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Those calling "worst launch ever", probably never played any other mmo`s at launch


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Lolz...all you guys complaining about "Launch" and it hasn't even happened yet...it's early access and it did state " UP TO 5 days early"....seems to me the 5 days aint over yet...




...and no, I havent gotten my invite yet either but jesus, its only another 5 days to play anyways...get over it!


Hi Mr. I live 48hrs behind everyone else - the next time you come to the forums how about reading the news at the top of the page, you know the one where the Bioware founders are expressing their delight at the launch of the game and hoping we enjoy it.... no, don't tell me,

they are wrong and your right because you know more about their game than them.. am I right ?

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I dont know about you but i consider a game launched when people are in the game leveling their toons that aren't going to be wiped. If i missed the post on swtor wiping everyone's toons so they have equal leveling please direct me.
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I remember SWG's launch. More recently, STO, and DCUO. Both had pretty bad launches, as did SWG. Worst ever imo, was Vanguard. Invisible collision (walking into invisible walls), lack of collision (falling through the world), crashes to desktop, etc. I actually stopped playing shortly after launch and never went back.
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I dont know about you but i consider a game launched when people are in the game leveling their toons that aren't going to be wiped. If i missed the post on swtor wiping everyone's toons so they have equal leveling please direct me.


Only one thing left to do.../wrist

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At least in Rift they allowed everyone to play... even if the queue was an hour.


If your queue in rift was only an hour you were on the least populated server.

I remember waking up daily at 2 am just to log myself into queue to be able to play by 9.

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K list me a pre release title that 1/2 their player base couldn't get into after 48hrs? Also please your self read the forums because bioware them selves refer to this as a release.


Heres one up for you. Tell me any game that opened their pre-release 2 days early?

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This launch has gone damn smooth.


Just because your not getting your SWTOR fix fast enough does not mean this launch has gone bad.


All i have to say is "Star Wars Galaxies", If you played that at launch you can only laugh at the "worst launch" comments / threads.


Not to mention, Asherons Call 2 (they actually closed the forums for a while to stop the folks from yelling that they should not release the game), Anarchy Online (so much lag it made the game unplayable except for 50 miles outside of the big cities), and others i don't remember.


Ive played AoC, Aion, Ao, Ac1, Ac2, Coh, Cov, Daoc, DA, Dcuo, D&Do, E&B, Eve, Eq1, Eq2, GW1, Lotro, Pobs, Rag, Swg, UO, Warh, and Wow, and this has been the smoothest Beta, and Launch ive ever seen in a mmo.


72 hour wait queues, no other mmo in history has had it this bad.

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Sorry but I have been to loads of early access mmo launches and this one has been by far the worst, nothing even compares to this shambles. However if I got access on day one I would be loving it so this argument is void to everyone that already has game access.


Fan boys will be fan boys I guess.

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This launch has gone damn smooth.


Just because your not getting your SWTOR fix fast enough does not mean this launch has gone bad.


All i have to say is "Star Wars Galaxies", If you played that at launch you can only laugh at the "worst launch" comments / threads.


Not to mention, Asherons Call 2 (they actually closed the forums for a while to stop the folks from yelling that they should not release the game), Anarchy Online (so much lag it made the game unplayable except for 50 miles outside of the big cities), and others i don't remember.


Ive played AoC, Aion, Ao, Ac1, Ac2, Coh, Cov, Daoc, DA, Dcuo, D&Do, E&B, Eve, Eq1, Eq2, GW1, Lotro, Pobs, Rag, Swg, UO, Warh, and Wow, and this has been the smoothest Beta, and Launch ive ever seen in a mmo.


You didnt play RIFT then, where we had a thousand people + in the starting zone on the same layer and it was fine.



Oh and there was no 4 day headstart on the PvE completion race that mates tier 1 world and server firsts meaningless...

Edited by -Arcane-
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Heres one up for you. Tell me any game that opened their pre-release 2 days early?


Thats great, the troube is it's for a select few, not all the people that pre ordered. I had 5 hour queues to get into some mmo launches, I am currently in a 3 day queue to play this game.


AOC was always the laughing stock of mmo launches, SWTOR is the new one people will be laughing at for years to come.

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tldr... sounds like a fanboy that thinks anything put before him (or her) is good. Customer Service and Customers come second... and customers are second rate citizens type of person.


TL/DR on a small paragraph and a few sentences? If you can't be bothered to read that then your opinion doesn't hold much weight.


