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the main problem with swtor is not the pvp nor pve. it has almost every mmo features missing. it does not feels like an mmo, but more like a single player game .


been themepark has nothing to do with it. i think the game overall is en empty shell, beside the stories and side quests. that leave us with only one fun thing to do, leveling a character. once you level a character to 50, you find yourself in total pointless game, with nothing to do, other than some boring very very very subpar pve end content, if you can even call it that. or a very mediocre basic pvp.

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Clearly you did not play Rift to make such an incorrect statement on its content.

300m lol, So now your making up info as it was 150mil.


Lets ot forget SWTOR got better reviews from almost every game site and review then lol Rift. Then again Rift was nothing more then one long grind with terrible animations and a very poor story that no one cared about.


The rest of your post is really just your opinion turned into fact. Its funny your still here attention seeking on the forums of a game you don't like lol.


Surly your life is not that empty. So many EMO's on these forums


Um...Any website can back up the 300M mark. It was a release from EA two months ago. Do research?


Secondly, reviews of MMOs mean nothing. All a reviewer can test is the leveling experience. Thats it. EA does not give the reviewers a level 50, or a group of people for them to test end game content with.


If you go to Gamespot, IGN and other places, their reviews all even say "we could not test end game content much..." so their reviews only encompass the ONLY enjoyable part of the game; leveling.


So yes, your game got great reviews to the leveling experience. In the course of any mmo, how long do you spend leveling vs being max level? In WoW, Aion, Warhammer, AOC and even Rift ive spent the majority of my time at max level, not leveling. Max level is what any MMO should be worried about day 1. Leveling is in the greater scheme of things importance, but not the only critical piece of the pie.


Meanwhile, Rift A) Did get good reviews and B) is still here a year later, innovating, putting out the fastest amount of new content of any MMO world wide C) has a very happy customer base (go read their own forums, compare them to the SWTOR forums..)


I've played plenty of MMO's and frankly, this game is paper thin. There is nothing keeping you here at 50. If you disagree, I challenge you to tell me what to do at 50 keeping in mind


1. PVP is a grind fest. Someone calculated out the time to get your pvp weapon is about 68 hours or so minus time waiting in queue. AT 3 horus a night, thats like 3-4 weeks to get the good pvp weapon, and thats doing NOTHING else but pvp. F that?

2. Illum is terrible.

3. My guild cleared out operations in our first try (both of them) within 2 nights. We are not a super guild or 'hard core'. The content was just that easy.


So what should I do? Run around in circles? Level a fourth character to 50? Or go back to a game that understands the idea of content for the end game?

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the main problem with swtor is not the pvp nor pve. it has almost every mmo features missing. it does not feels like an mmo, but more like a single player game .


been themepark has nothing to do with it. i think the game overall is en empty shell, beside the stories and side quests. that leave us with only one fun thing to do, leveling a character. once you level a character to 50, you find yourself in total pointless game, with nothing to do, other than some boring very very very subpar pve end content, if you can even call it that. or a very mediocre basic pvp.


The problem with SWTOR is that it was advertised for people who enjoy story based games and wanted to try it in an MMO.


What SWTOR ended up getting was:


WoW players

Single Player Gamers

Rift Players

SWG players



And each of these groups expect bioware to convert the game into whatever game they came from.


Its just SWTOR, its never going to be anything else.

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I love it how you think the louder you are the more they hear you.


How was I loud? Is being verbose loud? Should I stick to one line logic 'oh snap' comments like fanboys that offer no evidence or compelling reasons against the flood of logic that the game was poorly produced and created?


Should I just say


"Lawl WOW player" to every person I disagree with, or call them a troll, or say "why post if you hate it?". That seems to be the only reaction.

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The haters (and their forum alts9 are AAAAANGRYYYY!!!


Maybe it's related to the fact that the servers were packed for the whole weekend (just yesterday afternoon and evening in EU we had 9 - NINE - FULL servers with queue, 10 very heavy and 10+ Heavy)


yeah the losers don't really know what to say anymore, I can tell the desperation in their voices. Ah, the joy...

