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Basically this kid realized he could not hack it in SW:TOR and decided to make a calculated move to go back to his sweat spot in WoW streaming. :D



It's quite apparent about inability to adapt when he is frustrated about Ops owning him and also mentions nameplates? and healing. Meanwhile good players don't seem to have a problem with adapting and being impact player as healer. Most of the points he brings up are rehashed & negligible cause they occur to various extent in all MMO's. The one point I totally agree with him is Ilum which is bar none the worst design I have seen too.


But it boggles the mind the amount of nitpicking when WoW is STILL revamping PvP .... /facepalm and Blizz can't make up their mind after all these years of bad balancing. To mention a game which looks aged and running out of ideas ( Panda ) only points to agenda.


All he did was point out that nothing in this game works aside from pve story line questing. PVP is broken. Resists and mitiation is broken. Stats are broken. The pvp gear system is dung. People are just not having fun. How many times have you raided? On top of pvp being a pile NONE of the raids work. They are all super bugged and aggrovating as all hell. Its amazing that the beta was one of the most expesive of all time and the game released the most incomplete of all time.


I have to agree with everything he said. We pvp players spend more time fighting against broken and poorly implimented features then we do the other faction.

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Maybe 10% of what he says is good poin. The other 90% are...irrelevant and his opinion.


PvP grind? Winning 3 WZs/30 kills-armaments daily? Shocker. And yes, BM gear is only small advancemet over champion, and yes, there should be a bit better system for bag thingy (no centurion gear just champion (centurion for different looks) and champion comm trade ins for duplicates/triplicates/multiple same slot drops) or greatly reduced cost for centurion gear (prolly by half if not more).

Edited by GrandMike
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Pfff....where to start. Ok...first off I don't get the concept of gear grinding at all and by comparison wow is the same tomato/tomato reference, there should be diversity in end gaming , seeing as I don't really have the time to get into that and give some examples I'll just mention one thing...player created missions :D(not exclusively to end game). Anyway this 30 min rant was just that for me...a rant, a rage by any other name, I for one saw no reliable arguments by comparing it to this so called "WoW perfection". For example where are these so called "fun skills" in WoW, my experience with this game in term of animations is a "floating number paradigm", I didn't even get to see my character move his hands anymore. It's true the animation delay isn't working, Bioware tried to implement a collision system in combat that kinda' headbutts with the fast pvp mechanics...my two cents, not that it matters in the vastness of internet foruming, change the pvp pace, I'm sure there are reasonable solutions out there. Last but not least don't see how analyzing another game can sprout a perfectly balanced new game in terms of classes, pvp and what not. When you develop skills for classes you generally base them on lore,class framework and it takes a lot of testing beyond the alpha and beta stages so this isn't really something you can just borrow from other games,it's really not the same math going into different games...why would you even compare balance issues between a game just on the market and games polished over years. I get it certain mechanics can be analyzed and implemented from other games but class balance, c'mon give that some thought would you, or better yet you do the math(and by math I mean the whole shabang not basic arithmetic,...asymptotic values, algorithm complexities...I'm just showing off now :p ) for let's say 4 classes taking into account every variable and let me know what you come up with :rolleyes:. Ah now I'm ranting...I'll leave it at that. Sorry for the rage, it just ticks me off that most people don't realize the amount of brain work it takes to create something close to this. I once had to make a simple gps program with a graphical interface with a group of 24 people divided into subgroups, belive me it's hard work for the average person, I dunno it may be childs play for the geniuses out there.





P.S. For the record I have nothing against WoW, I played WoW for it's lore as I play Swtor for it's lore and story and I loved/love both experiences. Both games mmorpg mechanics annoy me to be honest :D, but then again I'm mostly a single player gamer and would have preferred Kotor 3. I just didn't think this guys arguments as being arguments...oh well...cheers again!

Edited by ParvuEduard
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rating in wow means nothing.


ratings means a bunch of scrubs picking the most OP class's and gearing them out thinkign they got skills lol



wow is utter crap and comparing star wars to it was a joke


even in swtors current state it craps all over wow

i think you are the most stupid person in this game. plus your sig is soooo retarded i dont even know what to say. what are you like 10? your every single post is a rant of some sort and you make this stupid awful threads and you clearly have no idea how mmos should work.

just look at his posts/topics. gl in your like tho. you probably have no friends.



even tho sacred is a bit too much wow happy hes got a point. i think priority should be fixing UI-targeting and performance in pvp environments.

oh and about grinding. yes pvp gear should not be hard to obtain. current system favours only nolifers and thats not acceptable just like rng bags arent.