OP. I agree with your post entirely. A 'Worst launch ever' title does not deserve to go to this. If anyone has seriously played older MMOs at launch in the last decade they wouldn't be calling this the worst. Anarchy Onlines launch comes particularly to mind also. Was unplayable for weeks post-launch. Not to mention all the bugs..

Edited by Khanaris
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I dont know about you but i consider a game launched when people are in the game leveling their toons that aren't going to be wiped. If i missed the post on swtor wiping everyone's toons so they have equal leveling please direct me.



Who cares. This is not WOW. Leveling is the game. So if your not in a Guild, you have no problems.

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Played some of the MMOs out there from closed beta through head start, early access, open beta, whatever, and this far one of the smoothest I have seen.


If they can handle the full load with all pre-orders inside, the 20th and christmas (i know, a really big IF), than this is gonna top even the release of Rift.


Bioware has accepted the challenge, and sofar proven it's word in every possible way, even outdoing it in a lot of things (for example 7 day early access, thanks :) )



Compared to this, I have been to the start of: Anarchy Online, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, and Star Trek Online, all in the top 10 of worst launch ever.

After all those dollars spent on the wrong games, I'm finally excited by the level this game overdid my expectations.

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And clearly people who are bitter because they haven't got early access yet.


yeah, thats fact.

this launch splits the com.


would it be a classic launch, we ALL TOGETHER would have to wait on crashes or we can all together enjoy if servers are back up. We could all together beexcited about news or can rage the **** out of BW if they fail, but this, this is crap.


so what exacly is broken ?


well, i have to wait more hours until they find the way out of bed again.

oh, they not sleeping all day ? .. well, maybe they tell us, what they do then, lets say, NOW ?!


what are they doing now in this moment ?

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I dont know about you but i consider a game launched when people are in the game leveling their toons that aren't going to be wiped. If i missed the post on swtor wiping everyone's toons so they have equal leveling please direct me.


Who cares, what you consider... Besides your foolish, if you want to race to the finish...



This is what matters. Repost..


Launch is serviceable, satisfactory. There are problems, but im playing arnt I. As for people, who think their owed something, because they put down a 5-10 bucks deposit...


1) They are retailers, like Amazon, that charge absolutely nothing towards preorder...


2) The money you spent is part of the product's prise. You have not payed an additional fee, for EA. So, you are owed NOTHING. Just as i am. Only difference is, i was lucky enough, to be here and pay attention when pre-order started, and faithful(foolish, not enough gameplay) enough to commit to a preoder.


3) First come, first serve. Gets no fairer, than that. Especially, when its free...


4) They were a little misleading with " Up to five days", as everyone, who ordered past October, would never get that much. Still we were told, way in advance, that launch will be staggered and limited. Anyone with half a mind, would know how much time he can expect, best case scenario. Just be glad your in at all(I know I am), because lots of fans (Redzoners) were cut of way before launch.

Edited by SimplyCooL
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A lot of those launches were almost a decade ago,


WaR baring the first couple of hours was almost flawless with everyone with a pre-order having access to the game at once. Mark Jacobs apologised on the forums due to the first couple of hours being a little shaky, but almost everyone was playing within the first few hours and by the end of the first day everything was fine (people were even buying pre-orders, registering them and getting into game instantly).


Aion, had queues, and crowded starting areas, but people fanned out quickly or just entered a different instance of the shard. Again everyone was in and playing in a near faultless launch, you could also go and buy the pre-order, register it and get into early access within minutes.


Rift - Well, the game had a great launch, again people were in and playing, you again had instanced starting zones, within hours people fanning out into the world. The whole pre-order community in at the same time and again you could buy the pre-order, register it and be playing within minutes.


The only problem any of those games had was potentially a wobbly couple of hours, and some crowded servers where people chose not to re-roll to new ones.... SWTOR already has queues on some servers and not everyone is in yet. So not the smoothest of launches, and potentially just kicking the can down the street for queues.

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pre-realese is not the realese. use you're brain.


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.


A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game.


We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; it’s a monumental accomplishment.


Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game.


Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.


Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


May the Force be with you!



Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk


Co-Founders, BioWare



Please... use your brain or lack there of.

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If you only let 40% off all preodres to play ofc..


ONLY one day early access for people that preorded in dec makes me feel like the was no reason to preodre at all. I should just waited..


They lured alot off people to saying that peordes will get 5 days early access.. That makes people angry and frustraded..

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