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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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The thing is the the "run..... loading screen.... run..... loading screen" isn't about avoiding lag, it's an artefact of the story system.


This is what you keep saying... without actually explaining how this is (supposed to be) true!


The mechanic of having to load a location (ship, planet) will always be there, this is the way that BW designed the game: load 'sections' instead of loading the whole galaxy.


The fact that BW has set their mind on having multiple sub-zones within the spaceport zone (hangar, airlock/elevator, (main) concourse) was BW's design choice reflecting how they consider a spaceport to look like.


That they actually placed some quest NPCs in some of these sub-zones is a perfectly understandable choice: use the space you got.


But what makes you say that the whole design is an artifect of the story system is quite a riddle for me?! :confused:


Honestly, can you tell me when you actually met a Quest NPC in the elevator/airlock between hangar and concourse?


Up until then I'll kindly ask you to please removed that BS that you are dropping all over the place. Thank you.

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How is it grossly exaggerating?


People want to take the immersion pieces out of the game. So why stop at travel?


Call it a red-herring or grossly exaggerating or whatever you want, but its the same in IRL law. Once you open those flood gates...


WoW is a good example. People complained for years and years about dual spec. It finally goes in and what do you see the very next day? "We need tri-spec!"


Give people an inch and they want a mile.


So? So what if they want a mile. How does what other people want harm you at all? You are just selfish and petty and hate to see other people get anything they want. I'd like to think the developers are smart enough to fix travel without jumping straight from "run-load-run-load-run-load-run" to "teleport anywhere". There is some ground in between. You just refuse to meet anyone halfway because of your pettiness.

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Vecke, this is the part that you don't seem to get: this 'issue' is not something that should be discussed but instead should pointed out to BW via a suggestion what could be 'improved'.


In the end they are the authority who may or may not change thing (in your favor or maybe not)


By making it a discussion i.e. posting it here and not in the right place (Suggestion Box) it is actually hurting your cause!


Because... do you really believe a dev will look at a number of threads, all on the same topic, some with 1,000 postings, where people are going both pro and contra on said topic?


Your suggestion (finding a way to make the 'boring' bits in travel optional) may be good, but if you expect it to be visible to BW on this battlefield here, you are dreaming! :)


I think you make a good point, but it doesn't even remotely address the point I was making.


This isn't "my" issue. I didn't create this thread. Frankly, I'd be perfectly content if they don't change the travel system at all (which I've said multiple times in this thread).


I didn't make a suggestion.


My point was about the massive amount of people fighting so hard against a suggestion that is small and completely unobtrusive to their gameplay. And none of the people my point was directed toward - not one - said "Hey, that's a good suggestion. You should suggest it to BW." Every single one of them have fought for 70 pages about how they are against this change that is small and has zero impact on their game.

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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet




All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


You travel to a planet where you have to do 6 or so class quests in 6 different planetary zones. Each zone contains half a dozen or more general quests, plus the bonus stuff. Then there is the bonus quest series, the datacron hunting, the lore hunting. You could be doing some crafting and perhaps a heroic mission or three. And a few more times to help other people out.

All in all you probably stay on that planet for several hours, and if you try not even very hard it can easily be ten hours.


And the extra minute it takes to run back to your space ship is totally killing you?




Right ...

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Call it a red-herring or grossly exaggerating or whatever you want, but its the same in IRL law. Once you open those flood gates...


WoW is a good example. People complained for years and years about dual spec. It finally goes in and what do you see the very next day? "We need tri-spec!"


Give people an inch and they want a mile.


Which would be an excellent point if they then gave in.


They didn't, and even if they did what of it? tri-spec would destroy your enjoyment of the game?


do you have a genuine concern beyond "If this happens the next thing you know we'll get a free level 50 button!!!111"


Or "It'll ruin my immersion if others get an option to skip through the same 3 hallways to come and go from every single planet"

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I haven't been playing that long but I do agree and I don't understand why there are orbital stations and such. Would have been nice to just have to travel from planet spaceport to planet spaceport.


You really don't understand or won't? I mean, if you aren't landing at the spaceport why would you be landing at the spaceport?

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I'm willing to bet like every other "immersion" junky if we were given the OPTION to skip it out you'd still complain...and then you'd use the option yourself.


Maybe that should tell you something about your real intentions here.


I want an option to auto-level to 50 and be fully raid geared. It's ok because it's an option and you don't have to use it.