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Um...Any website can back up the 300M mark. It was a release from EA two months ago. Do research?


Secondly, reviews of MMOs mean nothing. All a reviewer can test is the leveling experience. Thats it. EA does not give the reviewers a level 50, or a group of people for them to test end game content with.


If you go to Gamespot, IGN and other places, their reviews all even say "we could not test end game content much..." so their reviews only encompass the ONLY enjoyable part of the game; leveling.


So yes, your game got great reviews to the leveling experience. In the course of any mmo, how long do you spend leveling vs being max level? In WoW, Aion, Warhammer, AOC and even Rift ive spent the majority of my time at max level, not leveling. Max level is what any MMO should be worried about day 1. Leveling is in the greater scheme of things importance, but not the only critical piece of the pie.


Meanwhile, Rift A) Did get good reviews and B) is still here a year later, innovating, putting out the fastest amount of new content of any MMO world wide C) has a very happy customer base (go read their own forums, compare them to the SWTOR forums..)


I've played plenty of MMO's and frankly, this game is paper thin. There is nothing keeping you here at 50. If you disagree, I challenge you to tell me what to do at 50 keeping in mind


1. PVP is a grind fest. Someone calculated out the time to get your pvp weapon is about 68 hours or so minus time waiting in queue. AT 3 horus a night, thats like 3-4 weeks to get the good pvp weapon, and thats doing NOTHING else but pvp. F that?

2. Illum is terrible.

3. My guild cleared out operations in our first try (both of them) within 2 nights. We are not a super guild or 'hard core'. The content was just that easy.


So what should I do? Run around in circles? Level a fourth character to 50? Or go back to a game that understands the idea of content for the end game?


Hey bro, i thought i'd let you know, I get an email from rift every week asking me to play the game, and offering to give it to me free if i pay for the first month.


Also Rift just lowered its fee to 9.99 per month.


After one year they are begging for people to resub. I'm glad this game isnt like that.

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Um...Any website can back up the 300M mark. It was a release from EA two months ago. Do research?


Secondly, reviews of MMOs mean nothing. All a reviewer can test is the leveling experience. Thats it. EA does not give the reviewers a level 50, or a group of people for them to test end game content with.


If you go to Gamespot, IGN and other places, their reviews all even say "we could not test end game content much..." so their reviews only encompass the ONLY enjoyable part of the game; leveling.


So yes, your game got great reviews to the leveling experience. In the course of any mmo, how long do you spend leveling vs being max level? In WoW, Aion, Warhammer, AOC and even Rift ive spent the majority of my time at max level, not leveling. Max level is what any MMO should be worried about day 1. Leveling is in the greater scheme of things importance, but not the only critical piece of the pie.


Meanwhile, Rift A) Did get good reviews and B) is still here a year later, innovating, putting out the fastest amount of new content of any MMO world wide C) has a very happy customer base (go read their own forums, compare them to the SWTOR forums..)


I've played plenty of MMO's and frankly, this game is paper thin. There is nothing keeping you here at 50. If you disagree, I challenge you to tell me what to do at 50 keeping in mind


1. PVP is a grind fest. Someone calculated out the time to get your pvp weapon is about 68 hours or so minus time waiting in queue. AT 3 horus a night, thats like 3-4 weeks to get the good pvp weapon, and thats doing NOTHING else but pvp. F that?

2. Illum is terrible.

3. My guild cleared out operations in our first try (both of them) within 2 nights. We are not a super guild or 'hard core'. The content was just that easy.


So what should I do? Run around in circles? Level a fourth character to 50? Or go back to a game that understands the idea of content for the end game?


Again this is just your opinion.

Its very sad your forcing yourself to play a game you dont like. If I didnt like TOR I would go and play a different game not go on the forums attention seeking ROFL.


I don't like Football but you dont get me going to matches or playing it just so I can tell people how bad I think it is.


