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Surname ...ANNOYING... Bad application of a cool idea


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Let me start by saying that I understand the Surname and Family tree idea.

I think it will make for cool role play to be able to build up a family filled with multiple disciplines.


But really, what good is it? I mean, if I create 4 Chiss characters with different disciplines that are in the same family, I can't play any 2 of them at the same time!

And what happens if I make Daddy a Zab and Mom a Cyborg? Will BioWare give me a Cyborg Zab type that I can use to make my son the Agent?


OK, so the logic is a fail!


Then comes the simple annoyance of trying to find a name that will fit all of my characters. After all, no two of them are the same race and I have both Empire and Republic types (boy won't that make for drama in the above scenario).

So I decided not to give myself a surname just yet. I figured, I'll just close the window and take some time to think about it.

OH HELL NO! Every time I get on and off my ship, finish a space mission, enter a new zone... **** this is annoying! The dame Surname window pops up every f'n time!!!


Someone at BioWare has TERRIBLE foresight! TERRIBLE

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Then just pick a name at random (to get rid of the prompt) and don't use the feature. Problem solved.


That's what I did, I think mine is "icantchangethis".


it will be changed if they ever allow that option.


People complain about the dumbest crap these days.


What's the matter? Someone stole your sweet roll?



Edited by psychotronic
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Let me start by saying that I understand the Surname and Family tree idea.

I think it will make for cool role play to be able to build up a family filled with multiple disciplines.


But really, what good is it? I mean, if I create 4 Chiss characters with different disciplines that are in the same family, I can't play any 2 of them at the same time!

And what happens if I make Daddy a Zab and Mom a Cyborg? Will BioWare give me a Cyborg Zab type that I can use to make my son the Agent?


OK, so the logic is a fail!


Then comes the simple annoyance of trying to find a name that will fit all of my characters. After all, no two of them are the same race and I have both Empire and Republic types (boy won't that make for drama in the above scenario).

So I decided not to give myself a surname just yet. I figured, I'll just close the window and take some time to think about it.

OH HELL NO! Every time I get on and off my ship, finish a space mission, enter a new zone... **** this is annoying! The dame Surname window pops up every f'n time!!!


Someone at BioWare has TERRIBLE foresight! TERRIBLE


Don't claim someone else has bad logic when you can't even exercise it properly yourself. It looks foolish. Also, your interpretation how something works is not factual as you cannot speak for why they are doing what they are doing.

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Yeah the whole 'family name' thing was laughable, i've seen surnames (and naming in general) done a lot better in other MMOG's.


Unfortunately it's what we're stuck with and isn't likely to change. I managed to find a name i could atleast use on some of my characters, one that isn't bound by blood relations but rather an event that changed all their lives. The rest i just use as the legacy option under my name.

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I tend to agree with the OP.

Its not even about the legacy name, but the window popping up EVERY time you load a window.

Some people really wanne make the effort to find themself a good name and that can take time. Why not give the option to turn it 'on hold' for a while until you found the name you want?

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In regards to the family tree, Bioware said our characters could be parent/child, spouses, cousins, siblings, or family friends. Ever heard of adoption? You can have 2 of your characters (say a chiss and a rattataki) be married and have a son (say a zabrak) just fine and explain it away with adoption. The idea of a family within the game doesn't necessarily mean everyone is blood related. Look at the Mandalorians. Each clan considers themselves family (like the Ordo clan, etc), but they're often different species or at least unrelated by blood. Our characters are no different. Change "family" name to "clan" name if it bothers you so much and you can't think outside of the "must be blood related" box. :rolleyes: Families are more than those related by blood.


As for the surname itself, I think way too many are fussing over it. I don't play on an RP server. I don't RP at all. All of my character names are fairly Star Wars-y and the last name I picked fits them just fine. Maybe don't pick names like Bright Light or Lolzdum Imbad and then wonder why it looks stupid with the rest of your toons. Frankly, everyone has plenty of time from level 1 to 32 (or whenever they finish chapter 1) to think of a surname they want. Doesn't take much to spot the legacy tab while placing talent points. This is like new parents who know they have 6 months or better to think of a name for their child but screw around instead. Then the kid is born and they're running around like headless chickens trying to think of a name only to just go with Baby or Lolaccident or something. :rolleyes:


You had the time to come up with a surname befitting your toons from that server. You procrastinated and now you have to either live with the screen popping up every time you zone or live with whatever you typed in until Bioware implements legacy name changes or you reroll on another server. There's really no one else to blame but yourself.

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