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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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My only problem I have with spaceports


1. Unless a choosen contractor was hired to build every spaceport in the galaxy, there should be differences in styles and textures. On Tatoone for instance you would be more inclined to find sandstone structures inside and out. On Hoth you would expect to see ice blocks since there would be very little in other resources. You would also find changes in design since not all spaceports would have been built in the same day, week, month or year.


2. If you dont feel like flying to another planet yourself, there should be a ticket agent where you can take public transportation. This will allow instant travel to any planet but not to any spacestation, for a price, higher than you pay for fly there in your ship.


3. You will not have just 1 spaceport for an entire world. Maybe you would on a remote planet such as Hoth. On the city worlds you would find hundreds of spaceports but in the context of a game 3 or 4 spaceports would do.


4. If you use instant travel you would also need to return to the spaceport you left your ship at. Your ship should not auto travel to the planet you traveled to but instead remain in the hanger it was left in. This of course will cause you to search for the spaceport you left your ship at if you forgot which planet you left it on.


So should there be some changes to spaceports appearances, Yes. Should the current travel be changed, No. Should additional travel methods be added, Yes.

Edited by ebunts
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For my point of view, there's a difference between things I have to do a certain number of times, and things I have to repeat endlessly.


I agree that it can be a bit daunting if you want to do a quick jump between zones with orbital space stations, and that silly jumping to and fro coruscant just for a quick tea with General Garza.


But, will I have tea with Garza every evening? No, probably not. Now when I have completed my class quests, I guess that my main travelling will be to Ilum or Belsavis and then taking the quick fleet pass back. Perhaps some outings to enjoy the nature and farm flowers now and then. I expect that all PvP and flashpoints will be from the fleet.


All in all, my point is that the silly travelling is something you have to do a few times and then you'll be rid of it. Kind of ripping of a band aid, it hurts at first, but you'll get over it and look back with fondness.


OMG let us please read more crying on another petty subject. In all honesty is there anything that you dont cry about. Get real grow a pair and take the 10 seconds to use the ship. This is just imature and child like.

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OMG let us please read more crying on another petty subject. In all honesty is there anything that you dont cry about. Get real grow a pair and take the 10 seconds to use the ship. This is just imature and child like.


Real men love loading screens. You heard it here first.

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Welcome to the 21st century, where everybody is in a hurry and in a race to go from point A to point B.


It's like that one commercial that has the advertisement with the song that says "I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now."


Yeah, the spoiled kiddies of today with there TV dinners and microwave ovens. With the attention span of about 2 minutes.


Oh you don't want to waste time traveling anywhere? Go play your first person shooters.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Wow, post after post from people that don't get the OP's intent.


It's not the time that it takes, it's the doing that is the problem.

Running through the same cavernous, bland and lifeless spaceports interspersed with loading screens is, to me, mind-numbingly boring. At level 26, I'm sick of it.


If there was some gameplay function that served to draw people to the spaceports at least that might remove some of the tedium from the journey, add some colour.


I enjoy this game because 1. It's Starwars. 2. Combat is fun. 3. The cutscene stories for the most part are interesting, but I can already feel my interest waning mostly due to what I feel is uninspired quest design and lifeless, static worlds.


By the time I got to Tatooine, I felt I could predict every single quest that I would be doing there; killing some mobs and clicking on various things in the environment.


For me, the run to my starship, rather than providing some immersion or sense of adventure, just reinforces how empty and dead the game feels.


Tired memes such as "kiddies" or "go play your FPS" and other inane babblings contribute nothing to making the game better.


I would like to see an ability added that allowed you to quick travel to your ship. In fact, I was really suprised when I found out the game didn't have one; it seemed like such an obvious thing. As someone else posted, a 4-6 hour cooldown would be a good compromise and would go a long way to reduce one of the unfun aspects of the game.

Edited by Surfheart
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Which takes like a 20 seconds at most, people complain to much.



The problem is even if it's 20 seconds (and on my peoples systems it is a LOT longer than that), it's 20 seconds every time, too many times.


The took a design short cut, which resulted in excessive loading screen when you travel.


Whether or not they can or will do anything about it, it is bad design and rightfully gets complained about because it's annoying a lot of people every single time they play.

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It seems a bizarre inclusion to make it so time consuming. It certainly puts you off going off planet to help someone else because it's so gosh darn long winded to do it.



It shouldn't, since it takes less time to get anywhere than any other MMO.

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It shouldn't, since it takes less time to get anywhere than any other MMO.