Also 150 mil is on this site in the dev tracker post's aand the making of TOR vid also on this site., I will take there info over yours :).


Your just to EMO for me.

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How was I loud? Is being verbose loud? Should I stick to one line logic 'oh snap' comments like fanboys that offer no evidence or compelling reasons against the flood of logic that the game was poorly produced and created?


Should I just say


"Lawl WOW player" to every person I disagree with, or call them a troll, or say "why post if you hate it?". That seems to be the only reaction.


Why would you go to a website that requires a paid subscription to post on and expect the majority of people to support your opinion that the fee isnt worth it.


I dont pay for things unless they are worth it.

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It's not massive. I was level 50 within a month and had already seen every planet.


It's not really multiplayer either. It is ridiculously easy to solo on this game - and grouping up is almost enitirely optional.


It's just like the other guy said. It's a single player action/adventure game with a co op mode if you choose.


This game isn't changing anything. It's just pretending to be something it isn't.


How is that unlike every other game out there?

I've never played one single game where you _HAVE_ to group with other players to continue with content, well... perhaps I have, once or twice ages ago. Come to think about it, I think it has happened twice, one of the games being a MUD where grouping at one stage was kind of mandatory, but could probably have been done without it.

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The haters (and their forum alts9 are AAAAANGRYYYY!!!


Maybe it's related to the fact that the servers were packed for the whole weekend (just yesterday afternoon and evening in EU we had 9 - NINE - FULL servers with queue, 10 very heavy and 10+ Heavy)


yeah the losers don't really know what to say anymore, I can tell the desperation in their voices. Ah, the joy...


Agreed, like I keep saying its all the EMO internet users, They make there way to every new MMO.

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Um...Any website can back up the 300M mark. It was a release from EA two months ago. Do research?


Secondly, reviews of MMOs mean nothing. All a reviewer can test is the leveling experience. Thats it. EA does not give the reviewers a level 50, or a group of people for them to test end game content with.


If you go to Gamespot, IGN and other places, their reviews all even say "we could not test end game content much..." so their reviews only encompass the ONLY enjoyable part of the game; leveling.


So yes, your game got great reviews to the leveling experience. In the course of any mmo, how long do you spend leveling vs being max level? In WoW, Aion, Warhammer, AOC and even Rift ive spent the majority of my time at max level, not leveling. Max level is what any MMO should be worried about day 1. Leveling is in the greater scheme of things importance, but not the only critical piece of the pie.


Meanwhile, Rift A) Did get good reviews and B) is still here a year later, innovating, putting out the fastest amount of new content of any MMO world wide C) has a very happy customer base (go read their own forums, compare them to the SWTOR forums..)


I've played plenty of MMO's and frankly, this game is paper thin. There is nothing keeping you here at 50. If you disagree, I challenge you to tell me what to do at 50 keeping in mind


1. PVP is a grind fest. Someone calculated out the time to get your pvp weapon is about 68 hours or so minus time waiting in queue. AT 3 horus a night, thats like 3-4 weeks to get the good pvp weapon, and thats doing NOTHING else but pvp. F that?

2. Illum is terrible.

3. My guild cleared out operations in our first try (both of them) within 2 nights. We are not a super guild or 'hard core'. The content was just that easy.


So what should I do? Run around in circles? Level a fourth character to 50? Or go back to a game that understands the idea of content for the end game?


Ah, one of my favourite haters and liers

No it was 200mil and it came out last week in several websites

Lie more. EVERYTHING you say it's a lie, no one really listen to you. Your mission is FAIL. You is FAIL. When are we getting rid of these PVP noobs?

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So your logic is that due to you, one single person, prefering Rift over SWTOR, SWTOR is doomed to fail?


If SWTOR isnt your thing that is fine, by all means. But you cant will the game to fail out of spite.


I don't prefer Rift over SWTOR since I don't play Rift anymore.

