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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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I dont mind all the travelling. I play MMO's for escapism and this adds to the feeling that I am in a living universe. Its called willing suspension of disbelief and I am all for it, getting sick of people wanting a care bear game where everything is made quick and easy for them.


ya man... having the airlock makes the game hardcore pro!

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I'm in agreement with the OP, but someone also mentioned the fact the travel isnt fun. Why not make the stations less generic? Maybe a different style in accordance to the planets cultural influence? Different types of vendors? Make it a bit of a more unique experience. Whatever, Ive unsubbed anyway.
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Plenty of folks arguing with all their might that it isn't. You folks need to get a meeting and get the talking points all ironed out.


No you just have a one track mind :)


Time is the issue but only because the traveling is so boring. I already explained this.

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ya man... having the airlock makes the game hardcore pro!


Your wrong dude. If you were really hard core, you wouldn't even use sprint. Also, if you were truly elite, you would self-impose death penalties.


Having difficult boss encounters is one thing.


But as we all know, getting rid of spaceports will create thousands of bads.

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Agreed. The planet traveling mechanic gets very tedious quickly. Coupled with the fact that none of the locations you travel through are unique (at least in a memorable way, imo) and it's purely a source of frustration.


I was thinking the other day that I would rather have a taxi system right to my ship and then have the flights between planets take some time if they're really after a time sink here. At least then they would be a reason to hang out in your ship (maybe even with friends). But you'd have to incorporate social minigames and ship customization features at the same time to make this feel less of a time waster.


I haven't read thru this thread as it's so huge. So someone probably already mentioned this, but I'm at a loss why some of the class quests send you on seemingly pointless errands from one planet to the fleet and back again. I rage a little inside every time this happens.


Step 1. Go talk to npc X on the fleet. Well ok I didn't really do much on planet Y here, but ok.

Step 2. Right click on npc. XP and credits rewards. No convo. Quest updates to - Go to planet Y. Wait, What? I was just there?! Has anyone heard of a holoterminal?


The point is that planet travel is such a bore that it makes such traveling tedious as well.


And yes the OP was right about the droid... For the... seriously want a restraining bolt or better yet the ability to space him in favor of an astromech. He might still make his signature beeps and such, but I don't think that would get on my nerves as much. While we're at it. Lets just select whom we want to greet us (or not at all) in the preferences.


At least the loading times seem to be a bit better from launch. Though, I'm not sure if this is due to the light population of my server or something that was patched.

Edited by Lukhe
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Are you really falling back to a "I know you are but what am I?" defense?




This game doesn't have excessive travel and in fact compares very favorably to other MMO travel mechanics.


Aren't you the guy who said there was no orbital station on Belsavis, then someone posts a picture of the orbital station on Belsavis?


Yeah, you're real credible.

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Though I don't really have a problem with the spaceport portion of interplanetary travel, I don't really see how it could be called fun or entertaining either.


That said my biggest gripe is with various planetary load screens. On some, not all, planets it takes me anywhere from 5-10 minutes just to get from my ship to the hangar. Last night, I made two sandwiches and was able to eat one while waiting on Alderaan to load. I ate the other one while travelling through the spaceport. Later, I cleaned my entire kitchen while waiting on it to load again. Shortly after that load, I realized I was undergeared and would need to make a trip to the fleet but didn't because at that point I had run out of house work to keep me occupied while waiting.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't have a problem with travel at all (airlock removal would be nice). I don't really have a problem with the shorter load screens in the spaceports. But those long those long screens that I encounter when trying to enter a planet eventually make me want to cut the game off and just watch tv.


I just figured out why a minority of players are complaining , they want to pvp instantly sounds like a good way to exploit the pvp experience.

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Alright, let me see if I understand this correctly....


the GALAXY is too big, you want them to make it seem a little bit smaller for you. You also want them to remove the need for personal ships.


Star Wars is based in a Galaxy, not a single world.