The thing is that the time traveling in this game is mostly caused by loading up new planet or loading up elevator or loading up something. You are not moving, you are stuck at loading screen or black screen. In other MMOs it might take longer but you are on a move you see your character sitting on some gryffin or some other creature, riding it and driving towards destination.


Its all about connectivity with character which is frikkin poor in this game.

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I love this instant gratification post it is simply fun. btw way do you complain on wow also that the flights to different zones take 10 to 20 minutes?


What an argument, awesome.


Travelling is boring, mounts are slow as ****, planets are static, lifeless, mob infested corridor. Mount restricted zones between planets are useless and feel like its just there to piss you off.


Gameplay, story and background aside this is the worst leveling experience i had in an MMO, and i have played them all since EQ 1.


So yeah the combat gameplay is fun, the class quest are kinda and its starwars, but it doesnt excuses the other design flaws so doesnt the flytime in WoW.

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Imperial Agent Companion lvl 35 Quest = Fly Hutta kill 4 mobs/chat, Fly Nar Shadda chat, fly Balmora kill 2 mobs, Fly Tatooin kill 1 mob/chat.


Good quest except you have to run through 8x airlock 8x hangar 8x space station 4x zone to new planet 8x listen to that stupid robot. No speeder allowed.


Good stuff to do while running these Airlock marathons is companion gifting every 30seconds give your companion another gift..

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Maybe someone mentioned this already, but so far about every planet I have been on has a shuttle that takes you directly to Fleet. You kinda have to remember where its at while you are questing there, but say your buddy needs help on another planet, its a bit quicker to quick travel to the shuttle that takes you directly to fleet then just grab your ship at fleet and head to whatever planet you need to.
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+1. You should be able to hearth to another planet, pure and simple.


While I suport faster travel I do not suport instant planet switch.


Planet -> hangar -> my spaceship -> hangar -> planet


This would be enough. It's 4 loading screens allread which could be reduced to 2 by eleminating the planet <-> hangar screens.


It's realy a pain if someone ask you to help on a different planet atm :(. "Sure do I help you, might take 5 to 10 minutes for all the loading screens" *sig*.

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Maybe someone mentioned this already, but so far about every planet I have been on has a shuttle that takes you directly to Fleet. You kinda have to remember where its at while you are questing there, but say your buddy needs help on another planet, its a bit quicker to quick travel to the shuttle that takes you directly to fleet then just grab your ship at fleet and head to whatever planet you need to.




i dunno about you guys, doesnt take me any more than 5 minutes to get from planetside A to planetside B, I guess you could say the time is "wasted" but i think the cool views and environment are worth it.


I'd probably be more off'd if I could grind, then teleport exactly where i need to and continue grinding. I'd never get a second to walk around and check things out and take a break from the regular gameplay. If you pay attention to where you're at and where you're going instead of just "this door goes to here, then there, then there" its more fun. But, whatever. They're not going to change anything and I'm sure plenty of people are just gonna hate it no matter what.

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Imperial Agent Companion lvl 35 Quest = Fly Hutta kill 4 mobs/chat, Fly Nar Shadda chat, fly Balmora kill 2 mobs, Fly Tatooin kill 1 mob/chat.


Good quest except you have to run through 8x airlock 8x hangar 8x space station 4x zone to new planet 8x listen to that stupid robot. No speeder allowed.


Good stuff to do while running these Airlock marathons is companion gifting every 30seconds give your companion another gift..


Haha yeah i loved "those" quest.


I bet you spend like 1/3 of your time running/on mount leveling.


But then every now and then your "most powerful since a decade" jedi or your " futur of the empire " sith get the pleasure to struggle killing 2 crappy soldier who broke your "mega cyclone turbo anti gravity speeder which goes as fast a girl bicycle ". Not to mention that your epic hero of a character need help from his companion to kill those 2 soldier.


Thank god for warzones, flashpoints and spatial quest

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You obviously have no interest in the immersion the travel system provides, which is important to those of us who actually care about RP elements in the game.

There are no RP elements involved in the 50th or 500th run from spaceport to your ship, via the same featureless airlocks, nor a lot of sense why your ship takes off the moment you enter it, when all I wanted to do was talk to my companion in private for a moment -- I'm pretty sure they aren't so paranoid that they don't want to talk to me unless we're floating in orbit.


(In a game mechanics sense, we should be able to disable the cutscenes for transiting into and out of our ship after the first time we have gone to/lifted off from a particular place. The arrivals are pretty much uniformly pointless, but the departures are nicely done -- the first time. Spacebar through the departure from Carrick Station or some other orbital station for the umpteenth time is not RP, nor immersive, it is just tedious.


