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Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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I play a lvl 50 dirty fighting gunslinger that is valor rank 61 and love it a lot. It is great at preventing people from capturing nodes and planting bombs on the doors. Sometimes running around dotting every enemy you see is the best way to help your team while other times focusing fire on a single enemy is the best solution especially if that enemy is trying to kill your healer. Dirty fighting is definitely a very energy consuming spec so you have to play smart or you will drain your energy far too soon. My friend plays a more sharpshooter/ saboteur hybrid template and he dominates with his template when our other friend is healing for him. He once reached 600k damage in a match of voidstar. The highest I have ever reached as a dirty fighting spec is 495k damage. The map i do the less damage on is the civil war because i do tend to stay and defend a node and don't just blindly try to find where all the action is happening at. That said I can pretty much do 300k damage on both voidstar and huttball easily by just dotting everyone up and following through on enemies who seem to be a big threat against my team. Personally, the biggest threat to gunslingers and snipers imho is marauders and sentinels. They are definitely the hardest class for me to counter and solo. I find taking on tanks without healers a lot more easier if you keep your distance and kite appropriately and only setup in cover when you are ready to try for the last burst to finish the tank off.
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I played a Sniper in PvP a lot; it's a great class that can easily take down tough classes in no time (though I'm never able to beat Shadows that hit on me). However, there's not really a reason to choose one when you can choose a Mercenary/Commando that can almost do the same damage in the same time as a sniper, with more surviability; Just crouch and poop rockets.
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/slapsface I swear noone reads before they post. There is no other ranged class that can do the dps of a Slinger/Sniper.


Those who keep saying that a commando and sage can put out the same dps as slingers are just straight wrong or completely misinformed.


"Here's a question for you. Why wouldn't you just go Scoundrel because this is there fighting style plus stealth and some heals just in case. With dots and movement there is no burst damage. Dots only really work on other gunslingers and sniper since all other classes have easy ways to purge them on short cool downs. "


First of DF sucks for scoundrel for many reason but basically becasue you have a 10meter range for most of your attacks which is kinda off for melee, i've seen people use if but the other specs are better for pvp.


I wasn't aware that ALL classes have a "purge" on a short cooldown amazing how i must have missed that. The heal specs can spec to remove two negative effects with a relatively short cooldown. And if they waste a purge on my dot then gg i have done my job and can reapply that dot whenever.


DF has ridiculous burst...just because its a dots spec doesn't mean Wounding shots doesn't hit hella hard. Two dots +sab charge and Wounding shots will put a hurt on any class.

Edited by Mcfree
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Here is how we know the Cover System is bad.


Because it exists in another game called Rift, and it's 10x better there, but isn't used because it's ****.


Places a temporary field at the Mage's location for 3 minutes. While the Mage remains within the field, their magical resistances are increased by 60, armor is increased by 70%, they deal 10% less damage and are immune to control effects. Does not stack with Glyphs of Power.


That's Rift version of Cover.


Do you know how many people use Ground of Strength? Pretty much zero, Because everyone who's played a mage knows standing in place in that game gets you killed.


The only time the ability was used, Was in it gave a HUGE flat damage reduction, and let you proc stuns that didn't have DR against the targets.


That's how bad the Cover system is, You need all of what I just said to make it good in PvP.

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Good idea to remove acc as a marksman, really.


Yes, it is a good idea... I currently have 102% acc and 86% Surge, I used to be a nubcake and have 110% acc and like 61% surge. Woohoo having only like 50% chance to be dodged by failward instead of 58% sure worths 25% crit damage loss on EVERY crit. NOT!


Accuracy is useless, it does jack **** against tanks and +50/100% defense abilities and it is completely useless against those who do not dodge **** to begin with like Mercs and such.


Surge, on the other hand is good all around for everything and on average it is much better than power, especially in PvP.




You don't have to be Einstein to figure out that having more burst and damage ALL the time is much better in PvP than not getting dodged once in a blue while, because you stack Accuracy.