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How about a system where you call to your useless droid and say "Hey, I need to get to Tatooine, set coordinates and come pick me up!" "Ok sir, after I finish applying this coat of paint to your cabin I will be on my way!" *5 minute countdown timer starts while you check mail, or set crafting missions or chat with friends, or go afk to get something to drink, or whatever* Menu pops up on screen "Are you ready to board?" Yes I am... then you loading screen right to the next effin planet.


Time sink - check

Not having to see 8 loading screens - check

Other people can still use the old clunky way - check


This would be a great compromise. Hell... I would even throw you soul grinders that want "immersion" over streamlined game play a bone... you have to be outdoors for the pickup to be available to you. It would warm your fuzzies just enough to be content and slightly annoy all of us people that hate the stale and boring trip of running through the spaceports and orbital stations repeatedly. Here... another bone. The time it takes for your ship to pick you up could be relative to the distance from where your ship is docked at. So if you are RPing your butt off out in the middle of nowhere... it will take a damn long time to pick you up.


I see no downsides to this type of addition. I do enjoy this game. I love the class story lines, some of the planet story lines, combat is amusing, and pimp slapping Vette as a Sith Warrior never gets old... however, there are things that need to worked on. Anyone claiming that this game and every aspect of it is perfect and needs to be left alone is a blatant fanboy with some serious rose tinted glasses on.


As to the debate going on about people wanting everything now... holy crap. Reading comprehension must not be taught in school anymore. The OP was bringing up the bland, mostly useless orbital stations and spaceports. He wasn't crying over the fact that it takes time to get from point A to B to C. He was complaining that getting from A to B to C is ungodly boring and stale.


I have played a lot of RPGs in my lifetime. The "THIS IS RP, SO LOVE THE POINTLESS MONOTONY" argument is the most ridiculous standpoint I have ever heard. We play games to be entertained. Not bored to tears every time we have to travel back and forth. Would any of you want to watch a movie that was two hours of watching the main character run down a hallway... take an elevator... then run down another hallway that looks EXACTLY the same... then take another elevator... and run down ANOTHER hallway that oddly enough is EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE OTHER TWO? No, you wouldn't. Movie =/= Game, right? Except that both are part of being entertained. Watching the cut scenes is like being in a movie, but even better... I get to interact with the characters and make the movie go how I want it to.


I know I have spent well over two hours of running through orbital stations and spaceports... they provide no immersion. I don't look at them and go... damn... that was cool looking and awesome. I am thinking... hey... same spaceport... yay... with absolutely nothing in it. Come on fanboys... admit when you have no actual valid argument. You are simply scared of change. It is natural.

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Alright, let me see if I understand this correctly....


the GALAXY is too big, you want them to make it seem a little bit smaller for you. You also want them to remove the need for personal ships.


Star Wars is based in a Galaxy, not a single world.


Doesn't feel big at all, everything is instances and loading screens are everywhere. Should not have to deal with excess loading screens in a MODERN MMORPG.

Edited by siegedeluxe
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Because the "fanboys" that can't see any issues with this game don't realize they are actually worse to the detriment of the game than "trolls", many of whom really want SWTOR to improve and succeed after their collective feedback is heard and accepted.


By acting like everything is "fine and dandy", the fanboys hurt the game and other players who feel that feel they have a valid complaint about an annoying aspect of the game.


I agree - fanboys should simply agree that this can be improved and move on, not try to defend the current (terrible) system.


But fanboys being fanboys, they always feel like every aspect of this game needs to be defended, all the while saying "Hey it's only been out for a month, it will get improved!" but christ, mention one thing that CAN be improved and they jump all over you.


Gawd, do you even listen to yourself?


Of course, everything can be improved! The women in the game can have better body shapes and better hair, the outfits can look better, orange equipment could be modded to be equal to/better than PvP gear, additional classes could be added, new quest (for all level!) can be added, etc.


If you want something changed, fine, make a suggestion. And post it in the suggestion box. That's why it is there. End of story.


If you want to open up the floor to have something discussed, put it here under General Discussion. And it's that we do, we discuss this aspect.


And I'm (not really) sorry if that is something where you are close to crying and think that all who are not on you side are evil fanboys and it's all a conspiracy anyways, but frankly the current system works for a good many people just fine.


