MMO days, will I remember the long epic battles that took hours and tons of preparation... or will i remember the kill 10 droids quest?

SWTOR currently has nothing at all that I will ever look back on and enjoy as being epic in any way. It's less-than mediocre even as a single-player game, and much worse as an MMO.


The really sad part is that you don't realize that what you just said is only indicative of yourself. Looking back at SWG, there's only 1 really good moment that I remember from that game. In WoW, there are about 3. This game has already equalled that, and that's only in 1 of the storylines. But feel free to pretend that simply because you believe something, that everyone must as well.

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Lol, first people suggest the game will be F2P by end of January, then they suggested it will be dead by end of March. Now people give it 6+ months. What now? Could people please settle for a date and a deadline. I was preparing an obituary and this hassle with the contradicting forecasts is confusing. :mad:


Jokes as aside:

I doubt GW2 will be out before Q3 this year anyway considering their official blog entry about it and my experience with MMO betas in general. It's also free of fees so unless you are very limited by your time none of your favourite MMOs shall be mutually exclusive with that one.

Naturally Games like D3 and various other titles will always cause a plenty amounts of distraction - as someone who's seen raid-free weeks because people were playing yet-another-blockbuster I am least worried about it.


It all boils down to how Bioware is tackling this and this doomsaying won't help. Wait until first two or three major content updates to make a real prediction. Remember, patience, discipline...

I can't say I am disagreeing with some of the major criticisms about outstanding issues - the non-trolling ones - but they hardly warrant sounding the death knell for me. PVP seems like an afterthought but then I have yet to play a game aside from EVE Online with real PVP. If I wanted to have my fill of PVP then I'd not play this game for sure.


Maybe it's just me, I play games because...they are games, at peak I played 3 MMOs synchronously without checking magic 8-ball about their future every day. If they are fun I play them, if I don't have either time or fun anymore then well, I go play something else. No need to harass other people about it.

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I doubt it.


Every friend I know who left FFXI did it because of gil sellers and the horrible economy. Then the others left because they didn't like the abyssea grind.


I really doubt the crowd that enjoyed Final Fantasy 11 and especially the ones who were willing to put in the time and effort to take down absolute virture would be very interested in a game like WoW. I know I sure wans't, and thought that game was crap immediately as did all but one of my FF friends lol


FFXI was a really fun game.


Times have changed.


SWTOR is a really fun game. Who knows I might get bored next month. Or tomorrow. But I'm not going to write a book about it and demand everyone else agree with me.


MMOS back in the old days topped at like 1 million subscribers. Then WoW made it so that anybody, regardless of skill or playtime could hop on an mmo and have fun, and another 11 million people got interested.


There is no game that can convince the Ridiculous majority (casuals) that playing a hard game that requires social interaction with people they dont know is something theyd be interested in.

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It all comes down to personal reception as to what is enjoyable or not. Although I do miss FFXI and probably liked it as much as you! Ironically, I am taking more time to level in this game than any other by comparison due to the heavy story elements... I have trouble skipping through the cut-scenes that I haven't experienced. Other games, I would rush to end game to raid with friends, etc. Ultimately, not sure in your personal case, but for me, FFXI was so special because it was really my first MMO and everything was incredible to me. I think people's first MMO's (the game responsible for getting them interested in this genre) has a lasting impression and creates certain pre-disposed expectations for successors. I have not had the same impression and feeling in any other game since FFXI (again it was the first online world I played in)!


There may be some of that, but I do feel it was the depth and challenge of that game, as well as the "we are all in this together" mood of that game that help make it a real experience.


LOTRO is another MMORPG I really enjoy, though it's sadly been dumbed down a lot as well in recent years, but I still enjoy it. That game did an incredible job brining those books to life and making Middle Earth seem like a real place - but sadly WoW's unholy influence is starting to leave it's mark on it as well :(

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It all comes down to personal reception as to what is enjoyable or not. Although I do miss FFXI and probably liked it as much as you! Ironically, I am taking more time to level in this game than any other by comparison due to the heavy story elements... I have trouble skipping through the cut-scenes that I haven't experienced. Other games, I would rush to end game to raid with friends, etc. Ultimately, not sure in your personal case, but for me, FFXI was so special because it was really my first MMO and everything was incredible to me. I think people's first MMO's (the game responsible for getting them interested in this genre) has a lasting impression and creates certain pre-disposed expectations for successors. I have not had the same impression and feeling in any other game since FFXI (again it was the first online world I played in)!


Same with me, it took me 11 months to finally hit level 75 for the first time in FFXI. I enjoyed every level along the way and made dozens upon dozens of friends. There were days that I logged in where I did nothing but chat with the friends I had made. Gear was important because you'd be wearing the same stuff for sometimes weeks on end. In SWTOR... I can do a dozen levels in one day so who cares about gear. there were no alts... i mean you could have one as storage or whatever, but you could play every class on one character. I don't understand the need for people to constantly make new characters, why not just have 1 that can play all classes? it makes my character feel special and multi-dimensional... not just "one toon for healing" ... "one toon for DPS" ... etc.

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The really sad part is that you don't realize that what you just said is only indicative of yourself. Looking back at SWG, there's only 1 really good moment that I remember from that game. In WoW, there are about 3. This game has already equalled that, and that's only in 1 of the storylines. But feel free to pretend that simply because you believe something, that everyone must as well.


What in SWTOR is epic? Solo'ing the Chapter 1 final boss on your first try like everyone else in the world?

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That said im going to bed.


Jeremy i agree the leveling is too fast and the Cutscenes are average at best.


But at the same time:


The art style is fantastic.

The companions are great.

The playerbase (in game not forums) is wonderful

The PVP is fast paced and fun (once you get a piece or two of champion gear)

The raids are epic (when not bugged)


Its just a fun game, if it dies it dies.


Anyways, When ME3 comes out ill be a hermit until i finish it, but ill still log on to do my PVP dailys.


I gots time.


Night everyone.

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It's massive...

It's multiplayer...

It's online...


It certainly fits the English language's definition of an MMO.


Is it what you wanted or expected? Maybe not. Maybe it's changing the genre.





multiplayer?.... no really?.... takes day to do heroics because theres no people... and im on empire bandwagon... forget flashpoints.

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What in SWTOR is epic? Solo'ing the Chapter 1 final boss on your first try like everyone else in the world?


They had to patch in a nerf for the Jedi Knight final boss because people were slamming the CS forums with complaints that it was too hard.

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