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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


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all this may have been said already, oh well.


my pvp buddy (a healer sorc) agrees with me on these:


1)expertise is stilted heavily to healers (damage and healing output with damage reduction)

2)lack of silences or "school" lockout interrupts is bad.


this applies to the classes that heal in general, whether specced to damage or heal because they dont lose enough of the other (most times). maybe rather their trees dont increase what they spec enough. (e.g. if a sorc bubble was so small it wasnt worth a dd using however a talent increased its absorb 300% to make it a heal spec "only" ability)


a couple ideas, not necessarily all at the same time:


1)a)healing decreases damage output

1)b)damaging decreases healing output


2)one effect of expertise removed (each advanced class gets 2 only, maybe)


3)interrupts lockout casts of the same type, not one spell


4)cast time debuffing abilities


obviously some numbers may be out of touch but straight number nerfs dont feel like thats what the game needs right now, to me.

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skill lockouts are much better....require a lot more thinking in the use of your interrupt



and idk what planet you are on but I fake cast my FL all the time


mostly against ranged interrupts because if a melee is on me I basically lose with my current gear situation, but that is a whole other thread.

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skill lockouts are much better....require a lot more thinking in the use of your interrupt



and idk what planet you are on but I fake cast my FL all the time


mostly against ranged interrupts because if a melee is on me I basically lose with my current gear situation, but that is a whole other thread.


Why though, being locked out of force lightning means literally nothing, it's a filler move and you shouldn't be using it with someone on you anways.

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Fine as it is. most CC offers interrupts without the lockout if you need it while your interrupt is on cooldown.


My Powertech has:


Interrupt - 4 sec lockout, 6 sec cd

PBAoE stun - interrupt & 2.5 sec stun, 30 sec cd (i think)

Single target ranged stun - interrupt & 4 sec stun, 60 sec cd (i think)

Jet Charge - interrupt & 3 sec immobalise, 10 sec cd

Grapple - Interrupt & 3 sec immobalise - 30 sec cd (less sure about the cd on this one than the others)


I can usually manage.

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Why though, being locked out of force lightning means literally nothing, it's a filler move and you shouldn't be using it with someone on you anways.


so if I've out played an assassin and have miles of space with full DoT's up, I should just stand there and let him get to me nty i'll be spamming FL and juking his interrupt kthx


plus....FL generates Wrath procs for instant CL's and CD's it is more than just a filler.

Edited by Entropylol
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so if I've out played an assassin and have miles of space with full DoT's up, I should just stand there and let him get to me nty i'll be spamming FL and juking his interrupt kthx


If you're spamming force lightning with an assassin on you then you've got way bigger things to worry about than interrupts.



And even if you've got full dots up, is your slow applied, is your bubble off cd, is shock off cd, is wrath procced, is overload off cd, is creeping terror off cd, is electorocute off cd, is cyclone off cd?


99% of the time, yes, yes they will be, and you shouldn't be standing there spamming force lightning anyways. There is literally no reason to juke an interrupt on a sorcerer.

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I was thinking to go with wow's solution and something like this, but I don't think Bio categorized skills like that at all, so I'm not quite sure how they would pull that off.



And I'm just brainstorming here, 4 seconds is just what the lockout is right now and I think it would be better if it applied to multiple skills.


WoW's solution was to lock you out from that school of spells you were interrupted from. The problem is, Sorcs have one school that's pretty much nothing but instant cast DoTs. Locking them out of the lightning tree wouldn't be much different from how it is now, you're basically just locking them out of casting FL.

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WoW's solution was to lock you out from that school of spells you were interrupted from. The problem is, Sorcs have one school that's pretty much nothing but instant cast DoTs. Locking them out of the lightning tree wouldn't be much different from how it is now, you're basically just locking them out of casting FL.



Well Bio hasn't really put damage spells into different schools like wow did, just because it has a lightning animation doesn't make lightning it's own school

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