Why change it because some people are too lazy (and yes, 'I can't be arsed to run for 30 seconds to get from A to B' is being lazy in my book)? Oh, of course, it's not really a change, it is actually an added option... :rolleyes:


Listen, I want to see T&A and latex catsuits on every female character in SWTOR - because I have better taste than most people (yes, this argument is just as valid as the 'I don't feel the immersion if I have to run thru a spaceport with just a few NPC standing around' that has been posted here, it's all down to personal preferences!) so I expect that BW will be releasing a different set of textures and models just for me and people like me.


Of course all those who don't like T&A or latex, well, I'm sure a 'Disable T&A option' can be added in SWTOR, afterall there are MMOs out there where you can select the level of gore you want to see...




Or do you feel like this is BS?

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Gawd, do you even listen to yourself?


Of course, everything can be improved! The women in the game can have better body shapes and better hair, the outfits can look better, orange equipment could be modded to be equal to/better than PvP gear, additional classes could be added, new quest (for all level!) can be added, etc.


If you want something changed, fine, make a suggestion. And post it in the suggestion box. That's why it is there. End of story.


If you want to open up the floor to have something discussed, put it here under General Discussion. And it's that we do, we discuss this aspect.


And I'm (not really) sorry if that is something where you are close to crying and think that all who are not on you side are evil fanboys and it's all a conspiracy anyways, but frankly the current system works for a good many people just fine.


Why change it because some people are too lazy (and yes, 'I can't be arsed to run for 30 seconds to get from A to B' is being lazy in my book)? Oh, of course, it's not really a change, it is actually an added option... :rolleyes:


Listen, I want to see T&A and latex catsuits on every female character in SWTOR - because I have better taste than most people (yes, this argument is just as valid as the 'I don't feel the immersion if I have to run thru a spaceport with just a few NPC standing around' that has been posted here, it's all down to personal preferences!) so I expect that BW will be releasing a different set of textures and models just for me and people like me.


Of course all those who don't like T&A or latex, well, I'm sure a 'Disable T&A option' can be added in SWTOR, afterall there are MMOs out there where you can select the level of gore you want to see...




Or do you feel like this is BS?


What the hell are you rambling about?


This isn't about mods to equipment, or women in cat suits.

it's about a pointless non-fun, non-immersive journey through hallways and purposeless zones that don't need to be there, which add nothing at all to the game.


For the life of me i can't understand why even one single person on the entire planet would defend it.


Generally when people don't like something, they stop doing it, or avoid it. It's clearly an issue to enough people to the point that threads like this continue to pop up. Many people have opinions on whether it's good or bad. Most tend to think the travel system in its current form stinks and could use some improvement. People are going to get to the point they stop playing this game because of all this stupid orbital station/airlock crap. Some stated they already have quit playing because of this.


Problems don't go away because you wish them to, and this is clearly a problem for many people. You can at least admit that much.


...continue on with your T&A nonsense babble...

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Group A wants one thing.


Group B doesn't want it.


Group A says: "I understand that. So how about adding the thing I want, but also leave the thing you want. That way we both have it and all of us can have fun playing the game."


Group B says: "No. Even though your desires wouldn't impact me in any way, shape, or form, I don't agree with your opinion on it, so I don't want you to have it either."


If adding a simple switch on a starport wall makes people happy, without impacting the other people at all, I say add the switch. I don't understand why people so adamantly oppose adding a very small and simple feature that won't impact ANYBODY but the people that want it.

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Group A wants one thing.


Group B doesn't want it.


Group A says: "I understand that. So how about adding the thing I want, but also leave the thing you want. That way we both have it and all of us can have fun playing the game."


Group B says: "No. Even though your desires wouldn't impact me in any way, shape, or form, I don't agree with your opinion on it, so I don't want you to have it either."


If adding a simple switch on a starport wall makes people happy, without impacting the other people at all, I say add the switch. I don't understand why people so adamantly oppose adding a very small and simple feature that won't impact ANYBODY but the people that want it.


Because I'd rather they work on bugs, more content, and other important things?

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