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Clone Wars Series and Ahsoka Tano


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Nope, the tv series won't include any force users. Going to into more normal characters, like bounty hunters and such.


i heard it was going to basically follow darth vader, also, the guy that played starkiller in the force unleashed was confirmed to have made an appearance in the tv series.

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That would mean Aniken reached the rank of Master.


oh yeah, youre right. . . hmmm


i mean, she'd have to die, or flee/ go into exile and her fate is unknown. but since she's not mentioned in episode 3, she will probably have to die before episode 3

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Maybe Anakin knocked her up and only Ahsoka knew. Ahsoka leaves the order and keeps her secret. She is killed off on order 66 but her baby survives and her child is the keeper of the light in the FOTJ series?




Oh wait, thats been done before


i dunno if human and togruta can breed sucessfully considering their genetic difference, however if anakin and ahsoka both fall in love, the worst danger to ahsoka is not the jedi council, but padme,, as a queen with whole planet's army behind her, ahsoka will be hunted down mercilessly.. the power of jealous woman is greater than the force..

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i dunno if human and togruta can breed sucessfully considering their genetic difference, however if anakin and ahsoka both fall in love, the worst danger to ahsoka is not the jedi council, but padme,, as a queen with whole planet's army behind her, ahsoka will be hunted down mercilessly.. the power of jealous woman is greater than the force..


The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of PMS.

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The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of PMS.


i know , thats why in star wars movies, love is the initial point of entry for darkside..


- anakin's love for his mother cause his dark side anger released upon innocent sandpeople

- anakin's love for padme cause his fall into final darkness as darth vader

- obiwan's love for his master give him temporary powers to fight darth maul albeit very short time.

- ahsoka's love for anakin will drove her to dark side


btw love doesnt mean that kind of love.. love can be friend to friend love, male to female love, master to padawan love etc

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i know , thats why in star wars movies, love is the initial point of entry for darkside..


- anakin's love for his mother cause his dark side anger released upon innocent sandpeople

- anakin's love for padme cause his fall into final darkness as darth vader

- obiwan's love for his master give him temporary powers to fight darth maul albeit very short time.

- ahsoka's love for anakin will drove her to dark side


btw love doesnt mean that kind of love.. love can be friend to friend love, male to female love, master to padawan love etc


So true. If love(the ooey gooey kind) is sooo bad, why can't the jedi see that. Their lack of perception disturbs me.:csw_vader:

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I will continue to present my theory:



(Bet on this, call Vegas[oh wait, you are all 13])



Ahsoka is the keeper of the light from the FOTJ novels. If you;ve read the first book and/or the last, you know what i am talking about



An unknown female

Keeper of the light side in a dark time

Key to restoring order



Who else could it be?


Its Allana. That's pretty clear from reading the books.

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Rex doesn't follow order 66. Read the last two Republic Commandos books, He tries to get away from order 66.


I don't think he was in any books until the Clone Wars came out. Then we get flooded with comics and other reading material for the Clone Wars.

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Its Allana. That's pretty clear from reading the books.



Actually, it isnt


And here is why:


The darkness was eternal, all-powerful, unchangeable. She stared into it, unblinking and unafraid. She was determined that it would not claim her. She had resisted it this many years. She would resist it forever, never despairing. It was unchangeable, but change would take place. The Force said so


many years..... Allana isnt many years old


Jaina would be a better guess than Allana. And Allana isnt hidden away, just called something different. The person portrayed in this quote and the other quote from Apocalypse come off as a hidden force user of the light, an adult. Not a little kid

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i heard it was going to basically follow darth vader, also, the guy that played starkiller in the force unleashed was confirmed to have made an appearance in the tv series.

Everything anyone's heard about the TV series is moot. It's on indefinite hold, the 'official' info is probably full of misinformation, and it probably won't happen as a live-action show. They seem to be unwilling to compromise for whatever 'grandiose' plans they've got for it, leading to outrageous budgets (individual episodic budgets that would basically fund several episodes if not entire seasons of other sci-fi-type shows). I'm hoping they'll just turn it to CG animation ala TCW, and rework it somewhat in the process. Focusing on smugglers, bounty hunters, etc is fine; focusing on Vader is a BAD idea (and that was never in the plans; all movie characters were said to be absent aside from a cameo here & there, presumably from the likes of Vader, Palpatine, and Boba--but none of the main characters were ever to be from the films). Focusing on Boba Fett's probably a bad idea, too.


As for Force-users... if Ahsoka survives, she'd probably give up relying on the Force as any overt use of it is basically a red flag saying "Jedi traitor! Send in the stormtroopers!". She'd cease to be a Jedi (tho, again, some people like Padme don't consider Padawans to be 'Jedi'). And as Ahsoka's NOT a film character, she wouldn't invalidate the old statements that film characters wouldn't be featured much at all in the series... but I consider all info moot as it's on hold and will probably get revamped if ever it moves forward again.


oh yeah, youre right. . . hmmm


i mean, she'd have to die, or flee/ go into exile and her fate is unknown. but since she's not mentioned in episode 3, she will probably have to die before episode 3

Ahsoka not being in Episode 3 or being MENTIONED in Episode 3 doesn't mean she has to die. It doesn't even mean she needs to have fled/gone into exile. She COULD still be a Padawan at the time of Ep3; all that entails is her being reassigned, either to some mission that wouldn't require Anakin to worry about her during the events of Ep3, or being reassigned to another master entirely, meaning he'd have no major reason to even reference her. He'd probably deal with any emotions surrounding her being removed from his tutelage within TCW itself, not dwell on it in Ep3. Her death, though, would likely hit him much harder and be a more noticeable absence with him not even referencing it in Ep3.


