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Why don't we get curved hilts?


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I just don't get it.


It's not like Makashi is exclusive to the Sith, and yet the Sith of all walks (Marauders/Inquisitors from early levels, Juggs at the level cap) can get curved-hilted sabers. Form II is, IMO, the best saber form in Star Wars. Yes, that is just a personal opinion, but I am hardly alone in thinking like that.


Why don't we ever get to rock a curved hilt, if only occasionally?

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My question is why don't we get Makashi?


Because if we did it would obviously suck in ranged combat and excel in melee encounters and so many people would cry about it. And to be realistic ranged classes already have a considerable advantage over melee classes especially the troopers and bounty hunters and having Makashi would only put us at a bigger disadvantage I think.


I'm not so sure how Makashi could apply in this game though since it's a specific lightsaber form meant to combat other lightsaber users. It's the duelist form.


Maybe they'll add the other 2 forms later in new game content along with classes and more talent trees.


And to get back more on topic, we should have a NPC vendor that will let us customize the appearance of our hilts.


My favorite style was Djem So (A variant of Shien) and Juyo. Juyo requires the most focus and is the most physically demanding of the styles, Mace Windu created Vaapad which was his version of Juyo and he was the only Jedi to defeat Sidious in Lightsaber Combat, something Yoda wasn't even able to do.

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Because if we did it would obviously suck in ranged combat and excel in melee encounters and so many people would cry about it. And to be realistic ranged classes already have a considerable advantage over melee classes especially the troopers and bounty hunters and having Makashi would only put us at a bigger disadvantage I think.


I'm not so sure how Makashi could apply in this game though since it's a specific lightsaber form meant to combat other lightsaber users. It's the duelist form.


Maybe they'll add the other 2 forms later in new game content along with classes and more talent trees.


And to get back more on topic, we should have a NPC vendor that will let us customize the appearance of our hilts.


My favorite style was Djem So (A variant of Shien) and Juyo. Juyo requires the most focus and is the most physically demanding of the styles, Mace Windu created Vaapad which was his version of Juyo and he was the only Jedi to defeat Sidious in Lightsaber Combat, something Yoda wasn't even able to do.


Not to nitpick, but Mace Windu was also the most powerful Jedi, even more than Yoda.

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Not to nitpick, but Mace Windu was also the most powerful Jedi, even more than Yoda.


Now that's false. Windu's downfall in the end was his prideful nature and his personal belief that peace and the Republic should be held at all costs even if it means violating the Jedi code which he intended to when he was going to murder chancellor Palpatine at the end of the duel.


He was so focused on Sidious that he failed to see Anakin's shatterpoint and was betrayed.


Furthermore only 2 people in the order could best Windu in a duel and it was Yoda and Dooku.


Luke Skywalker went on to be the most powerful Jedi.

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Now that's false. Windu's downfall in the end was his prideful nature and his personal belief that peace and the Republic should be held at all costs even if it means violating the Jedi code which he intended to when he was going to murder chancellor Palpatine at the end of the duel.


He was so focused on Sidious that he failed to see Anakin's shatterpoint and was betrayed.


Furthermore only 2 people in the order could best Windu in a duel and it was Yoda and Dooku.


Luke Skywalker went on to be the most powerful Jedi.


and obi-wan?

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Because if we did it would obviously suck in ranged combat and excel in melee encounters and so many people would cry about it.


Uh, you mean like its now? Or did i miss some irony hidden in there?

Despite the nice deflect animations, a lightsaber currently doesn't give any kind of ranged defense bonus, both the saber wielding Jedi Knight and the blaster wielding Bounty Hunter get 5% base defense, there's nothing they could take away.

IMO one of the biggest failings of the combat engine, as the movies show us constantly that a skilled Jedi is virtually blasterproof, in fact shooting one is downright dangerous, probably a third of the droids Anakin and Obi-Wan felled died to reflected shots.


Oh, and i'd like curved hilts too, even though i'm an Ataru fan. I also want a moddable Heavy Thermal Chestguard, a Twi'lek Marauder, more hoods for Warriors and less for Guardians, and that more than one crew skill is actually usefull. One can dream... :p

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We get curved hilts. They just curve at the bottom rather than the top, so that the blade still projects straight from the grip rather than at an angle. My current lightsaber is curved, I can't remember off-hand which saber it was but I got it off one of the commendation vendors on Balmorra (it also has blades on top around the blade emitter). One of the Consular lightsabers you can buy on Coruscant from a commendation vendor also has a curved hilt if I remember correctly.


As to why we don't get hilts that curve to change the direction of the beam, that's because if the beam was at a different angle you'd have to change every single animation you do with a lightsaber, from blocks to attacks, and it's just not worth it. Also, hilts that that are pretty rare in the Star Wars universe, the only character other than Dooku that I remember having a hilt like that was Darth Bane.

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Windu was not the more powerful than Yoda...Yoda fled the fight because he knew the battle was lost long ago and his only hope was to wait until Anakin's children were old enough to be trained. As jedi they would be their last hope to defeat Sidious and Vader. The dark side had shifted and balance was lost starting back from Darth Bane up until Darth's Plageus and Sidious put their brillant plan into fruition.


So the reason why Yoda fled because the battle was already lost long ago. The dark side had tipped the scale.

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