I'm just saying that when I used to play Rift I had a lot more fun than I am currently having with this game. This game doesn't even have guild levelling. really? in 2012? Even Age of Conan had horrible instances where you could build a guild castle and whatnot. Rift had guild quests. Even WoW had guild features.

These should be MANDATORY in MMO's. Geez did they forget about guilds when making this game? Holy crap, it's just awful. Even when I'm off playing on my own I should be able to do something that helps my guild become stronger and better. It's like an afterthought in this game, merely to have something to put under my player character name that they added at the very end.

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Its just SWTOR, its never going to be anything else.


i.e a single player game?


Tell me what SWTOR offers, I will be pleasant and not a troll. I want to know because so far:


Grouping has been underwhelming, the flash points were so so, entertaining once and thats about it.


Questing outside the class quest was painful and sad, just 'kill' and 'fetch' quests with voice overs that were not impressive.


End game...is terrible..


Space combat is just a mini game...


So what is SWTOR?


Its not unique classes, they are almost verbatum WOW classes. Compare the list of powers a Sith Warrior has to a Warrior from WoW. Cooldowns, Active, resource mechanic, etc..


Its got companions, which however dressed up are just combat pets. I think they did a great job making them entertaining but once you hit 50, the fun ends with them again.


So what is SWTOR? People say story, and sure you get to watch a story but you cant truely effect it. Its set in stone. So....its an mmo with a few cut scenes?

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How is that unlike every other game out there?

I've never played one single game where you _HAVE_ to group with other players to continue with content, well... perhaps I have, once or twice ages ago. Come to think about it, I think it has happened twice, one of the games being a MUD where grouping at one stage was kind of mandatory, but could probably have been done without it.


People play these MMO where you have to group for everything yet no one else knows they exist apart from the people talking about them lol.

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Why would you go to a website that requires a paid subscription to post on and expect the majority of people to support your opinion that the fee isnt worth it.


I dont pay for things unless they are worth it.


Because fail hate troll is fail?


Sorry, I mean "iz fail"

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i.e a single player game?


Tell me what SWTOR offers, I will be pleasant and not a troll. I want to know because so far:


Grouping has been underwhelming, the flash points were so so, entertaining once and thats about it.


Questing outside the class quest was painful and sad, just 'kill' and 'fetch' quests with voice overs that were not impressive.


End game...is terrible..


Space combat is just a mini game...


So what is SWTOR?


Its not unique classes, they are almost verbatum WOW classes. Compare the list of powers a Sith Warrior has to a Warrior from WoW. Cooldowns, Active, resource mechanic, etc..


Its got companions, which however dressed up are just combat pets. I think they did a great job making them entertaining but once you hit 50, the fun ends with them again.


So what is SWTOR? People say story, and sure you get to watch a story but you cant truely effect it. Its set in stone. So....its an mmo with a few cut scenes?

In your opinion Emo, then again not one person has agreed with you yet lol.

I love it when these peeps fight a losing battle.

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Well allow me to educate you.


How often on this game do you spend your time in groups or "multiplaying"? I doubt very often before you reach max level, considering it is painfully easy to rapidly solo most of the content on this game. So even by your own odd standards the term doesn't apply.


This game is cleary aimed toward solo play. Hell, you can't even complete the main story quests together....as if two jedi consulars for example attempt to do their story lines as a group one has to enter "spectator mode" and it doesn't even count for them lol


You are just wrong.


This is no Massive game, not in either respect. Not in world size, nor in multiplayer experience.


I can solo to 85 on wow in 3 days your logic fails.

Edited by Bladedakoda
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Agreed, like I keep saying its all the EMO internet users, They make there way to every new MMO.


They thought they could 'ruin' and 'kill' this game and now they can't cope with the fact that people like to play TOR. I don't want to imagine what's gotta be changing their diapers while they are in this mood....

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They thought they could 'ruin' and 'kill' this game and now they can't cope with the fact that people like to play TOR. I don't want to imagine what's gotta be changing their diapers while they are in this mood....


Once a new MMO comes along they will be on there forums doing the same thing. Its classic internet Emo mentality.