If all airlocks permitted the use of the speeder, that would be a step in the right direction. Alternatively, just skip the transition from your ship to the shared area of the spaceport/orbital station. Just in case the Story elements require an interaction in the airlock or the hangar, the game could override that skip fairly easily, I think).

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i dunno about you guys, doesnt take me any more than 5 minutes to get from planetside A to planetside B, I guess you could say the time is "wasted" but i think the cool views and environment are worth it.


I'd probably be more off'd if I could grind, then teleport exactly where i need to and continue grinding. I'd never get a second to walk around and check things out and take a break from the regular gameplay. If you pay attention to where you're at and where you're going instead of just "this door goes to here, then there, then there" its more fun. But, whatever. They're not going to change anything and I'm sure plenty of people are just gonna hate it no matter what.


If they were actually cool views it might be worth it. But they are just the same recycled maps with different lighting.


In fact I've noticed that in alot of the maps through out the game they reuse the same map over and over and just change the lighting.

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Maybe someone mentioned this already, but so far about every planet I have been on has a shuttle that takes you directly to Fleet. You kinda have to remember where its at while you are questing there, but say your buddy needs help on another planet, its a bit quicker to quick travel to the shuttle that takes you directly to fleet then just grab your ship at fleet and head to whatever planet you need to.


Yes, but some storyline missions can get bugged if you use a shuttle (e.g. going to see gen. Garza on Coruscant using a shuttle can get your quest bugged) so I am avoiding every and all shuttles in game. You know, better safe then sorry.

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After playing EVE Online for several years, I don't even notice what you guys are whining about.




For those who don't know, there are thousands of planets, systems, space stations, etc in Eve.


If you choose the automatic travel, you will warp 20KM away, which then takes like 5 minutes to close that gap, then you take the warp gate. If you do it manually, you warp ontop of the gate, so you have to manually warp to each location.


Not bad for 4-5 jumps, but often Eve players have to travel 25-75 jumps, which can take 30 minutes to over an hour.


Overall, its just based on experience.


But back on topic; They should remove the orbital station, without that one step I think travel would be more fluid. Probably the most annoying part is the 1-2 minute walk from your physical ship, to the elevator inside of the hanger. So I guess add an option to toggle the hanger and orbital station. As an RPer myself, I do enjoy the various travel locations they have.

Edited by Umbrex
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After playing EVE Online for several years, I don't even notice what you guys are whining about.




For those who don't know, there are thousands of planets, systems, space stations, etc in Eve.


If you choose the automatic travel, you will warp 20KM away, which then takes like 5 minutes to close that gap, then you take the warp gate. If you do it manually, you warp ontop of the gate, so you have to manually warp to each location.


Not bad for 4-5 jumps, but often Eve players have to travel 25-75 jumps, which can take 30 minutes to over an hour.


Overall, its just based on experience.


But back on topic; They should remove the orbital station, without that one step I think travel would be more fluid.






Where's the immersion or validity in the loading screens here though?


There's no real justification of it at all, it's just because their story section was an ill-thought-out design.

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After playing EVE Online for several years, I don't even notice what you guys are whining about.




For those who don't know, there are thousands of planets, systems, space stations, etc in Eve.


If you choose the automatic travel, you will warp 20KM away, which then takes like 5 minutes to close that gap, then you take the warp gate. If you do it manually, you warp ontop of the gate, so you have to manually warp to each location.


Not bad for 4-5 jumps, but often Eve players have to travel 25-75 jumps, which can take 30 minutes to over an hour.


Overall, its just based on experience.


But back on topic; They should remove the orbital station, without that one step I think travel would be more fluid. Probably the most annoying part is the 1-2 minute walk from your physical ship, to the elevator inside of the hanger. So I guess add an option to toggle the hanger and orbital station. As an RPer myself, I do enjoy the various travel locations they have.


And you have to be present and manualy pilot the ship for every jump? Last time I checked, you did not have to. So please read what we are complaining about. We do not mind a bit waiting, when we can leave PC to do something else (e.g. toilet, cofee, snack). The problem is that we HAVE TO be present to make all these tedious journeys. Whoever designed spaceports, Galactic Senate and Organa palace should be fired at once.

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are people honestly arguing that orbital stations and docks add immersion?


I dont think so, all I see are un-interactable NPCs, nothing to do, nothing unique


Bioware should figure out how to make these empty hallways have SOMETHING worthwhil for us to do... no clue what that is, not my job

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