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Best Companion for a Sith Juggernaut?


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Nah im vengance build and i use vette, i just blow **** up. I mean once i get jeasa i am prolly gunna carry her around just because. But Vette is by far my favorite companion character in this game so far shes great comic relife in those tense dramatic sith warrior story points xD
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I think for me it comes down to Vette or Jaesa Willsaam for speed of killing or Malavai Quinn for some added survivability. But really this just all seems like which companion do you want to drag along for the ride. Personally Broonmark looks kind of interesting not sure on his usefulness though.
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I've leveled twice as Immortal spec Jug to 50. Used Vette or Jaesa 99% of the time. There is literally nothing you have to kill doing all the general and story quests where having the healer Companion is a better choice. All it offers is psychological comfort. The heal Companions do very little damage, since they will cast a heal or channel one if you're hurt at all (as in even if you are only 1 hp below max health). If you're not hurt at all, then you are blowing through mobs in a matter of a second or two. In which case their added damage was completely pointless. With our plethora of defensive cooldowns, and smart use of health stims, there is literally nothing that requires you to have a healer while soloing, including soloing some 2-man Heroics.


Jaesa will snare at times, allowing you to use Savage Kick without wasting a GCD on casting a snare yourself, but Vette....is over all a tad better imo due to her aoe attacks.

Edited by revial
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Been keeping my fingers crossed that I won't regret going artifice instead of Biochem.


Here's a newb question: How do you put Vette's stuff on autocast? I see her doing her moves without prompting, but is there something you do to turn it on/off?

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Been keeping my fingers crossed that I won't regret going artifice instead of Biochem.


Here's a newb question: How do you put Vette's stuff on autocast? I see her doing her moves without prompting, but is there something you do to turn it on/off?


Usually right clicking the ability is the standard way, at least in previous MMO's. I am guessing it's the same here.

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Here's a newb question: How do you put Vette's stuff on autocast? I see her doing her moves without prompting, but is there something you do to turn it on/off?


Can also open your ability tab, choose companion and r click on the ability

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Depends on the situation. Vette and Jaesa are what I normally use. But Quinn when geared up right is just as useful, especially with elites and up, the heals are very useful. Very good when you don't need the downtime post-fight. Need to break out my tanks and relearn how to use them though. Also, moddable gear is a must. Vette's blasters that I could pick up as a quest reward was never moddable. There are several for Jaessa and Quinn that are, and the ones they get in the begining are as well. And yes, I've burned a good number of creds and commendations on getting my companions geared up. :D
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Before 30 it doesnt matter.


Post 30 if DPS specced you need Quinn as healer otherwise you will be healing after every fight and those fights will push you close to death.


Tank specced take any DPS companion, or Quinn for elites.


Yes unfortunately as DPS your heavy armor feels like paper so you are pretty much forced to use Quinn.

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Before 30 it doesnt matter.


Post 30 if DPS specced you need Quinn as healer otherwise you will be healing after every fight and those fights will push you close to death.


Tank specced take any DPS companion, or Quinn for elites.


Yes unfortunately as DPS your heavy armor feels like paper so you are pretty much forced to use Quinn.

I'm lvl 47 and I haven't used quinn since tatooine. Yes I do get low health more often, and at times have to send companion in first to soak a bit of dmg, but Jaesa has worked perfectly fine for me (used pierce last couple levels purely bc I needed affection with him and jaesa is capped, but that was actually worse than using jaesa bc stuff took longer to die).

Edit: To add forgot to mention, lvl 47 vengeance spec, not tank spec.

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I'm 44, and I have only ever used Vette.


Things are getting pretty tough now, but it's still doable. I have Vette in single dps mode and then also have the AOE toggled, so she will aggro mobs, so I don't take much damage other then the mobs I attack.


Elites I have some problems, but it really depends. Some elites are tough, others are easy. If you're specced into the improved force leap, which gets you a damage reduction buff for a few seconds (and later on free force scream), it helps to use force push on the elites (away from mobs) then get that extra force leap in.


I'm sure it would be better to use Quinn, but I just got max Synthweaving and spent all my money training, so I have zero cash to buy gear for him.


EDIT: I'm not sure the name of my spec, I know it's the Jugg only spec and is in the middle.

Edited by bfishback
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And i bet you have to heal after every fight yes? :)


Less downtime = more fun for me.


Using completely anecdotal information -- Fighting three fights and healing between versus completing two fights in the same timespan with no "downtime" using Quinn is a no-brainer for me. I use Jaessa.

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