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Why should I play Sniper over Sorceror


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Why should you play a sniper over a sorcerer?



...Because you might want to?


It's really as simple as that, unless your a super powergamer and absolutely MUST have the absolute BEST, in which case you're kinda screwed, because Snipers apparently have the best single target DPS and sorcerers are kinda a bit of everything.

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Why? Dat gun.


And for PvP you are WAY more low profile, if youre sneaky you can almost be invisible to most players. Pick a small name, use objects to hide behind(not just cover), and target assist. 80% youre completely ignored in a fight, the other 20% are the players who arnt complete idiots. I pulled those numbers out of my *** and thats against PUGs, which is likely what youll be doing most of the time because otherwise you would have gone with what your guild needed.


Seriously, lightning and glowsticks are very notable. That alone makes a HUGE difference in how often you get targeted.


And cover. I mean I hate it myself, mostly because I dont have a perfect connection, but if you learn to use it properly its amazing.


Edit: Cover can be used to completely avoid a lot of ranged attacks. I mean knockdowns and DoTs get through, and melee who see you can ruin your day(you can still kite btw), but since Snipers are so underplayed and most people never get passed level ~20 with them nobody really knows how to counter them properly.


Im not saying theyre OP compared to Sorcs, just that there are reasons for playing one over a Sorc.


lol our level 36 skill which is essentially a clone of force lightning does signficantly less damage w/o the snare. Roll sorc or another char until they fix the class


So wait, different classes that arnt mirrors dont have the exact same skills?!? MADNESS!

Edited by Achromatis
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And for PvP you are WAY more low profile, if youre sneaky you can almost be invisible to most players. Pick a small name, use objects to hide behind(not just cover), and target assist. 80% youre completely ignored in a fight


This is an ace reason. I have found that people seem to fixate on the tracer missile/force lightning coming their way and tend to igore the person crouched in the corner with the big gun. I think when we finaly get accurate combat logs people are going to get a surprise over who it was who was actualy causing the big dmg hits on them.


And plus sniper very cool class :)

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Are you people kidding? Everybody and there brother has a glowstick. Nobody cares.


I'm constantly targetted by multiple parties the second I show my face. I think it's pure luck of the draw - if you get a smart team, they focus fire, and tend to take out easy targets first.



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