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its a class that requires a lot of skill , and JUST THE RIGHT setup, anything short of that its horrible


it is NOT a good class to get medals with, however, played right, it can be devastating and you do have to use EVERY i do mean EVERY SINGLE SKILL you have to come out ahead....


man, it feels like playing my elemental shaman again....


that said, i love alderaan, lots of positions to take cover and snipe stuff from, voidstar is ok for snipers, but huttball we are not very good , just position yourself in high ground and snipe stuff, forget about carrying the ball, most often i support by snaring and blinding , debuffing for my teammates along with looking out for low health players that i can snipe+takedown

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Oh yeah sorry, I was talking from sharpshooter / markmanship's point of view, which is pretty sad when it comes to tanks. I honestly haven't tried the aoe spec, but maybe I just have to take your word on how well it does against good geared tank classes...


Out of curiosity, you must get facerolled by commando's and sages with that spec though? Being able to beat sorcs is one of the perks of the sharpshooter build. :)


Tracer round/grav round spammer it gets down to the wire at times... popping ballistic shield often saves me if its just them, otherwise, its gone.


Sorcs/Sages? Cake walk... pure and simple. Explosive probe and ambush together just completely destroys their shield and from there, series of shots, DoTs, a snipe or two maybe? They don't last long even if trying to heal. Best they can do is run away basically or have support.

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Here is how we know the Cover System is bad.


Because it exists in another game called Rift, and it's 10x better there, but isn't used because it's ****.


Places a temporary field at the Mage's location for 3 minutes. While the Mage remains within the field, their magical resistances are increased by 60, armor is increased by 70%, they deal 10% less damage and are immune to control effects. Does not stack with Glyphs of Power.


That's Rift version of Cover.


Do you know how many people use Ground of Strength? Pretty much zero, Because everyone who's played a mage knows standing in place in that game gets you killed.


The only time the ability was used, Was in it gave a HUGE flat damage reduction, and let you proc stuns that didn't have DR against the targets.


That's how bad the Cover system is, You need all of what I just said to make it good in PvP.


Did you not play Rift during the Pyro months? Do you know how over-powered Ground of Strength was originally? It was often referred to as the "Ground of Skill", as entering it would immediately allow the mage to get 8-9k crits, no problem.


The ability got nerfed heavily after the outrage of the community. That's why nobody uses it anymore. After the nerf, mages found a new spec. Happens all the time in every mmo. Your point proves nothing, other than you started playing Rift pretty late.

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Tracer round/grav round spammer it gets down to the wire at times... popping ballistic shield often saves me if its just them, otherwise, its gone.


really? Why don't you interrupt them once, then blind them once. 2 casts wasted and it's still a close fight for you? What the heck are you doing man...

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really? Why don't you interrupt them once, then blind them once. 2 casts wasted and it's still a close fight for you? What the heck are you doing man...


It entirely depends on if they are the one button wonder ones, or if they actually use their other attacks linked to those ones... most on my server these days have been the latter, and frankly? Yeah, most people aren't going to beat those ones. Especially when they decide to use their "lets make this instant cast" ability.


Trust me, I already do what you stated if they aren't on cooldown, but not every fight is going to have me notice them before they get a hit in and every little bit counts with an attack that strong.

Edited by Kuari
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It's a good class. It's a fun class. It takes talent to play. The no cover on root thing is a problem I wish they would fix. You have to be very good at using your CC's to survive.


We hit very hard, but I think we deserve it considering how much more skill it requires for us to do DPS while keeping ourselves alive.

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Where did all you people who know what you are talking about come from! Thank God! I was losing my faith in humanity there for a second... :D


My biggest complaint about Crouch is that it doesn't work in many places, close to ledges, eneven ground, and the like. But if you learn how to avoid these spots it really can be pretty awesomesauce.

Edited by Mcfree
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Cover sucks, i see a gunslinger/sniper in cover i just run out off his range, then all those fancy things he got is no good now, are they?


They are.


  1. Because you run out of them they prevent you from doing what you want.
  2. Channeled abilities continue even if you get out of range in the middle of their casting time.
  3. As the range is 35, you 'd better run fast or jump over the walls...otherwise BAM!


In its current state the Gunsliger is fine and a lot of fun !