So it's perfectly feasible for Ahsoka to survive TCW, survive Order 66, even survive into & beyond the OT. There's nothing in the films or EU to say she cannot survive all that.

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i think if obi wan and yoda can hide for years without getting caught, then some other jedi can also hide from the debacle of order 66.


i think ashoka tanno is one of these jedi-turned-hermit.. hiding in the wilderness.. becoming bitter and old and still dont know what happen to her master Anakin. AFAIK only obiwan and yoda know that vader = anakin.


she is too resourceful to just die.. if darth maul can survive getting cut in half then ashoka's chance for survivability myst be higher..




Ahsoka turned to darkside and become one of Vader's jedi hunter..

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Would be nice if the finale has a glimpse into the future part and we either see order 66 and Ashoka being killed by it or the Emperor sending the 501st to hunt a rebel Captain Rex & Co. with Ashoka all fighting a last stand against the 501st and the Empire in a remote rebel base.
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Okay this is my last thought, at the last episode of the Clone Wars series Darth Maul is probably dead and then at the ending clip there is an army of Clones marching on Coruscant ready to go into Military Transport Shuttles to be shipped into battle, and then it is all happy the end of the show none of those main characters get killed.
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  • 2 weeks later...
i think if obi wan and yoda can hide for years without getting caught, then some other jedi can also hide from the debacle of order 66.


i think ashoka tanno is one of these jedi-turned-hermit.. hiding in the wilderness.. becoming bitter and old and still dont know what happen to her master Anakin. AFAIK only obiwan and yoda know that vader = anakin.


she is too resourceful to just die.. if darth maul can survive getting cut in half then ashoka's chance for survivability myst be higher..




Ahsoka turned to darkside and become one of Vader's jedi hunter..


I see it more likely being she dies and Anakin falls deeper into the darkside as he seeks vengence. Ohhh maybe Cad Bane kills her.

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I think she will become a Knight, and be reassigned. So kid wont be to sad, and we can hope she goes into hiding somewhere.

Honestly, she should have been killed while Anakin killed the child inside the Jedi Temple, while defending them. To further lead him to DS.


Maybe she and Ventress run off at end, reestablish the Witches of Dathomir and become SGRA companions :-P

That was the plan, but they bought several legacy stuff like the repair droid for R2, plus the GTN on the ship, and ended up with so few cash they were unable to flight to Dathomir.

They stopped on some backwater planet, and opened a B&B. If you go on Hutta, don't forget to stop by "The drunken Sith and Jedi", say Obi sent you.

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I believe she will not be killed. I think she will become knighted or goes her seperate ways. Anakin does not have to think about her during Ep3 at all,or even mention her. Shes a big girl she is capable of taking care of herself.


If she does die,I hope the world is prepared to see a million crying little girls and angry parents and yes even I will be quite sad,I love Ahsoka.


I'm more interested in Ventress,Filoni mentioned she has some major parts in Season 5.

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A rather constant theme in Anakin's story has been that his emotional attachment has been exploited by palpatine. I see no reason why this will not be the case with Ahsoka as well. It is obvious he cares for her like family and Palpatine will use every possible tool to weaken Anakin's bond to the Jedi Order.


If I was asked to write the end of Ashoka I would write this:


Obiwan, Yoda and Anakin are considering Ahsoka's promotion to Knight. Ahsoka comes to the council with evidence of a plot for grevious and Dooku to capture the supreme chancellor. Obiwan and Yoda argue that Ahsoka should be tasked with following up on this report. Anakin is concerned that she is not ready for a dangerous mission. Obiwan argues that Anakin is too close to the situation and must distance himself from his feelings. Against Anakin's feelings Obiwan and Yoda send Ahsoka with the knowledge that when she is successfull she will have proven worthy of promotion.


On Ahsoka's mission she discovers that palpatine is involved in the war conspiracy. She cannot contact Anakin but Palpatine discovers that Ahsoka knows something. Ahsoka enters a desperate race to escape Palpatine and warn the Jedi Order. Palptine out maneuvers Ahsoka and pits her against Dooku who dispatches her. Palpatine sets the scene that he is kidnapped because Ahsoka failed in her mission. Anakin is manipulated to believe that the Jedi Order sent an unprepared Ahsoka to her death resulting in the Capture of the supreme chancellor.

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I'm just going to suggest something that's way out there. Ahsoka, Cad Bane and Rex survive the war. They're battling it out on a busted ship as it goes into hyper space. When it doesn't come out on the other side, everyone just assumes they perished. The hyperdrive on the ship actually malfunctioned and sent them into the future, likely the Legacy Era. It's been known to happen. The reason I threw Cad Bane and Rex in there is because I can't stand the idea of them being killed off any time soon.
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Here's my story:

She's walking on a newly discovered planet.

Then she sees cyborgs appear out of nowhere, and take her away.

The last words she ever heard was,

"Resistence is futile!"

Now, who are these mysterious cyborgs that have the technology to teleport themselves out of nowhere?

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