Edited by chromakeyz
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By the way just talking is wasting peoples time and misusing video. Sure it might take longer to write the same points out, it would take a tiny fraction of the time for the viewers/readers to digest it. It is both lazy and rude


If something was being shown or demonstrated then video is fine. If someone is ranting about the game verbally write it out

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I stopped watching when he compared it to WOW (a 10year old game that has been refined, refined and refined again). Spoilt little wow brat can go back to his wow.



technology hasnt gotten no better over 10 years? people havent learned anything in the past 10 years? we arent playing wow from 10 years ago.

Edited by Wrakk
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technology hasnt gotten no better over 10 years? people havent learned anything in the past 10 years? we arent playing wow from 10 years ago.


It has but I get the feeling you don't quite know what you are talking about, no offense. What are these new technological gimmicks that you would like to see implemented?

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technology hasnt gotten no better over 10 years? people havent learned anything in the past 10 years? we arent playing wow from 10 years ago.


If you think game companies release games in a "perfect" state, then you are sadly mistaken. Companies release "bare bones" games to ensure the money starts rolling in. They then "fix" the game after to ensure people keep paying their subs. Its a business for bioware...nothing more.


Wow was no different. After 10 years of "fixes" expansions and tweaks, it is in a FAR better state then when it was released.

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You don't get it -----> But WHY do you try to compare the START of this game with the START of the game that came out 10 years ago??? Haven't programmers/devs/firms learned anything about mmo building/releasing in a span of decade?


Riddler, point is they got 500 mil $ invested into this game! 500! that has to count for something...I've even heard from some people that vanilla WoW didn't have as many bugs as this. I don't see how you can absolutely find a reason to justify any of this.


@Parvu, i don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that technology and skills around it have improved in last 10 years. Why do you think i should know EXACT details? Do you know them? If so, why don't you just phone Bioware and offer them your precious skills? It seems like they might need some 'pro' help :rolleyes:

Edited by Wrakk
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You don't get it -----> But WHY do you try to compare the START of this game with the START of the game old 10 years ago??? Haven't programmers/devs/firms learned anything in a span of decade?


@Parvu, i don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that technology and skills around it have improved in last 10 years. Why do you think i should know EXACT details? Do you know them? Ig so, why don't you just phone Bioware and offer them your precious skills?:rolleyes:


You're not really answering my posts but ok...what is there to learn , it's not so much about technology as it is about concepts. We've all seen different concepts from different games, whether or not they should be implemented is a matter of subjective thinking.


Edit: Oh sorry, you edited and answered :D

Edited by ParvuEduard
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You don't get it -----> But WHY do you try to compare the START of this game with the START of the game that came out 10 years ago??? Haven't programmers/devs/firms learned anything about mmo building/releasing in a span of decade?


Riddler, point is they got 500 mil $ invested into this game! 500! that has to count for something...I've even heard from some people that vanilla WoW didn't have as many bugs as this. I don't see how you can absolutely find a reason to justify any of this.


@Parvu, i don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that technology and skills around it have improved in last 10 years. Why do you think i should know EXACT details? Do you know them? If so, why don't you just phone Bioware and offer them your precious skills? It seems like they might need some 'pro' help :rolleyes:


I wasn't trying to insult you and I apologize if it seamed that way.

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all i hear is; "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" "world of warcraft" and so on.... have you ever played vanilla wow? hes right about whats wrong with the game, but dont compare it to a game that is out for years and pretty much polished to the last byte.
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i lol'ed when he said on the vid wow takes skill wo play hahahaha its one of the esiest mmo's ive ever played and the worst xD


Right, you never downed heroic raid's last boss or reached 2,6k rating if you think WoW is easy. If you haven't achieved that, how you can tell it's easy?..

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Basically this kid realized he could not hack it in SW:TOR and decided to make a calculated move to go back to his sweat spot in WoW streaming. :D



It's quite apparent about inability to adapt when he is frustrated about Ops owning him and also mentions nameplates? and healing. Meanwhile good players don't seem to have a problem with adapting and being impact player as healer. Most of the points he brings up are rehashed & negligible cause they occur to various extent in all MMO's. The one point I totally agree with him is Ilum which is bar none the worst design I have seen too.


But it boggles the mind the amount of nitpicking when WoW is STILL revamping PvP .... /facepalm and Blizz can't make up their mind after all these years of bad balancing. To mention a game which looks aged and running out of ideas ( Panda ) only points to agenda.

He has a valid point with nameplates - you can't target **** when there's cluster****, which is most of the time in zergfest warzones...

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