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Can we trade some story for some MMO?


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Can someone tell me what MMO had lots of people all over the world?


Any I played had many in the starter areas and a bunch at the level cap area.


WoW is a ghost town leveling.


Rift, with it's postage stamp size world is a ghost town.


Please, tell where this "MMO like" game is


Shhh... good points will be ignored! ;)

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I'm willing to offer all of the fully voiced "fetch me ten boar snouts" quests for some actual faction mixing (of the stabby stabby kind) as we level.


Furthermore, I am willing to barter all, I said ALL, of my Bounty Hunter's canned responses for functional MMO systems such as a customisable UI and LFG system.

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Can someone tell me what MMO had lots of people all over the world?


Any I played had many in the starter areas and a bunch at the level cap area.


WoW is a ghost town leveling.


Rift, with it's postage stamp size world is a ghost town.


Please, tell where this "MMO like" game is



Did I say those games were better? I've played WoW from release to 2010 on and off, but at release it felt like an MMO. Zones were vibrant and full of people. PVP servers actually meant something and I had to watch my back while leveling. I've seen 3 republic players lvling my sith juggernaut to 50. Yes WoW got worse after TBC, that goes without saying.


Rift just copied WoW, but without the same quality behind it and without a strong IP like TOR has.


Still WoW is terrible now, but at least it lets you group easily, and not every 2 seconds of its zones are instanced (phases).

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I understand that argument, there are probably more people who would rather play the game as a solo game. It would be nice if a major game came out that forced grouping as a way to level up and play. I think that's what brought people into the genre in the first place, with games like UO, Everquest, and FFXI.

I know this magical game doesn't exist and wouldn't have as many subs as a game like WoW. But I honestly feel people are tiring of the current batch of games that have been coming out that all mimic this current playstyle.


When I played FFXI, forced grouping was one of the biggest complaints about the game along with the UI and maps. That after a certain point you couldn't really do anything unless you grouped up. TOR already has plenty of elements that require a group. Heroic Missions, Flashpoints, Operations, Warzones, and World PvP. Granted you can get away with not grouping for World PvP but more often than not you won't survive. People like having the option to do things solo while still having the option to engage in group content within that same game. They are already going to have to group up for most of the content beyond leveling so at least allow them to actually level alone if they choose. Games that force grouping from start to finish are not inherently wrong for that design choice. They're just not very popular and the numbers will probably show that today such games have a hard enough time keeping subscriptions nevermind getting them in the first place. With the world economy as it is most companies won't take the chances that they used to. There really isn't any room for failure right now. The safe route is the only route for most.

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Don't feel bad OP. You make some perfectly reasonable points in your thread, which is like chumming shark-infested waters with blood around here. You will get pelted to death by the self-appointed Bioware defenders.


Haters gonna hate.

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When I played FFXI, forced grouping was one of the biggest complaints about the game along with the UI and maps. That after a certain point you couldn't really do anything unless you grouped up. TOR already has plenty of elements that require a group. Heroic Missions, Flashpoints, Operations, Warzones, and World PvP. Granted you can get away with not grouping for World PvP but more often than not you won't survive. People like having the option to do things solo while still having the option to engage in group content within that same game. They are already going to have to group up for most of the content beyond leveling so at least allow them to actually level alone if they choose. Games that force grouping from start to finish are not inherently wrong for that design choice. They're just not very popular and the numbers will probably show that today such games have a hard enough time keeping subscriptions nevermind getting them in the first place. With the world economy as it is most companies won't take the chances that they used to. There really isn't any room for failure right now. The safe route is the only route for most.


That's very well said and I understand your point. I think FFXI is the other extreme and the reality is that a lot of players cannot allocate so much time to group events that eat away hours.


That doesn't mean we can't have balance however. That doesn't mean that the game needs to hold your hand in a linear fashion.


I've lvled one empire to 50 (sith jug) and am leveling a trooper now. The path is exactly the same besides for balmorra and taris being inverted. Those planets are such a joke, they have the gaul to actually flag you on them? ROFL? Flag you for what, you can't see the other faction, their balmorra or taris is in another time (see another phase).


I like solo content as well, but that doesn't mean take me away from other players completely and put me in my own little world.

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I don't think you can say I'm a big boogie man Sith and then turn around and have me group with 5 people. The only reason it works for me in woW is that they have succesfully made the story so ludicrous and stupid that my connection with my character has nothing whatever to do with roleplaying. She's just pixels. The more decisions and the more a game involves me, the less it will suceed as an MMO because the MMOs just make absolutely no sense (there's 10 jedi all doing the same dang thing, ***?).


This reminds me of the Black Talon. I've just come from Korriban where I proved myself as a Sith. During the mission I face a Padawan, and I'm grouped with 3 more Sith. It takes 4 Sith to beat a single Padawan? Does it take The Emperor, Vader, Boba Fett and Bossk to defeat Luke?


And of course the same thing happens on the Esseles.