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Did you not play Rift during the Pyro months? Do you know how over-powered Ground of Strength was originally? It was often referred to as the "Ground of Skill", as entering it would immediately allow the mage to get 8-9k crits, no problem.


The ability got nerfed heavily after the outrage of the community. That's why nobody uses it anymore. After the nerf, mages found a new spec. Happens all the time in every mmo. Your point proves nothing, other than you started playing Rift pretty late.


A. I played Rift during the Pyromancer Months, I have a Rank 8 Mage, I ran the spec even before the "pyro months" back when you could do Pyro/Necro (bet ya didn't think of that one) and all the Warriors running around Titan Striking would instantly die when they jumped into my death field because you could Throw down Grave Rot and Fire Storm ontop of yourself and chain lockdown the entire group of enemies because even Grave Rot procced the 2 second non dr stun.


B. If you have no clue how the original Ground of Strength worked, don't speak of it, GoS didn't allow mages to get 8-9k Crits, GoS was a Stun Proc, CC immunity, damage Reduction, It did not increase damage in any way what so ever. If you wanted to get the 8k and 9k Crits, You got this thing called Red Bauble, that every nub ignored. It basically allowed you to run over everyone else with even without needing GoS to be quite honest, I mean when I could run up and one shot both your healers back to back, and kill your entire team in under 10 seconds, GoS wasn't needed.


C. To Further add my point of how GoS didn't have any effect on Pyromancer, I introduce you to the Stormcaller, Which allowed people like me to run grab the red bauble, and if you were stupid enough to clump, I could kill your entire team, in under 5 seconds. It didn't matter how good you were, It didn't matter what rank you were, If you clumped while a Warcaller (stormcaller/warlock build) was around and he had the bauble, Your entire group was dead.


point being, No one uses GoS anymore, they stopped using it after its massive damage reduction and stun was removed. In it's present form, It's still vastly superior to the Cover system of SWTOR, and no one uses it in Rift.


In closing, Don't speak to me when you have no clue how Rift worked it seems, As not only did you not know **** about GoS, you don't understand what my original post was in the first place.

Edited by Xsorus
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I LOVE MY GS. It's a ton of fun, and he does massive damage. I think everyone is right, the reason you don't see many is because in order to be useful, you have to utilize practically every skill you have. Which is fine by me. I'm usually the only NON-force user in WZ's.


Oh, and stop ************ about cover, it's fine, just learn to use it right. Duh.

Edited by WaffleStomp
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Snipers seem to be affected by Expertise more than most. Maybe that's because they are affected by armor, shields, absorption and defense more than most classes (whose abilities tend to bypass these).


Snipers, perhaps moreso than any other class, are dependent upon positioning. They are also the squishiest class, and tossing them into a melee means a fast death with little hope of them defending themselves. As a result, I'd personally, I'd like to see two tweaks:


1) Cover should provide immunity to knockbacks (like force pull, you should have to stun me first in order to move me).


2) Cover Pulse should be renamed "Pulse" and no longer require cover (all other classes with knockback can use it immediately).


That's all for starters. Depending on how the class looked a few weeks later, I'd consider gradually making a few of their non-Snipe ranged abilities deal kinetic damage instead of weapon damage in order to put Snipers on the same playing field as all the other classes.


The key is to do it gradually. I'd hate to see Bioware make the mistake other games often make in making the worst class in PVP suddenly the best and therefore FOTM class.

Edited by Yozbick
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Yozbick I like both you suggestions above. Although I don't "hate" cover like a lot of people, it really does need to be streamlined.


Do you really feel that slingers/snipers are so squish? My Gunnery commando with battlemaster feels really squishy when i take ona sniper.


And of course the outdps me considerably...

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One other thing that has irked me as a Sniper...


Why in the heck is "Headshot" not usable at all times as a Sniper?

What's the one signature of Snipers, no matter what presentation you're looking at them in? It's the idea of the "headshot" kills.


Plus, it'd be nice to have another attack to use rather than Laze Target->Explosive Probe->Snipe->Ambush->Followthrough->Snipe->Snipe->Followthrough->Takedown.

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