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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Be thankful you aren't playing everquest back before planes of power. To get from one continent to the other you had to go to the docks, wait for a boat, and then the boat took at least 15 minutes to get where it was going. (might have been 30 minutes can't remember ).


At least that has the benefit of realism and therefore adds to the whole "immersion" effect. I still remember some of my hour long boat rides from Final Fantasy 11, and I remember them fondly. I spent them fishing, talking with friends, or just watching the scenery.


The problem with SWTOR's travel system isn't that it takes a lot of time. It's that it's boring and redundant. I will often times simply log off instead of traveling to another planet because I don't want to run through another boring corridor and watch a load screen.


There was a time, back in the old days when MMORPGs actually attempted to recreate a realistic world for players to play in. Gone are those days it seems....and I miss them.

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My sentiments exactly.



Besides being a part of the immersion of being in a large universe, traveling to places provides players a chance to actually run into other players and gee.. maybe interact with them and help them out.It helps form friendships and guilds and maybe a positive social enviroment.


Hah you're joking right? Other than the fleet, this game is EMPTY. The extra space ports and orbital stations are also EMPTY. Most are even INSTANCED so you will always be alone in there.


I wouldn't mind all the pointless running if you know, there was a point like meeting/seeing/waving to real people. However, that just doesn't happen because you rarely ever see other players in this game.

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Traveling takes way to long in this game. I love the "it adds immersion" arguments.


So I just cleared a dungeon and my quick travel is on cd. Unfortunately I have go back through the dungeon and fight all of the unavoidable mobs that I just killed. And people thinking having to kill the same mobs over and over builds immersion?


Also, almost all of the spaceports look the same (and the ones that look different, like coruscant, are even more tedious to run through.. Unless 95% of the galaxy hired the same guy to design all of their spaceports, then this system is doing the opposite of building immersion.

Edited by Moricthian
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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


Bioware is convinced this is "content".


See also: why you have to run back and forth in your factions first world prior to having sprint at 14, and why you don't get a speeder till 25 -- even though starting out with both would be common sense.

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Where's the immersion or validity in the loading screens here though?


There's no real justification of it at all, it's just because their story section was an ill-thought-out design.


The loading screen is a byproduct of the mechanics of the game engine... trying to make it the immersion factor is just exposing you inability to defend your own needs insta travel.


There are plenty of game engine reason why you might use zoning, one simply being so you can haze zones that are starkly different from each other. No load screen zoning can be cool but comes with the draw-back that it is hard to transition from very different landscapes or art styles effectively.

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Love how people are pulling the RP realism card.


Like someone said before, If you're going to say that then we should be waiting hours if not days for interstellar travel, Hell it can even take weeks in the Star Wars universe.


Personally though I hate the unbelievable amount of loading screens. ugh.


Look who's pulling the card....

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When defenders of this travel system resort to making straw-mans like this:


"You just want to instantly travel everywhere you go."


It's because they can't produce any actual counter arguments and don't understand distinction been travel and excessive travel. There's only two options to them.

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People are missing the point.


If traveling was actually FUN then people woudn't care if it took a lot of time. That's the real problem with the traveling system on SWTOR. It's just not fun. It's boring - that's why players want to get it over with as quickly as possible.


I rather spend 5 minutes being bored instead of 10 minutes being bored. That's the problem here, and why players wnat to speed up the process.


The answer is to make it more enjoyable, not nessassarily faster.

Edited by JeremyDale
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When defenders of this travel system resort to making straw-mans like this:


"You just want to instantly travel everywhere you go."


It's because they can't produce any actual counter arguments and don't understand distinction been travel and excessive travel. There's only two options to them.


Are you really falling back to a "I know you are but what am I?" defense?




This game doesn't have excessive travel and in fact compares very favorably to other MMO travel mechanics.

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People are missing the point.


If traveling was actually FUN then people woudn't care if it took a lot of time. That's the real problem with the traveling system on SWTOR. It's just not fun. It's boring - that's why players want to get it over with as quickly as possible.


I rather spend 5 minutes being bored instead of 10 minutes being bored. That's the problem here, and why players wnat to speed up the process.


The answer is to make it more enjoyable, not nessassarily faster.


AFK travel is not enjoyable, and it has been one of the most widely offered "solutions".

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Are you really falling back to a "I know you are but what am I?" defense?




This game doesn't have excessive travel and in fact compares very favorably to other MMO travel mechanics.


You do know presenting an opinion as if its fact doesn't actually constitute an argument right?


Even if I were to grant that SWTOR "compares very favorably to other MMO travel mechanics" (which I don't) that is irrelevant to whether or not SWTOR's system is boring or not.


SWTOR's travel system is boring to a lot of people. Other MMO travel systems have nothing to do with this problem.

Edited by Moricthian
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AFK travel is not enjoyable, and it has been one of the most widely offered "solutions".


Not by me.


I've already offered my solution, and it didn't involve any afking.


They need to implement actual space travel where you can fly your ship around in space and discover new planets. THat would be cool. A travel system so linear connected by constant load screens doens't do it for me.

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Come on guys, i come from mmo's where it took a half hour to run places but even i think its stupid i cant skip the orbital space port, and land on the planet side space port. they both look the same and there is nothing in the orbital station that i need just let me get out there already!
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Traveling takes way to long in this game. I love the "it adds immersion" arguments.


Time isn't suppose to be the argument (although most of know that it is).


So I just cleared a dungeon and my quick travel is on cd. Unfortunately I have go back through the dungeon and fight all of the unavoidable mobs that I just killed. And people thinking having to kill the same mobs over and over builds immersion?


Instanced dungeons don't repopulate.


Also, almost all of the spaceports look the same (and the ones that look different, like coruscant, are even more tedious to run through.. Unless 95% of the galaxy hired the same guy to design all of their spaceports, then this system is doing the opposite of building immersion.


So the issue is not starports but the art of them? Randomize them and you'll be good... or is this a fallacious argument?

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You do know presenting an opinion as if its fact doesn't actually constitue an argument right?


So all those claiming the travel is too long, too tedious, not pretty enough are going to get your attention about what is and what is not opinion?


No? I wonder why....


Even if I were to grant that SWTOR "compares very favorably to other MMO travel mechanics" (which I don't) that is irrelevant to whether or not SWTOR's system is boring or not.


Not really when a claim is being made about how this is the worst travel system ever made.


SWTOR's travel system is boring to a lot of people. Other MMO travel systems have nothing to do with this problem.


Hey, I am going to reuse your first line, you do know presenting an opinion as if its fact doesn't actually constitue an argument right?

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Time isn't suppose to be the argument (although most of know that it is).


Time is absolutely the argument in this issue. All of the time I spend running through spaceports could be spent kiling things, watching cutscenes. enjoying other more pleasurable activities in the game. Now before you accuse me of wanting to bamf everywhere, its okay to have some travel, but the current system is too much.



Instanced dungeons don't repopulate.


That's cool. Too bad a ton of dungeons arn't instanced.




So the issue is not starports but the art of them? Randomize them and you'll be good... or is this a fallacious argument?


This is not the issue, its an issue.

Edited by Moricthian
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