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As much as I enjoy the class quests, I can assure you that as a long time MMO player, two minute cutscenes of a guy explaining why I need to go kill an arbitrary number or people and click on an arbitrary amount of glowing blue items is the LAST thing I wanted out of a "next gen" MMO.


How about more features that encourage socialization and large scale exploration and combat? You know, like MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER kind of suggests.

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From story alone an mmorpg wont survive.


Provided they stay at it and weather the post-launch storm without laying everyone on the development team off (I'm looking at Sony here). There is potential to turn this game into something really awesome though. If they get their noses to the grindstone and start churning out functional modern MMO systems and content this game could evolve into something very special.

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Lol, sure we can. Bioware needs to provide a real MMO for these "real mmo players".


Seriously though, responses like this only serve to alienate the players. As soon as we criticize your "perfect" game, we are "crying" lol? So we can't say anything about the game, unless to say its great? Get real please.


Think about how ridicules your request was , it implies that with a wave of a wand they can remove story and give you more of what you believe to be "more MMO" , how silly dose that sound?


the proper way would have been to ask "when will BIO add more features" that would have been constructive , when you write inflammatory comments like you did in your original post you should expect to have people attack/flame your thread.

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When I played FFXI, forced grouping was one of the biggest complaints about the game along with the UI and maps. That after a certain point you couldn't really do anything unless you grouped up. TOR already has plenty of elements that require a group. Heroic Missions, Flashpoints, Operations, Warzones, and World PvP. Granted you can get away with not grouping for World PvP but more often than not you won't survive. People like having the option to do things solo while still having the option to engage in group content within that same game. They are already going to have to group up for most of the content beyond leveling so at least allow them to actually level alone if they choose. Games that force grouping from start to finish are not inherently wrong for that design choice. They're just not very popular and the numbers will probably show that today such games have a hard enough time keeping subscriptions nevermind getting them in the first place. With the world economy as it is most companies won't take the chances that they used to. There really isn't any room for failure right now. The safe route is the only route for most.


For story, I'll read a book.

If I'm hungry, I'll eat food.


These things are logical to me.

Everything being solo in an MMO is illogical to me.

I enjoyed FFXI as my favorite game of all-time and I was subbed to that game for 6 years. I felt like a part of the community, I made friends, and enjoyed my gaming experience. I'm not saying that type of game is for everyone, but it certainly was the best game for me, and the people that I played with. To get anything accomplished you really needed people to play with, because the content was so difficult that it wasn't soloable. That made it feel like an MMO to me. All the games that come out now that call themselves MMO's are anything but.

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Think about how ridicules your request was , it implies that with a wave of a wand they can remove story and give you more of what you believe to be "more MMO" , how silly dose that sound?


the proper way would have been to ask "when will BIO add more features" that would have been constructive , when you write inflammatory comments like you did in your original post you should expect to have people attack/flame your thread.


Read my original post again, there was nothing inflammatory... and I actually responded very nicely to the drivel the bioware defense force likes to post.


As for saying "when will BIO add more features" thats all nice and dandy, but I want to make sure they add the right features. As it stands now they have the grounds to add more phased areas and more story content and I'm telling them that's wrong. If you disagree, that's really your opinion and your entitled to it as long as you let me post mine on the forums that are meant to discuss this game. Last I checked I'm still paying the same amount to pay this game and post on the forums as you are.

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Read my original post again, there was nothing inflammatory... and I actually responded very nicely to the drivel the bioware defense force likes to post.


As for saying "when will BIO add more features" thats all nice and dandy, but I want to make sure they add the right features. As it stands now they have the grounds to add more phased areas and more story content and I'm telling them that's wrong. If you disagree, that's really your opinion and your entitled to it as long as you let me post mine on the forums that are meant to discuss this game. Last I checked I'm still paying the same amount to pay this game and post on the forums as you are.


Im sorry when did i say you could not post and that you don't have the right to your opinion?


proofs my point your looking for conflict , and not trying to be constructive .


edit : I guess anyone who dose not agree with you is just spouting drivel ? yes lets all respect your opinion , maybe you can see fit to respect ours?

Edited by Selaik
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Im sorry when did i say you could not post and that you don't have the right to your opinion?


proofs my point your looking for conflict , and not trying to be constructive .


What conflict am I looking for? I've posted something constructive and you choose to attack me on the grounds that I disagreed with a guy who called me a whiner.


Like him, instead of refuting my points you choose to focus on me. How's about returning to the topic at hand?

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Read my original post again, there was nothing inflammatory... and I actually responded very nicely to the drivel the bioware defense force likes to post.


As for saying "when will BIO add more features" thats all nice and dandy, but I want to make sure they add the right features. As it stands now they have the grounds to add more phased areas and more story content and I'm telling them that's wrong. If you disagree, that's really your opinion and your entitled to it as long as you let me post mine on the forums that are meant to discuss this game. Last I checked I'm still paying the same amount to pay this game and post on the forums as you are.


Ignore it, he ran out of anything of value to add so hyperbole and mockery through fabrication and liberal use of a straw man became the primary method for "debate".

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