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Can´t we get a knockback in Smash?


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Currently we marauders have zero CC while even inquisitors do. They and just about every other class have a knockback.

We have smash that looks like a knockback but simply just damages like the other attacks.

I can´t be the only one who think it would be nice if Smash actually smashed them away a bit so we don´t get owned in a group of 4-7 mobs surrounding us.


Yes I´m one of those who think mara is underpowered...

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Yeah, sure. Make the highest damage ability we have, as a melee class, blast people away from us. Just what a melee class needs.

Face meet palm. Stop asking for abilities we do not need.


You're so shortsighted & smash is you're highest damaging ability?


Edit: Ah rage, lolz.

Edited by Kodokai
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Yeah, sure. Make the highest damage ability we have, as a melee class, blast people away from us. Just what a melee class needs.

Face meet palm. Stop asking for abilities we do not need.


1. Smash is NOT our highest damage ability. I deal more damage with vicious slash ffs.


2. I´m not asking for more abilities, I´m just asking for an improvement in one of those we already have.


Being able to knock back people can be useful sometimes, like when you are surrounded by 3- 8 guys just hammering on you.


I´m just saying that I´m tired of people knocking me away/off ledges and not being able to do the same.

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I've seen your other posts/vomit you hurl all over the forums. You're a mediocre player at best who doesn't understand mechanics or just has no clue regarding pvp. Rage is our best pvp spec, it's not something you can argue.

Seeing as you're obsessed with quoting me and you're just dying for a response here ya go lol. Now please, no more comments from the peanut gallery.

Edited by Kricys
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I've seen your other posts/vomit you hurl all over the forums. You're a mediocre player at best who doesn't understand mechanics or just has no clue regarding pvp. Rage is our best pvp spec, it's not something you can argue.

Seeing as you're obsessed with quoting me and you're just dying for a response here ya go lol. Now please, no more comments from the peanut gallery.


Lmao, you know nothing but its pretty cute seeing you try & flame.


Edit: Feel free to make a video & pm me with the upload link if you think you're some of prodigy

Edited by Kodokai
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you do know what people are laughing about with you saying force choke last 6 seconds is that its a 3 second channeled spell


Sorry bout that. For me it always felt longer.

But still it´s off-topic so can we stop talking about it?!


I shouldn´t be writing when I´m tired...

Edited by Ramonihil
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Sorry bout that. For me it always felt longer.

But still it´s off-topic so can we stop talking about it?!


dw i wasn't mocking you its a honest mistake to make.


on subject thou smash is the highest dmg i have in rage spec having it knock people away would be a pain for me thou as i don't want to chase them to do more attacks but then it may be different as for you as i play a jug

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Ok ok forget I made this thread and go on with your life then.


My point was that it felt a little unfair not having knockback but if it upsets you that much then I´m not gonna write more...ok?! Happy now?!!


Sounds like you need a hug.

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Ok ok forget I made this thread and go on with your life then.


My point was that it felt a little unfair not having knockback but if it upsets you that much then I´m not gonna write more...ok?! Happy now?!!


It was a fair request, however i would of made it about intim roar > non-bod ;)

Edited by Kodokai
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dw i wasn't mocking you its a honest mistake to make.


on subject thou smash is the highest dmg i have in rage spec having it knock people away would be a pain for me thou as i don't want to chase them to do more attacks but then it may be different as for you as i play a jug


I understand what you mean but what you described is what is happening to me all the time.

I run up to someone and start the killing when they do some uber skill that either makes them faster than me or they leap across the map to someone else. I then use force charge and does around 2-3 attacks and get knocked away.

When I finally are in range to attack I have to wait for cooldowns/build rage all over again.

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Yeah, sure. Make the highest damage ability we have, as a melee class, blast people away from us. Just what a melee class needs.

Face meet palm. Stop asking for abilities we do not need.


Why aren't we BFFs?



On topic:


No. If we get ANYTHING we should get Force Pull and heavy armor back (since we had it in beta to begin with) and I, personally, would like to see Disruption a school-wide lockout and Savage Kick turned into a knockdown/stun. And to be honest that's being a tad greedy.




video call out "hotshot"


I need to see this /popcorn

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