Why are you against this? Why? Why do you hate other people's wants?

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it's a difference of opinion, and no matter how many pages this thread goes, you're not going to convince a pepsi lover that coke is better, and it's wrong to treat them like they're somehow deficient for having a different opinion on what makes a video game fun.

pepsi rocks yo!!!

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I hear grossly exaggerating peoples points of views makes you right, quick if you type fast you can even invoke godwins law then you'll really win at internet arguments.


You're right, you and yours should dial it back a bit.


Immersion!? You find sitting through 8 gosh darn loading screens to be immersion?


Come on now, Darkcerb wants you all to reign it in a little.

Edited by Surakis
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I want an option to auto-level to 50 and be fully raid geared. It's ok because it's an option and you don't have to use it.


Why are you against this? Why? Why do you hate other people's wants?


You do, of course, know that there is a difference between fixing a clunky system and asking for a leveled and geared character, right? You do know you don't help your cause at all when you say completely ridiculous things, right?

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You do, of course, know that there is a difference between fixing a clunky system and asking for a leveled and geared character, right? You do know you don't help your cause at all when you say completely ridiculous things, right?


So you get to determine what game-play, that someone else finds enjoyment in, is good and what is bad?


Leveling and gearing is tedious. I don't want to do it. Give me the option to skip that way you can play your way and I can play my way.


You don't get to tell me what I find tedious and what I find fun. Just beause you're willing to do it doesn't mean I should be forced to do it too.

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So you get to determine what game-play, that someone else finds enjoyment in, is good and what is bad?


Leveling and gearing is tedious. I don't want to do it. Give me the option to skip that way you can play your way and I can play my way.


You don't get to tell me what I find tedious and what I find fun. Just beause you're willing to do it doesn't mean I should be forced to do it too.


Nope. In fact I have suggested they keep the current system so people like you (who don't really enjoy it but troll like you do) can continue to do it, while offering enhancements for those who find it mind-numbing boring and stupid.


But see, you are only interested in keeping things you personally like and you hate to see others get things they like.

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So you get to determine what game-play, that someone else finds enjoyment in, is good and what is bad?


Leveling and gearing is tedious. I don't want to do it. Give me the option to skip that way you can play your way and I can play my way.


You don't get to tell me what I find tedious and what I find fun. Just beause you're willing to do it doesn't mean I should be forced to do it too.


Gearing =/= clunky travel system.


Just keep apples and orangeing your way through the forum, I'm sure someone will agree with you eventually.

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Hell just remove 4 of the loading screens it takes to get from one planet to another and I'd be happy.

Immersion!? You find sitting through 8 gosh darn loading screens to be immersion?

No wait it's 10 load screans, no 15, OVER 9000!!!


As the thread progresses the numbers keep getting bigger and bigger.

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Nope. In fact I have suggested they keep the current system so people like you (who don't really enjoy it but troll like you do) can continue to do it, while offering enhancements for those who find it mind-numbing boring and stupid.


But see, you are only interested in keeping things you personally like and you hate to see others get things they like.


So give me my auto level and gear options. You can opt to go the current route and tediously level up and run dungeons for gear.


But see, you are only interested in getting things you personally like and you hate to see others get things they like.

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EQ1 had zones and load times for every zone, regardless of what continent you were on.


It did not have any transitional screens that I recall - but you had to zone every 5 minutes when going somewhere so it didn't really need it.


Do you not understand why there is a transitional screen between going into a shuttle and then appearing on the planet?


Look I'm all for making the zone load times as fast as possible but complaining about a black screen that lasts for maybe 5 seconds and calling it a "load" screen is just whining.




Yup it did, and all of them, each and every one had a technical reason for existing.


Not one of them existed as an artefact of any story issue in EQ1.

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So give me my auto level and gear options. You can opt to go the current route and tediously level up and run dungeons for gear.


But see, you are only interested in getting things you personally like and you hate to see others get things they like.


Come back when you want to talk about things that are comparable and make sense.

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Gearing =/= clunky travel system.


Just keep apples and orangeing your way through the forum, I'm sure someone will agree with you eventually.


If one finds it tedious, it doesn't matter. Or are you backing off the tedious claims now?

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So you only want changes to things you find tedious. Must be nice in that ivory tower. But at least we exposed the hypocrites of the thread.


Dude, you are taking a position you don't even support just to continue to troll. But at least we have exposed the troll in this thread.

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