They have to fill the void where a life should be somehow.

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i.e a single player game?


Tell me what SWTOR offers, I will be pleasant and not a troll. I want to know because so far:


Grouping has been underwhelming, the flash points were so so, entertaining once and thats about it.


Questing outside the class quest was painful and sad, just 'kill' and 'fetch' quests with voice overs that were not impressive.


End game...is terrible..


Space combat is just a mini game...


So what is SWTOR?


Its not unique classes, they are almost verbatum WOW classes. Compare the list of powers a Sith Warrior has to a Warrior from WoW. Cooldowns, Active, resource mechanic, etc..


Its got companions, which however dressed up are just combat pets. I think they did a great job making them entertaining but once you hit 50, the fun ends with them again.


So what is SWTOR? People say story, and sure you get to watch a story but you cant truely effect it. Its set in stone. So....its an mmo with a few cut scenes?


I agree with this 500%. This is spot on! Finally someone who knows what he's talking about.


No >>--arrow--> to the knee for you Sir!

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So MMO is server based. Really?


I know quite a few mmorpg's that only have the NA/EU option for servers, including re5.


But point is, this game is single player. You play the most with yourself. And instance with friends.


Definition of single player with co-op right there lol.


Ah, what mmo's are you playing? Outside of the original Everquest, EQOA, (i.e. the older mmo's) players solo by quest or grind to "level up" while having the 'option' to group (i.e. dungeons or harder quests). At the level cap, it's all either a solo grind (reputation, crafting, questing, etc) with the 'option' of participating in larger scale battles with friends... Which SWTOR has the same elements, with the only difference being, an enhanced solo-leveling experience. Generally speaking, I believe allot of people had astronomical expectations for this game or played SWG and expecting something of SWTOR that it is not... It is extremely story based, revolving around the character you create, hence the enhanced solo experience. Amongst mainstream mmorpg's, set by World of Warcraft's massive success, the more casual-theme park style mmo's are where the genre is headed (again, based upon the success of WoW).


Your definition of a 'single player' game goes against logic. While you 'solo' most of your class story (which is used to level up your character), there is constant communication with other players over chat, etc. All the while, they are running around in the same world, which otherwise would not be the case of a single player game... For instance; take a game like Call of Duty MW3: Single player story, with a multi-player platform. No world, only instanced battles. SWTOR on the other hand has a world your character lives in (whether you argue it is not large enough or not, it still has one you can just log into and stand there next to your friends). Again, it sounds to me, along with other folks that complain about the game (why are you even still playing and on the forums if you're unhappy with the game?), are either let down by high expectations or you misinterpreted what this particular mmo revolved around (heavily story driven).


Blah, blah, blah... It all comes down to opinion one way or another, so you're welcome to have one of course. However, your definition of 'single-player' vs. 'Massively Multi-player' is incorrect (SWTOR, despite your displeasure, qualifies to be included in the MMO genre). The exit is that way if you're unhappy. Good luck with your next MMO, as this one does not seem to be for you.

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i.e a single player game?


Tell me what SWTOR offers, I will be pleasant and not a troll. I want to know because so far:


Grouping has been underwhelming, the flash points were so so, entertaining once and thats about it.


Questing outside the class quest was painful and sad, just 'kill' and 'fetch' quests with voice overs that were not impressive.


End game...is terrible..


Space combat is just a mini game...


So what is SWTOR?


Its not unique classes, they are almost verbatum WOW classes. Compare the list of powers a Sith Warrior has to a Warrior from WoW. Cooldowns, Active, resource mechanic, etc..


Its got companions, which however dressed up are just combat pets. I think they did a great job making them entertaining but once you hit 50, the fun ends with them again.


So what is SWTOR? People say story, and sure you get to watch a story but you cant truely effect it. Its set in stone. So....its an mmo with a few cut scenes?


Before I believe that you actually know anything about endgame, Can you please tell me the name of the Second boss in eternity vault? I'll give you a chance to google.

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